

Total Downloads: 11,685 - First Release: Jul 31, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 27, 2018

5/5, 81 likes
  1. great plugin, thanks for assistance
  2. It should be easy enough to make supplies true/false optional.
    I'll add that in to the next version.
    I was working on 'toplayer' spawns today. I think it's all done.

    Like airdrop bots, it'd be a one-shot spawn. I.E. When they're dead, they're dead.

    Thanks for the feedback. :)
  3. That would be perfect. I love the "surprise" factor and having players really fight over their supply drops. Muahaha.. :p
  4. Why is my ServerLog spaming?


    (20:14:35) | Start generating cover points

    (20:14:35) | Finished generating 67 cover points in 0.3359375 seconds

    (20:14:36) | Start generating cover points

    (20:14:36) | Finished generating 9 cover points in 0.1171875 seconds

    (20:14:38) | Start generating cover points

    (20:14:38) | Finished generating 242 cover points in 0.1015625 seconds

    (20:14:39) | Start generating cover points

    (20:14:39) | Finished generating 20 cover points in 0.0625 seconds

    (20:14:40) | Start generating cover points

    (20:14:40) | Finished generating 88 cover points in 0.390625 seconds

    (20:14:41) | Start generating cover points

    (20:14:42) | Finished generating 39 cover points in 0.1875 seconds

    (20:14:43) | Start generating cover points

    (20:14:43) | Finished generating 10 cover points in 0.0390625 seconds

    (20:14:45) | Start generating cover points

    (20:14:46) | Finished generating 29 cover points in 0.3203125 seconds

    (20:14:50) | Start generating cover points

    (20:14:51) | Finished generating 26 cover points in 0.2421875 seconds

    (20:14:57) | Start generating cover points

    (20:14:58) | Finished generating 132 cover points in 0.484375 seconds

    (20:15:00) | Start generating cover points

    (20:15:01) | Finished generating 68 cover points in 0.328125 seconds

    (20:15:02) | Start generating cover points

    (20:15:02) | Finished generating 7 cover points in 0.109375 seconds
  5. you can thank FP for the debug log while they/us test out the new AI ;)
  6. I've no idea. I've never seen, or heard of, that before. ;)
  7. The only "problem" i seem to have is that when i used godmode to check on bots firing/patrol area or drop (gear) i found that they also had godmode on ? and i could not kill them , i assume it is because they have level 2 kits and therefore "assumed" god mode when i did ?
    Its not a big problem i shall have fun trying to check them without god mode on :)
    Great plugin and working well, all areas have different titles ("NASA Security" for launch site type of thing) and uniforms, i have all of them armed with Assault rifles and 500 rounds , they use them quite well and you can see them reloading when magazine is empty,
    As for the wandering and grouping i am used to it as Custom Animal spawn "spawns" do it and so do RadTownAnimal "spawns" , i have had up to six bears congregate next to a bridge over a river and 8 zombies in line coming towards me :) works well with Proximity Alert plugin which gives you a little warning, deaths show up in Deathnotes so all good,
    This plugin works great with CAS and a big surprise for looters, thanks for the hard work
  8. Another little issue is that the bots don't ignore you when you're invisible. I use the /vanish plugin, and they still see me and fire at me.
  9. Hey pookins,
    Thanks for the info and feedback!
    From what I've read Facepunch intend to tie bots to certain monuments themselves so it seems reasonable to hope for some sort of stray-radius or similar in the near future.
    As you say, though, it's not bad as-is, being that animals do the same thing.

    I'm not sure about your GodMode issue. I can certainly kill bots when I'm in GodMode but I'm not sure if my version is up to date.
    I can check details tomorrow, if you like.

    Regarding ammo...Maybe you meant the 5o0 rounds as a reward for Bot killers?
    If not, the bots themselves don't actually need ammo.
    They will reload as required but you only need to give them the gun. Their ammo seems to be free.
    I didn't code that in, fwiw. Seems to be just how they work, presumably so they aren't either limited, or extremely valuable, to players who kill them.

    Feedback has been great, folks. Thanks! :)
    Just found out I would need to handle this in BotSpawn. I'll look into it soon. :)
  10. Steenamaroo updated BotSpawn with a new update entry:


  11. ... works without any problems :) good job :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2017
  12. wont work after update error while compiling pluign
  13. Sorry, I edited the update info in afterwards.

    "config wipe or manual update required. *
    For manual edit, add the red text below, including preceding comma, at the end of the config 'Options' section.

    "Upper_Bot_Limit": 120,
    "Supply_Enabled": false
    It definitely compiles.
    Try with fresh config.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2017
  14. yeah i deleded everything now works sry ^^ i did it before that was strange thx for answer and great plugin
  15. No worries. TY Jango.

    Folks, I was thinking...When you do '/botspawn add customname', default bots are instantly spawned, but they don't respawn on-death because your new profile is, by default, set to false.

    So, basically, if you don't customise anything, they are a one-off spawn.

    Would it make more sense to have these new-location bots just not spawn until you manually edit your new location in data file + reload?
    I.E. They don't spawn until they're set up the way you want?
  16. I would say best practise is to have them spawn in once reloaded as then the chances of misconfiguration are significantly reduced.
  17. Steenamaroo updated BotSpawn with a new update entry:


  18. Thanks for the updates!!!! Just wondering when the spawn timers are gonna be messed with so i can spawn in a boss bot not on the same timers as the others.
  19. Damn. I forgot about that.
    I've made a note for next version. Ty.
  20. Steenamaroo updated BotSpawn with a new update entry:
