

Total Downloads: 42,618 - First Release: Feb 26, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 20, 2018

4.95699/5, 93 likes
  1. Any way for me to customize other crates? such as the purple, green, or any of the crates? Would be awesome to have some more choices.
    Would be nice to customize what can spawn in a purple crate, like an item, instead of it being the boring a like the usual loot. (Meaning its like the same as any other crate, which kind of makes it boring.) (For example, you could add an item like a Salvage icepick or hatchet, something different then just Components per-say?)
  2. like this?

    "Barrel": {
    "barrelTypes": "loot-barrel|loot_barrel|loot_trash",
    "enableBarrels": true,
    "enableScrapspawn": true,
    "maxItemsPerBarrel": 3,
    "minItemsPerBarrel": 1,
    "randomAmountBarrels": true,
    "refreshBarrels": false
  3. Hey, is there a way to modify dropchance of an item directly?
  4. think using that:

    "Rarity": {
    "Override": {
    "autoturret": 4,
    "lmg.m249": 4,
    "": 3
  5. As asked before, wanting separate item listing for military crates and purple
  6. For some reason maxitemspercrate does not work it spawns up to 6 each crate I find and the minimum does not work either
    and my supply drop add the "normal" items in them in combination of my items in the SupplyDrop.json I only want it to drop items from SupplyDrop.json

    "Barrel": {
    "barrelTypes": "loot-barrel|loot_barrel|loot_trash",
    "enableBarrels": true,
    "maxItemsPerBarrel": 3,
    "minItemsPerBarrel": 1,
    "refreshBarrels": false
    "Crate": {
    "crateTypes": "crate_normal|crate_tools|crate_normal_2_medical|crate_normal_2",
    "enableCrates": true,
    "maxItemsPerCrate": 3,
    "minItemsPerCrate": 1,
    "refreshCrates": true
    "Generic": {
    "dropWeaponsWithAmmo": true,
    "enforceBlacklist": false,
    "listUpdatesOnLoaded": true,
    "listUpdatesOnRefresh": false,
    "pluginEnabled": true,
    "refreshMinutes": 10,
    "removeStackedContainers": true,
    "seperateLootTables": true
    "HeliCrate": {
    "includeHeliCrate": true,
    "maxItemsPerHeliCrate": 4,
    "minItemsPerHeliCrate": 2,
    "useCustomTableHeli": true
    "Rarity": {
    "Override": {
    "autoturret": 4,
    "lmg.m249": 4,
    "": 3
    "SupplyDrop": {
    "includeSupplyDrop": true,
    "maxItemsPerSupplyDrop": 6,
    "minItemsPerSupplyDrop": 3,
    "useCustomTableSupply": true
  7. I have removed all of the unnecessary components like duct tape and bleach, but they still spawn in my server and its taking place of items I want to ?!spawn in these crates and barrels for my players, how do I actually fix this.

    Attached Files:

  8. blacklist - and dont tell me it wont work - dont belive look on my serwer.

    It works , if need help with that can show you my cfg - what you put in that spawns or drop it works good.
  9. Hello, I need help I have this problem when loading the plugin:

    (18:09:09) | Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'BetterLoot v2.13.1' (JsonReaderException: Invalid character after parsing property name. Expected ':' but got: 1. Path 'ItemList['pistol.m92']', line 33, position 18.)

    (18:09:09) | at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseProperty () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseObject () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    sorry , i solved :)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2017
  10. Hi I am trying to remove items from supply drop to stop dropping clothes and pointless stuff. I went into DATA and removed all the items I do NOT want in the supply drop and it still drops them in the supply drops. Any way to fix that?
  11. What did you exactly do in the dtaa file?
  12. I am currently trying to make supply drops better, anyway to do this? I have blacklisted so many items already, but it still drops pointless stuff that I still want people to be able to craft and such. Any other way to configure what comes out of a drop?
  13. The black is not really needed anymore, in case of the items you want to exclude from being dropped are not in the lists. The blacklist is an relict from the very very old version of BetterLoot. Simply do manage your items directly over the lists, and then you got only those being dropped.
  14. Where exactly would I see the list of what is being dropped?
  15. /data/BetterLoot/LootTable.json
  16. How to you change the Oil barrel settings?
  17. Ok, I figured it out. Thank you very much. One last thing, for the min and max items in the config file, it does not work properly. I have the min - 6 and max - 8 for the supply drops but it doesn't work.

    the - are not negatives

  18. I remove items I do not want and restart the server and still I keep getting the unwanted items.
  20. Why you you want the max/min to be negative???