

Total Downloads: 42,619 - First Release: Feb 26, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 20, 2018

4.95699/5, 93 likes
  1. wtf why BetterLoot not reading my setup ? i remove all weapons/guns and clothes from aidrops asnd it still spawn weapons,guns and clothes in airdrops...
  2. NM just saw you can't specialize by crate type.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2017
  3. Fujikura, I'm a bit confused. I may be reading both requests wrong so my apologies if I am. In this thread someone asked how to customize each type of box you said it's not supported. Then next person asked how to change the loot for military crates and you posted the information below. My question is, I don't want pipes, tech trash and things like that spawning in the large boxes. I do want them to spawn in Military Crates. I don't see how to do this in the default config file because under Crates it lists both crate_normal and crate_tools. If I remove crate_tools I can customize the loot table and it will not spawn pipes and tech trash in the boxes. But then how do I control what loot spawns only in the crate_tools? Same would apply then to the food crates. I only want food and water spawning in them.

    Is there a way to have more loot tables to identify with certain boxes?

    And how can i change the loot from militarycrates? This blue crated
    Code (Text):
  4. i've deleted the BetterLoot folder from Data... can some1 help me ?
    i did reinstalled the plugin and it only gave me the json file thingy
    edit:nvm, after few minutes i got the folder now , the questions below still apply <3 thanks!
    and also
    "ItemListCrate_Normal_2": {
    "gears": 4,
    "metalblade": 4,
    "metalpipe": 4,
    "propanetank": 4,
    "roadsigns": 4,
    "rope": 4,
    "semibody": 4,
    "sewingkit": 4,
    "sheetmetal": 4,
    "metalspring": 4,

    is this correct? do i have to write this in loottable if i want to have only this to spawn in the big boxes?
    and crate_normal is supposed to be the green one ?
    do i have to delete what it was there before and write this myself for every crate and what i want in?
    and also what are the meaning of the numbers ? rarity? and if so, is it counted from 1 as being rarest and higher to be not as rare?
    i just started yesterday i would like some help :-s
    thank you
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2017
  5. nvm...goanna buy it i guess
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2017
  6. How do you set it up to get scrap?
  7. just like anything in your loot table configs
    "scrap": ###,

    "scrap" should already be in nameslist as well.
  8. So even after changing my loot tables im still getting stuff that i dont have on my tables, ie wood. I also have it configured as
    "Barrel": {
    "barrelTypes": "loot-barrel|loot_barrel|loot_trash",
    "enableBarrels": true,
    "maxItemsPerBarrel": 1,
    "minItemsPerBarrel": 1,
    "randomAmountBarrels": true,
    "refreshBarrels": true

    But i keep getting 2 per barrel most times. Should i have randomamountbarrels as false?
  9. Go into \data\BetterLoot\ and configure those files
  10. already did.
  11. then show the configs
  12. {
    "Barrel": {
    "barrelTypes": "loot-barrel|loot_barrel|loot_trash",
    "enableBarrels": true,
    "maxItemsPerBarrel": 1,
    "minItemsPerBarrel": 1,
    "randomAmountBarrels": false,
    "refreshBarrels": true
    "Crate": {
    "crateTypes": "crate_normal|crate_tools",
    "enableCrates": true,
    "maxItemsPerCrate": 6,
    "minItemsPerCrate": 4,
    "randomAmountCrates": false,
    "refreshCrates": true
    "Generic": {
    "dropWeaponsWithAmmo": true,
    "enforceBlacklist": true,
    "listUpdatesOnLoaded": true,
    "listUpdatesOnRefresh": true,
    "pluginEnabled": true,
    "refreshMinutes": 30,
    "removeStackedContainers": true,
    "seperateLootTables": true
    "HeliCrate": {
    "includeHeliCrate": true,
    "maxItemsPerHeliCrate": 4,
    "minItemsPerHeliCrate": 3,
    "randomAmountHeliCrate": true,
    "useCustomTableHeli": true
    "Rarity": {
    "Override": {
    "autoturret": 3,
    "lmg.m249": 3,
    "": 2
    "SupplyDrop": {
    "includeSupplyDrop": true,
    "maxItemsPerSupplyDrop": 6,
    "minItemsPerSupplyDrop": 3,
    "randomAmountSupplyDrop": true,
    "useCustomTableSupply": true

    You want my tables too?
  13. you are saying you are getting wood in your tables... so yes, show your tables :p
    what you've shown so far wont really help diag the issue
  14. Lol you said configs not tables so i gave you configs. heres my loot table.
    "ItemListBarrels": {
    "antiradpills": 2,
    "apple": 1,
    "black.raspberries": 2,
    "blueberries": 3,
    "can.beans": 5,
    "can.tuna": 1,
    "candycane": 1,
    "chocholate": 1,
    "gears": 2,
    "granolabar": 2,
    "largemedkit": 2,
    "metalblade": 2,
    "metalpipe": 2,
    "propanetank": 2,
    "riflebody": 2,
    "roadsigns": 2,
    "rope": 2,
    "semibody": 2,
    "sewingkit": 2,
    "sheetmetal": 2,
    "fish.troutsmall": 2,
    "smallwaterbottle": 1,
    "smgbody": 2,
    "metalspring": 2,
    "tarp": 1,
    "techparts": 2,
    "waterjug": 1,
    "botabag": 1,
    "candycane": 1,
    "crossbow": 1,
    "fun.guitar": 1,
    "mace": 1,
    "pookie.bear": 1,
    "xmas.present.large": 1,
    "xmas.present.medium": 3,
    "xmas.present.small": " 5,
    "santahat": 1,
    "scrap": 2,
    "wood.armor.jacket": 1,
    "wood.armor.pants": 1,

    "ItemListCrates": {

    "chocholate": 1,
    "flameturret": 1,
    "grenade.beancan": 1,
    "grenade.f1": 1,
    "scrap": 2,
    "shotgun.waterpipe": 1,
    "supply.signal": 1,
    "surveycharge": 2,
    "trap.landmine": 1,
    "gears": 3,
    "granolabar": 1,
    "largemedkit": 2,
    "metalblade": 2,
    "metalpipe": 2,
    "propanetank": 2,
    "riflebody": 2,
    "roadsigns": 2,
    "rope": 3,
    "semibody": 2,
    "sewingkit": 3,
    "sheetmetal": 2,
    "smgbody": 2,
    "metalspring": 2,
    "tarp": 2,
    "techparts": 2,
    "hazmatsuit": 1,
    "weapon.mod.holosight": 1,
    "machete": 1,
    "pistol.revolver": 1,

  15. your loot table json isn't valid
    The JSON Validator is your best friend!!!!!!!
    3 errors in your table

    "ItemListBarrels": {
    "antiradpills": 2,
    "apple": 1,
    "black.raspberries": 2,
    "blueberries": 3,
    "can.beans": 5,
    "can.tuna": 1,
    "candycane": 1,
    "chocholate": 1,
    "gears": 2,
    "granolabar": 2,
    "largemedkit": 2,
    "metalblade": 2,
    "metalpipe": 2,
    "propanetank": 2,
    "riflebody": 2,
    "roadsigns": 2,
    "rope": 2,
    "semibody": 2,
    "sewingkit": 2,
    "sheetmetal": 2,
    "fish.troutsmall": 2,
    "smallwaterbottle": 1,
    "smgbody": 2,
    "metalspring": 2,
    "tarp": 1,
    "techparts": 2,
    "waterjug": 1,
    "botabag": 1,
    "crossbow": 1,
    "fun.guitar": 1,
    "mace": 1,
    "pookie.bear": 1,
    "xmas.present.large": 1,
    "xmas.present.medium": 3,
    "xmas.present.small": 5,
    "santahat": 1,
    "scrap": 2,
    "wood.armor.jacket": 1,
    "wood.armor.pants": 1
    "ItemListCrates": {

    "chocholate": 1,
    "flameturret": 1,
    "grenade.beancan": 1,
    "grenade.f1": 1,
    "scrap": 2,
    "shotgun.waterpipe": 1,
    "supply.signal": 1,
    "surveycharge": 2,
    "trap.landmine": 1,
    "gears": 3,
    "granolabar": 1,
    "largemedkit": 2,
    "metalblade": 2,
    "metalpipe": 2,
    "propanetank": 2,
    "riflebody": 2,
    "roadsigns": 2,
    "rope": 3,
    "semibody": 2,
    "sewingkit": 3,
    "sheetmetal": 2,
    "smgbody": 2,
    "metalspring": 2,
    "tarp": 2,
    "techparts": 2,
    "hazmatsuit": 1,
    "weapon.mod.holosight": 1,
    "machete": 1,
    "pistol.revolver": 1
  16. Uhhh, stupid people terms please! I get that its not valid but whats or where is the json validator?
  17. >>> The JSON Validator

    On your posted list it results by:
    Error: Parse error on line 38:...mas.present.small": " 5,        "santahat": 1
    Expecting 'STRING', 'NUMBER', 'NULL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', '{', '[', got 'undefined'
    That means also, the plugin could'nt load fully, what makes it nearly inactive.
  18. Got It, Thank YOU!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2017
  19. What's the default rarity value of items?
  20. I need to make loot only 10x what mod should i use