

Total Downloads: 15,963 - First Release: Oct 30, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 6, 2018

5/5, 49 likes
  1. Can you help me? i have problem with plugin. In config:

    "Drop On Death": true,
    "Erase On Death": false,
    "Hide On Back If Empty": true,
    "Show On Back": false

    Problem, is it backpacks not dropped(
  2. @Wulf Im sorry for typing in all caps but when people are so F***ing R*****ed that they cant look a few posts up and see that servers can bind client keys or they cant look up a few posts to see the answer to there question that was asked 2-5 times above it boils my shit.
  3. sorry just bind in console and still work
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2017
  4. Server "Gameservers" says the backpack plugin was blocked. Anyone know how I can fix this?

    server tried to run "b" but we blocked it
  5. *Sigh* this question has been asked and answered (I think) three times already.

    Rust Client now prevents Servers from forcing key-bindings on Clients. The plug-in tries to run the command "bind b" to bind ("connect") the key to the plug-in's command. The client blocks it.

    To fix it (and, again, this has been posted repeatedly above) the user should press [F1] and go to the Console. Type "bind b" and press [ENTER]. There will be no reply from the console, but they can now use the key to access the backpack.

    For what it's worth, I also use and the new players who are having issues with it found this fixes the problem.

    Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, try skimming through the last page or two of posts. Just try.
  6. I am sorry about that. I won't trouble you anymore about this.
    about that.
  7. It's odd how some people B works fine for, others it didnt until manual bind.
  8. Hello! I am really enjoying your mod but I am having a small issue and was hoping someone could help me out?

    I understand that you must enter into console oxide.grant group player backpacks.use, however when I do, it states that "Group 'player' doesn't exist. I have looked through the postlist and I cannot find an answer. If anyone could help me I would verymuch appreciate it!

    Pax Rubigo
  9. oxide.grant group default backpacks.use I think is the new command.
  10. Thank you very much!

    Pax Rubigo
  11. thanks got it working!
  12. Backpack is not drop after die. In config Drop - true
  13. Having players reporting same issue to me.
  14. "Erase On Death": false what about this?
  15. Erase On Death": false yeap
    looking fix this bug(

    "Backpack Hotkey": "B",
    "Backpack Size (1-3)": 2,
    "Drop On Death": true,
    "Erase On Death": false,
    "Hide On Back If Empty": true,
    "Show On Back": false
  16. how would i make this so i could set diffrent size backpacks to diffrent players or tags like vip 1 small backpack vip2 medium and vip3 large

    i have granted this but i get a problem and says the following

    oxide.grant group VIP*** backpacks.use.large
    Permission 'backpacks.use.large' doesn't exist
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2017
  17. Code:
    backpacks.use.small - makes player have a small backpack (still requires backpacks.use)
    backpacks.use.medium - makes player have a medium backpack (still requires backpacks.use)
    backpacks.use.large - makes player have a large backpack (still requires backpacks.use)
  18. so even if i applie backpacks.use to a vip group then add oxide.grant group VIP*** backpacks.use.large it will give them the large one and if i do
    backpacks.use then add backpacks.use.medium to VIP ** to that group that should give them the medium on but what confused me is in the config its set to backpack size of 3 so wont this overwrite it and only allow the large bag...also when i tryed that it showed this error

    oxide.grant group VIP*** backpacks.use.large
    Permission 'backpacks.use.large' doesn't exist

  19. im guesssing theres no way to do it then lol
  20. Backpack.use should be granted to all of them to use backpacks, then create a group for each vip let's say vip1 vip2 vip3, grant permission to vip1 backpacks.use.small, vip2 backpacks.use.medium, vip3 backpacks.use.large, as soon as any player will be moved to one of these groups they automatically will be granted with permission. That's all what you gave to do.