

Total Downloads: 15,963 - First Release: Oct 30, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 6, 2018

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  1. How we can remove backpacks after drop on death? @Wulf
    How we can still bind? can you give an example?
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    bind b
  3. Ahh amazing, thank you so much! :)
  4. thank you. and How we can remove backpacks after was droped on death?
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'm not really familiar with the plugin, sorry.
  6. Gn here do you know why we have:
    Server tried to run command "B", but we blocked it.
    in output log client
  7. read this messages...
  8. any way to allow server to push keybinds? really annoying to tell every person to set a keybind.
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    No, it's blocked on the client.
  10. I have this problem too.....probably something I have done wrong.

    Any ideas guys?

  11. "How we can remove backpacks after was droped on death?"

    chop it up with an axe.
  12. it's not chopped. Can you chop it? (sorry for my english)
  13. I play Rust on OSx this plugin doesn't work for me? Any ideas? I tried searching, but am not familiar with Oxides forums.
  14. Honestly this plug in has not worked since the last update on April 13th.
  15. it works on my server. what is not working for you ?
  16. works for us. maybe your issue is that the b keybind has to be set manually now
    bind b
  17. this addon seems to be severely broken. items aren't saved in the player's respective data files. when they log out and log back in, their stuff is MIA.
    backpacks work fine while a player is logged in
    player logs out and then logs back in. their backpack is empty
    i checked the data files via ftp. the files are being created however they are empty "{}"
    there is 1 file called 0.json that seems to contain a player's items... but it is constantly being overwritten when people open their backpacks. did some testing with some players just now.
  18. Well the b button is blocked I can see that in the console screen when anyone trys to push it.
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Binding keys from the server is blocked, not using them. You can bind it yourself via your F1 console.
  20. F1 Console
    Server tried to run command "B",but we blocked it. ???What is this