1. how to do for killing npc experience??
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2016
  2. Plugin loaded, for all players work. Not work Permission.

    UPD: its ok. sorry :)
  3. When it gets close to an XP wipe, I want all players to continue to play and not feel defeated, and quit playing on the server to "wait the week or so" between three month XP wipes - is there a way to add an "all" command to the addlvl? So I can give everyone more levels all at once?
  4. Currently there is not, It could be maybe added but you could also set a Minimal Level for example, so for the last few days everybody is lvl 75+
  5. Yes exactly, anything like that! Is there such a command already? Sorry to sound like an idiot, just curious
  6. You can actually set the Minimal Level in the configuration file ;)
  7. Holy crap, you're amazing - you kick ass Hydra!
  8. No problemo :)
  9. Where do i find the config file where i can make the XP and loot gather different? I am new to this so can someone help me with a walkthrough or something?
  10. Hi Miek,
    It's the same procedure for most plugs.
    Under Oxide you had folders called Plugin, Config, and Data.

    The .cs/.lua/.py does in the plugin folder and creates whatever is needed under config and/or data.

    In this case, you want to go to the config folder and look for XPManager.json - That's the file you'd edit.

    Some plugins have console or in-game commands for setting certain variables. Some don't.
    I'm not sure if this one does, but have a look at the overview just incase.
  11. Would it be possible to make it so I can max players levels out without giving them XP? This way as they gain XP, they can choose want they want to unlock without being limited to what they can open due to their low level.
  12. Thats not really possible from my knowledge.
  13. how can i do the earn rates for gather if i safe the json config ist not work
  14. this error:
    [Oxide] 02:02 [Error] XPManager plugin failed to compile!
    [Oxide] 02:02 [Error] XPManager.cs(370,122): error CS1061: Type `BasePlayer' does not contain a definition for `xp' and no extension method `xp' of type `BasePlayer' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  15. wtf u dont need this anymore man XD the xp removed XD
  16. Error while compiling XPManager.cs(370,122): error CS1061: Type `BasePlayer' does not contain a definition for `xp' and no extension method `xp' of type `BasePlayer' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  17. why are You installing it? There is no use or need of this plugin since XP system is out of RUST kinda long time for now :)
  18. oh sorry man, went complete retard here, thought it was to multiply the exp settings.
  19. exp settings? aren't you talking about ZLevelsRemastered? cause to set higher xp rate ect, you need to configure it right - there is overview and if you will follow it you will set alot of cool stuff, and since @Fujikura took over it, it is well polished and better now :)
  20. Unable to install
    Compile error: XPManager.cs (400,54): Error CS1955: member `basePlayer.IsAdmin 'can not be used as a method or delegate