
Allows players to trade items safely at a distance

Total Downloads: 16,892 - First Release: Jul 18, 2015 - Last Update: Apr 29, 2018

5/5, 41 likes
  1. This fix show the amount of traded items, I only remove the
    from differents "if" statments who seem to be the root of the issue.
  2. Here is a fixed version with all blueprint code removed, and references to blueprints removed also.
  3. rust update, bug report
    [07/15/2016 05:27:11] [Oxide] 05:26 [Error] Error while compiling PlayerTrade.cs(1134,125): error CS1061: Type `Item' does not contain a definition for `IsBlueprint' and no extension method `IsBlueprint' of type `Item' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  4. hello guys, the plugin need a update, thanks for read. ;)

  5. silence)
    [DOUBLEPOST=1468755451][/DOUBLEPOST]can someone fix the plugin?
  6. Verified this works like a champ, thank you
  7. It's possible add a raduis for trade ? Need this for more rp and no trade a cross the map ^^
  8. Hello!
    This plugin need a fix. It isn`t work now.
    Thank`s advance
  9. @Wulf Nobody for him after a week? Sorry for call you but i'm not the only one waiting :/
  10. Alien X posted a fix a few lines above, i have tested and confirm its working without issue. This plugin hasnt been updated in a while, may have to wait for alternate.
  11. Thx i don't have see ^^ But can't add radius for trade ?
  12. anyone able to get this plugin working? It doesn't seem to generate a json file when i throw it into the plugins folder
  13. update update :( its not working..


  14. Please download the above fix.
    Remove any previous plugins and install the update from above.
  15. Bug: If you /trr [name] and then /tra right away, it force opens trade on the recipients screen.

  16. Can u please update this as it is very usefull for my server but not working properly :(

    /trr playername did work but the person couldn't accept it and i couldn't decline it..

    also no menu popped up sadly but it would be a great plugin to use for many people!
  17. the same here :(

  18. the commands work but the guy wont, I've tried to reinstall but that doesn't seem to work ether
  19. i don't have this plugin so i can't test but i think need an update since the update Rust. You can also send a Mp to the plugin developer or an other developer maybe one can do that
  20. how do you trade high external stone walls and metal frags?