

Total Downloads: 14,029 - First Release: Mar 2, 2016 - Last Update: Jun 9, 2018

5/5, 61 likes
  1. thanks for your answer... but it doasnt work... images of other plugins are back now... only the Icons from ServerRewards are not available...

    *EDIT: only the Icons from Ammunation are not showed in the Reward Store...
  2. try "refreshallimages" It takes a little time after this reload ServerRewards
  3. Ok, I may be reading this wrong...But I have tried it several way. I can not get items to show up in the items menu. I have used the in game chat way and a confirmation has popped up saying item was added. Nothing shows up. I went in and edited the .json file too. It will sell things in the sell menu, could you make a .json file for the items for sale or is it supposed to read that file? And I just don't have something set right. I have reloaded the mod several time too.

    *** Answered= It was my Image Library that was causing the problem. It is working now that I updated that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2018
  4. Is it possible to select the default screen they see when running /s? I currently only have Items enabled, and the item category below that, but it seems to default to an empty ammunition screen.... it would be ideal if it defaulted to the only menu option i have available, which is items at this time.
  5. the serverrewards store icons dont load with the newest oxide update..
    any idea to fix it ? i use the newest imagelibrary and have try to reset all images,. dont work
  6. I have the same problem images doesnt wanna show up...
  7. so, did some testing with commands in tab commands. Works well, players can buy commands etc,
    when i want a reply to give to the player thru the chat nothing happens --> "command": "say blabla" works
    but "commands": "chat.say blabla" does not. So if i want a console command to work, its fine, but not for the chat commands.
    Is there a way to solve this, because at the moment i am making a new plugin just tho do what i want in server rewards, making a console command to use in rewards gui so that when players buy a command i can reply in chat, another consolecommand for items to take away from belt.
  8. Hello,

    Great plugin, just a feature request if you're still working on it... the GROUP equivalent of;

    /sr add <playername> <amount> - Add points to players profile


    /sr add <groupname> <amount> - Add points to each player in the group

  9. @k1lly0u When I load the plugin I get

    (09:32:01) | Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'ServerRewards v0.4.64' (ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.
    Parameter name: source)
      at System.Linq.Check.SourceAndPredicate (System.Object source, System.Object predicate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[Skinnable] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Rust.Workshop.ApprovedSkinInfo..ctor (UInt64 WorkshopdId, System.String Name, System.String Desc, System.String ItemName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Rust.Workshop.Approved..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    It still seems to work in some capacity.

    When I type /s it says I have to wait until ImageLibrary loads the images, but that never seems to finish.

    Any ideas?
  10. had the same problem yesterday. 3 - 4 min for imagelibrary to finish...
  11. any issues lately as it seems to be nolonger loading skins but everything else shows the icon
  12. all of the skin loading features is nothing to do with oxide its completely facepunch the people that made rust You have to wait for them to fix it not anybody on this forms can help
  13. yeah no biggy but i did find a fix. add a new item new skin and reload the plugin and it actually resets the images and regenerates them sooo...seems like a fix
  14. Hello,

    Anyone have any idea how to change the default display, unfortunately, due to my selected configuration, people are just shown an empty screen when they open the RewardStore, it would be nice if it defaulted to something with some content.

    Attached Files:

  15. There's a rounding issue with very low values of the (sale) item price. I suggest to change the type of "price" of the SaleItem class from "float" to "double".

    For example, if you sell at a price of 0.0001 RP and the players has 1'000'000 items, (s)he will get 99 RP. Using "double" instead of "float" fixes this issue and the player gets 100 RP and correctly 99 RP with 999'999 items.

    Please consider this change request.
  16. Hello! Why can not I upload images in the store? (ServerRewards) Already tried everything.
  17. Is there a way to make it so players earn RP every 30 minutes instead of 60

    help me out please!
  18. Yes, but you're asking in the wrong plugin. Take a look at your Playtime Tracker config again ;)
  19. SR gettin broken on fresh wipes, tried the usual workarounds.

  20. Hello k1llyou! I'm having an issue I don't know how to solve... I'm trying to make buyable Horses on NPCs... I've been able to set the command to spawn the horse but not where I need them to spawn...

    I did /rewards add command "Buy a horse" "spawn horse" 50

    and I got this on console:
    (21:27:48) | spawned horse[1803367] at (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    How to set the coordinates to where I need? (I know the coords but don't know how to set it on the command)