
Rust plugin to notify when someone connects/disconnects from the server/when structures are attacked

Total Downloads: 4,155 - First Release: Sep 21, 2016 - Last Update: May 24, 2017

5/5, 5 likes
  1. Thanks a lot, should be enough for now! Appreciate it.
  2. seanbyrne88 updated RustNotifications with a new update entry:


    This should be fixed in 0.7.1. Thanks for pointing it out!
  3. This required to be updated :(
    23:25 [Error] Error while compiling RustNotifications.cs(146,38): error CS1929: Type `Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayerManager' does not contain a member `GetPlayer' and the best extension method overload `UnityEngine.ArgEx.GetPlayer(this ConsoleSystem.Arg, int)' requires an instance of type `ConsoleSystem.Arg'
  4. I'll try to take a look tonight, thanks for the heads up :)
    I had a quick look through IPlayerManager updates and looks like GetPlayer was removed. The fix shouldn't be too much work so I'll hopefully get an update out soon!
  5. if u want i can give u the full log of today. i have disabled some other plugins that was crashing the server.

    Error in console:
    Starting server...\n
    Set current directory to /home/server/rustmod
    Found path: /home/server/rustmod/RustDedicated
    Mono path[0] = '/home/server/rustmod/RustDedicated_Data/Managed'
    Mono path[1] = '/home/server/rustmod/RustDedicated_Data/Mono'
    Mono config path = '/home/server/rustmod/RustDedicated_Data/Mono/etc'
    Segmentation fault
    [root@server rustmod]#
    And full log of today:
    23:08 [Info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.2658...
    23:08 [Info] Loading extensions...
    23:08 [Info] Loaded extension CSharp v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:08 [Info] Loaded extension JavaScript v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:08 [Info] Loaded extension Lua v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:08 [Info] Loaded extension MySql v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:08 [Info] Loaded extension Python v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:08 [Info] Loaded extension SQLite v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:08 [Info] Loaded extension Unity v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:08 [Info] Loaded extension Rust v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:08 [Info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Rust'
    23:08 [Info] Loading plugins...
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin Unity Core v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin Rust v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:08 [Info] BetterChat, Clans, CraftingController, Discord, Friends, GUIAnnouncements, Inbound, LustyMap, NTeleportation, NeverWear, Notifier, QuickSmelt, RustNotifications, SimpleMapKeeper, Slack, StackSizeController, StartProtection, Updater, WellFed, XpBooster and ZLevelsRemastered were compiled successfully in 2321ms
    23:08 [Error] Error while compiling BetterChat.cs(467,63): error CS1061: Type `BasePlayer' does not contain a definition for `xp' and no extension method `xp' of type `BasePlayer' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    23:08 [Error] Error while compiling Notifier.cs(608,46): error CS1061: Type `BasePlayer' does not contain a definition for `xp' and no extension method `xp' of type `BasePlayer' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    23:08 [Error] Error while compiling RustNotifications.cs(146,38): error CS1929: Type `Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayerManager' does not contain a member `GetPlayer' and the best extension method overload `UnityEngine.ArgEx.GetPlayer(this ConsoleSystem.Arg, int)' requires an instance of type `ConsoleSystem.Arg'
    23:08 [Error] Error while compiling XpBooster.cs(2,12): error CS0234: The type or namespace name `Xp' does not exist in the namespace `Rust'. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin Clans v1.7.2 by / dcode
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin Crafting Controller v2.4.6 by Mughisi
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin Discord v0.2.0 by seanbyrne88
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin Friends v2.0.0 by Nogrod
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin GUIAnnouncements v1.17.48 by JoeSheep
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin Inbound v0.2.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin LustyMap v1.1.28 by Kayzor
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin NTeleportation v1.0.14 by Nogrod
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin NeverWear v0.1.32 by k1lly0u
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin QuickSmelt v1.3.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin SimpleMapKeeper v1.1.0 by CARNY666
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin Slack v0.1.6 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin Stack Size Controller v1.9.0 by Waizujin
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin StartProtection v1.9.0 by Norn
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin Updater v2.0.0 by LaserHydra
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin WellFed v1.1.5 by ColonBlow
    23:08 [Info] Loaded plugin Zeiser Levels REMASTERED v1.6.4 by Zeiser/Visagalis
    23:09 [Info] [Clans] Clans: Rust:IO is not present. You need to install Rust:IO first in order to use this plugin!
    23:09 [Info] [StartProtection] Entry list up to date.
    23:09 [Info] [StartProtection] Start Protection has been enabled [Minutes: 30] (type /sp toggle to disable).
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin Clans v1.7.2 by / dcode
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin Crafting Controller v2.4.6 by Mughisi
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin Discord v0.2.0 by seanbyrne88
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin Friends v2.0.0 by Nogrod
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin GUIAnnouncements v1.17.48 by JoeSheep
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin Inbound v0.2.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin LustyMap v1.1.28 by Kayzor
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin NTeleportation v1.0.14 by Nogrod
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin NeverWear v0.1.32 by k1lly0u
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin QuickSmelt v1.3.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin SimpleMapKeeper v1.1.0 by CARNY666
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin Slack v0.1.6 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin Stack Size Controller v1.9.0 by Waizujin
    23:09 [Info] [StartProtection] Saving protection database...
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin StartProtection v1.9.0 by Norn
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin Updater v2.0.0 by LaserHydra
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin WellFed v1.1.5 by ColonBlow
    23:09 [Info] Unloaded plugin Zeiser Levels REMASTERED v1.6.4 by Zeiser/Visagalis
    23:22 [Info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.2658...
    23:22 [Info] Loading extensions...
    23:22 [Info] Loaded extension CSharp v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:22 [Info] Loaded extension JavaScript v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:22 [Info] Loaded extension Lua v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:22 [Info] Loaded extension MySql v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:22 [Info] Loaded extension Python v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:22 [Info] Loaded extension SQLite v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:22 [Info] Loaded extension Unity v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:22 [Info] Loaded extension Rust v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:22 [Info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Rust'
    23:22 [Info] Loading plugins...
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin Unity Core v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin Rust v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:22 [Info] BetterChat, Clans, CraftingController, Discord, Friends, GUIAnnouncements, Inbound, LustyMap, NTeleportation, NeverWear, Notifier, QuickSmelt, RustNotifications, SimpleMapKeeper, Slack, StackSizeController, StartProtection, Updater, WellFed and ZLevelsRemastered were compiled successfully in 2206ms
    23:22 [Error] Error while compiling Notifier.cs(608,46): error CS1061: Type `BasePlayer' does not contain a definition for `xp' and no extension method `xp' of type `BasePlayer' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    23:22 [Error] Error while compiling RustNotifications.cs(146,38): error CS1929: Type `Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayerManager' does not contain a member `GetPlayer' and the best extension method overload `UnityEngine.ArgEx.GetPlayer(this ConsoleSystem.Arg, int)' requires an instance of type `ConsoleSystem.Arg'
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin Better Chat v4.2.12 by LaserHydra
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin Clans v1.7.2 by / dcode
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin Crafting Controller v2.4.6 by Mughisi
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin Discord v0.2.0 by seanbyrne88
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin Friends v2.1.2 by Nogrod
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin GUIAnnouncements v1.17.48 by JoeSheep
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin Inbound v0.2.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin LustyMap v2.0.4 by Kayzor / k1lly0u
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin NTeleportation v1.0.14 by Nogrod
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin NeverWear v0.1.32 by k1lly0u
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin QuickSmelt v1.3.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin SimpleMapKeeper v1.1.0 by CARNY666
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin Slack v0.1.6 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin Stack Size Controller v1.9.0 by Waizujin
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin StartProtection v1.9.0 by Norn
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin Updater v2.1.1 by LaserHydra
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin WellFed v1.1.5 by ColonBlow
    23:22 [Info] Loaded plugin Zeiser Levels REMASTERED v1.6.4 by Zeiser/Visagalis
    23:23 [Info] [Clans] Clans: Rust:IO is not present. You need to install Rust:IO first in order to use this plugin!
    23:23 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'LustyMap v2.0.4' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    23:23 [Debug]  at Oxide.Plugins.LustyMap.LoadSettings () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.LustyMap.OnServerInitialized () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.LustyMap.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    23:23 [Info] [StartProtection] Entry list up to date.
    23:23 [Info] [StartProtection] Start Protection has been enabled [Minutes: 30] (type /sp toggle to disable).
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin Better Chat v4.2.12 by LaserHydra
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin Clans v1.7.2 by / dcode
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin Crafting Controller v2.4.6 by Mughisi
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin Discord v0.2.0 by seanbyrne88
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin Friends v2.1.2 by Nogrod
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin GUIAnnouncements v1.17.48 by JoeSheep
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin Inbound v0.2.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin LustyMap v2.0.4 by Kayzor / k1lly0u
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin NTeleportation v1.0.14 by Nogrod
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin NeverWear v0.1.32 by k1lly0u
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin QuickSmelt v1.3.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin SimpleMapKeeper v1.1.0 by CARNY666
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin Slack v0.1.6 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin Stack Size Controller v1.9.0 by Waizujin
    23:23 [Info] [StartProtection] Saving protection database...
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin StartProtection v1.9.0 by Norn
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin Updater v2.1.1 by LaserHydra
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin WellFed v1.1.5 by ColonBlow
    23:23 [Info] Unloaded plugin Zeiser Levels REMASTERED v1.6.4 by Zeiser/Visagalis
    23:24 [Info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.2658...
    23:24 [Info] Loading extensions...
    23:24 [Info] Loaded extension CSharp v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:24 [Info] Loaded extension JavaScript v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:24 [Info] Loaded extension Lua v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:24 [Info] Loaded extension MySql v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:24 [Info] Loaded extension Python v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:24 [Info] Loaded extension SQLite v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:24 [Info] Loaded extension Unity v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:24 [Info] Loaded extension Rust v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:24 [Info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Rust'
    23:24 [Info] Loading plugins...
    23:24 [Info] Loaded plugin Unity Core v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:24 [Info] Loaded plugin Rust v1.0.2658 by Oxide Team
    23:25 [Info] BetterChat, Clans, CraftingController, Discord, Friends, GUIAnnouncements, Inbound, LustyMap, NTeleportation, NeverWear, Notifier, QuickSmelt, RustNotifications, SimpleMapKeeper, Slack, StackSizeController, StartProtection, Updater, WellFed and ZLevelsRemastered were compiled successfully in 2201ms
    23:25 [Error] Error while compiling Notifier.cs(608,46): error CS1061: Type `BasePlayer' does not contain a definition for `xp' and no extension method `xp' of type `BasePlayer' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    23:25 [Error] Error while compiling RustNotifications.cs(146,38): error CS1929: Type `Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayerManager' does not contain a member `GetPlayer' and the best extension method overload `UnityEngine.ArgEx.GetPlayer(this ConsoleSystem.Arg, int)' requires an instance of type `ConsoleSystem.Arg'
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin Better Chat v4.2.12 by LaserHydra
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin Clans v0.1.31 by k1lly0u
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin Crafting Controller v2.4.6 by Mughisi
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin Discord v0.2.0 by seanbyrne88
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin Friends v2.1.2 by Nogrod
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin GUIAnnouncements v1.17.48 by JoeSheep
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin Inbound v0.2.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin LustyMap v2.0.4 by Kayzor / k1lly0u
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin NTeleportation v1.0.14 by Nogrod
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin NeverWear v0.1.32 by k1lly0u
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin QuickSmelt v1.3.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin SimpleMapKeeper v1.1.0 by CARNY666
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin Slack v0.1.6 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin Stack Size Controller v1.9.0 by Waizujin
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin StartProtection v1.9.0 by Norn
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin Updater v2.1.1 by LaserHydra
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin WellFed v1.1.5 by ColonBlow
    23:25 [Info] Loaded plugin Zeiser Levels REMASTERED v1.6.4 by Zeiser/Visagalis
    23:26 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'Clans v0.1.31' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    23:26 [Debug]  at Oxide.Plugins.Clans.SaveLoop () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.Clans.OnServerInitialized () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.Clans.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    23:26 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'LustyMap v2.0.4' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    23:26 [Debug]  at Oxide.Plugins.LustyMap.LoadSettings () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.LustyMap.OnServerInitialized () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.LustyMap.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    23:26 [Info] [StartProtection] Entry list up to date.
    23:26 [Info] [StartProtection] Start Protection has been enabled [Minutes: 30] (type /sp toggle to disable).
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin Better Chat v4.2.12 by LaserHydra
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin Clans v0.1.31 by k1lly0u
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin Crafting Controller v2.4.6 by Mughisi
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin Discord v0.2.0 by seanbyrne88
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin Friends v2.1.2 by Nogrod
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin GUIAnnouncements v1.17.48 by JoeSheep
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin Inbound v0.2.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin LustyMap v2.0.4 by Kayzor / k1lly0u
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin NTeleportation v1.0.14 by Nogrod
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin NeverWear v0.1.32 by k1lly0u
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin QuickSmelt v1.3.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin SimpleMapKeeper v1.1.0 by CARNY666
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin Slack v0.1.6 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin Stack Size Controller v1.9.0 by Waizujin
    23:26 [Info] [StartProtection] Saving protection database...
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin StartProtection v1.9.0 by Norn
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin Updater v2.1.1 by LaserHydra
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin WellFed v1.1.5 by ColonBlow
    23:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin Zeiser Levels REMASTERED v1.6.4 by Zeiser/Visagalis
    23:32 [Info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.2700...
    23:32 [Info] Loading extensions...
    23:32 [Info] Loaded extension CSharp v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:32 [Info] Loaded extension JavaScript v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:32 [Info] Loaded extension Lua v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:32 [Info] Loaded extension MySql v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:32 [Info] Loaded extension Python v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:32 [Info] Loaded extension SQLite v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:32 [Info] Loaded extension Unity v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:32 [Info] Loaded extension Rust v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:32 [Info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Rust'
    23:32 [Info] Loading plugins...
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin Unity Core v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin Rust v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:32 [Info] BetterChat, Clans, CraftingController, Discord, Friends, GUIAnnouncements, Inbound, LustyMap, NTeleportation, NeverWear, QuickSmelt, SimpleMapKeeper, Slack, StackSizeController, StartProtection, Updater, WellFed and ZLevelsRemastered were compiled successfully in 1937ms
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin Better Chat v4.2.12 by LaserHydra
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin Clans v0.1.31 by k1lly0u
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin Crafting Controller v2.4.6 by Mughisi
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin Discord v0.2.0 by seanbyrne88
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin Friends v2.1.2 by Nogrod
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin GUIAnnouncements v1.17.48 by JoeSheep
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin Inbound v0.2.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin LustyMap v2.0.4 by Kayzor / k1lly0u
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin NTeleportation v1.0.14 by Nogrod
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin NeverWear v0.1.32 by k1lly0u
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin QuickSmelt v1.3.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin SimpleMapKeeper v1.1.0 by CARNY666
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin Slack v0.1.6 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin Stack Size Controller v1.9.0 by Waizujin
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin StartProtection v1.9.0 by Norn
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin Updater v2.1.1 by LaserHydra
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin WellFed v1.1.5 by ColonBlow
    23:32 [Info] Loaded plugin Zeiser Levels REMASTERED v1.6.4 by Zeiser/Visagalis
    23:33 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'Clans v0.1.31' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    23:33 [Debug]  at Oxide.Plugins.Clans.SaveLoop () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.Clans.OnServerInitialized () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.Clans.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    23:33 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'LustyMap v2.0.4' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    23:33 [Debug]  at Oxide.Plugins.LustyMap.LoadSettings () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.LustyMap.OnServerInitialized () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.LustyMap.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    23:33 [Info] [StartProtection] Entry list up to date.
    23:33 [Info] [StartProtection] Start Protection has been enabled [Minutes: 30] (type /sp toggle to disable).
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin Better Chat v4.2.12 by LaserHydra
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin Clans v0.1.31 by k1lly0u
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin Crafting Controller v2.4.6 by Mughisi
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin Discord v0.2.0 by seanbyrne88
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin Friends v2.1.2 by Nogrod
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin GUIAnnouncements v1.17.48 by JoeSheep
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin Inbound v0.2.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin LustyMap v2.0.4 by Kayzor / k1lly0u
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin NTeleportation v1.0.14 by Nogrod
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin NeverWear v0.1.32 by k1lly0u
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin QuickSmelt v1.3.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin SimpleMapKeeper v1.1.0 by CARNY666
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin Slack v0.1.6 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin Stack Size Controller v1.9.0 by Waizujin
    23:33 [Info] [StartProtection] Saving protection database...
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin StartProtection v1.9.0 by Norn
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin Updater v2.1.1 by LaserHydra
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin WellFed v1.1.5 by ColonBlow
    23:33 [Info] Unloaded plugin Zeiser Levels REMASTERED v1.6.4 by Zeiser/Visagalis
    23:34 [Info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.2700...
    23:34 [Info] Loading extensions...
    23:34 [Info] Loaded extension CSharp v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:34 [Info] Loaded extension JavaScript v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:34 [Info] Loaded extension Lua v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:34 [Info] Loaded extension MySql v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:34 [Info] Loaded extension Python v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:34 [Info] Loaded extension SQLite v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:34 [Info] Loaded extension Unity v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:34 [Info] Loaded extension Rust v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:34 [Info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Rust'
    23:34 [Info] Loading plugins...
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin Unity Core v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin Rust v1.0.2700 by Oxide Team
    23:34 [Info] BetterChat, CraftingController, Discord, Friends, GUIAnnouncements, Inbound, LustyMap, NTeleportation, NeverWear, QuickSmelt, SimpleMapKeeper, Slack, StackSizeController, StartProtection, Updater, WellFed and ZLevelsRemastered were compiled successfully in 1923ms
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin Better Chat v4.2.12 by LaserHydra
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin Crafting Controller v2.4.6 by Mughisi
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin Discord v0.2.0 by seanbyrne88
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin Friends v2.1.2 by Nogrod
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin GUIAnnouncements v1.17.48 by JoeSheep
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin Inbound v0.2.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin LustyMap v2.0.4 by Kayzor / k1lly0u
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin NTeleportation v1.0.14 by Nogrod
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin NeverWear v0.1.32 by k1lly0u
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin QuickSmelt v1.3.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin SimpleMapKeeper v1.1.0 by CARNY666
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin Slack v0.1.6 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin Stack Size Controller v1.9.0 by Waizujin
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin StartProtection v1.9.0 by Norn
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin Updater v2.1.1 by LaserHydra
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin WellFed v1.1.5 by ColonBlow
    23:34 [Info] Loaded plugin Zeiser Levels REMASTERED v1.6.4 by Zeiser/Visagalis
    23:35 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'LustyMap v2.0.4' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    23:35 [Debug]  at Oxide.Plugins.LustyMap.LoadSettings () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.LustyMap.OnServerInitialized () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.LustyMap.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    23:35 [Info] [StartProtection] Entry list up to date.
    23:35 [Info] [StartProtection] Start Protection has been enabled [Minutes: 30] (type /sp toggle to disable).
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin Better Chat v4.2.12 by LaserHydra
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin Crafting Controller v2.4.6 by Mughisi
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin Discord v0.2.0 by seanbyrne88
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin Friends v2.1.2 by Nogrod
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin GUIAnnouncements v1.17.48 by JoeSheep
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin Inbound v0.2.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin LustyMap v2.0.4 by Kayzor / k1lly0u
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin NTeleportation v1.0.14 by Nogrod
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin NeverWear v0.1.32 by k1lly0u
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin QuickSmelt v1.3.0 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin SimpleMapKeeper v1.1.0 by CARNY666
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin Slack v0.1.6 by Wulf/lukespragg
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin Stack Size Controller v1.9.0 by Waizujin
    23:35 [Info] [StartProtection] Saving protection database...
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin StartProtection v1.9.0 by Norn
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin Updater v2.1.1 by LaserHydra
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin WellFed v1.1.5 by ColonBlow
    23:35 [Info] Unloaded plugin Zeiser Levels REMASTERED v1.6.4 by Zeiser/Visagalis
    Thanks again for your support!
    [DOUBLEPOST=1478555359][/DOUBLEPOST]In other words i have to wait for plugin updates ? :D

  6. Thanks for the logs..
    Yea seems like there are a few other plugins failing to load due to new changes to the OxideMod libraries. Some seemingly to do with the xp removal.
  7. I see...
    Thanks again for your help.
    I will check later for updates :D

    Have a nice evening seanbyrne88!
  8. Ow!!
    this plugins seems to be awesome but
    gives me this error when loading

    (22:20:20) | [Oxide] 22:20 [Error] Error while compiling RustNotifications.cs(146,38): error CS1929: Type `Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayerManager' does not contain a member `GetPlayer' and the best extension method overload `UnityEngine.ArgEx.GetPlayer(this ConsoleSystem.Arg, int)' requires an instance of type `ConsoleSystem.Arg'
  9. I'm aware of the issue and I'll try to get a fix out very soon. With real work and everything it's been tough to get a night to sit down and look at it. But I promise I'm aware of the issue and have every intention of fixing soon.
  10. yes! Thanks !!!!!

    and Sorry, Lau already reported the issue
  11. seanbyrne88 updated RustNotifications with a new update entry:


  12. This plugin doesn't work for me, it doesn't show up any messages
  13. Did you enable the notifications in the configuration file, RustNotifications.json? To test you can build your own structure and attack it, it should give you a message in-server.

    There is an example here:
    RustPlugins/src/RustPlugins/RustNotifications at master · seanbyrne88/RustPlugins · GitHub

    Make sure you have ServerConfig.Active set to true and DoNotifyWhenBaseAttacked set to true also.
  14. Dont know if this would be possible, but could you add an option to register your discord/slack username with the plugin eg. "/discord @Dubz#1234" so instead of broadcasting attack messages the bot can directly message the person being atttacked?
  15. Another request. having the ability to select the kind of damages that base notifications are sent, eg only C4/explosive
  16. yea the plugin shows no error but does not display any kind of notification of someone getting raided

    and i get this error

    (20:19:27) | [Oxide] 20:16 [Warning] [Discord] Discord Api responded with 400: {"code": 0, "message": "Invalid Request"}
  17. See the discord plugin thread for some advice. Seems to be specific to Discord.
    I've had requests like this before, I'm planning (and have been for a while but will eventually get to it) to add something to let you configure alerts for only certain thresholds to be notified of. e.g. 25% or more damage, or health under 25% etc...
    I thought on something like this but didn't go too much into it. I'll take a look at the slack and discord apis to see if they allow direct messaging with the bots I use on both.
  18. yea ive set it all up now ,working good
  19. I know with discord you can, easiest way is to get the user to register their discord ID, the bot can POST to create a new DM, it returns the channel ID of that DM which you could save and use to post messages directly. I've got basic programming skills but am not familiar with everything oxide has to offer.
    The 25% damage or under 25% would definitely help reduce a lot of spam to the channel
  20. any update on the registering your discord to get dm from the bot? some of my players found a loop hole on discord , they shot the base and check on discord who it is