

Total Downloads: 70,144 - First Release: Oct 21, 2014 - Last Update: Jun 7, 2018

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  1. I have an odd problem, When I create the kit I load the shotguns with Green "solid" slug ammo but if i redeem the kit to check it the ammo has changed to Red "buckshot" , any hints ?
  2. What happens when you give the ammo seperated?
  3. The kits are for "Botspawn" so you dont give ammo as it is replaced by game loot, The shotgun itself is loaded with the "slug" ammo and is replaced with "buckshot" for some reason,
    When I test the kit with added ammo , the extra ammo stays as it is but the bots wont use it at all ,
  4. Can you paste that kit using the general code
  5. I have attached the kits data.json edit for the "brown" kit and the one from "botspawn" that uses it,
    As the weapon is loaded when created it does not show ammo in the kit list.

    Attached Files:

  6. No weapon will have ammo even if you have them fully loaded to start with only way is to remove ammo from the gun and do it that way
  7. Then how do i pick the ammo i want them to have ?
    When I normally redeem a kit I have created for Admin, Special and Hunter the weapons are always loaded when I do so with the ammunition I have chosen, Which is standard .556 for M249 and Hv for Bolt action,
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2018
  8. put it in the inventory not in the weapon
  9. I have tried that as i stated before, when the kit is redeemed to test it , the ammo has moved from the inventory to the belt and the weapon is loaded (was empty when kit items were assigned) again with buckshot, I had thought that it was the botspawn plugin that was responsible but it seems that the buckshot is the "default" for the weapon and it loads it automatically (?) , have you tried a test kit (or mine) to see if you get the same response ?

    BTW: I am using the Spas12 shotgun in the kit, but i have tried it with the pump action shotgun with the same result, *just in case it was the weapon choice,
    I used to use the Assault rifle as the chosen weapon but with the game updates the bots in botspawn can now kill you from very far away so i though a shorter range weapon would be better,
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2018
  10. Dont have a server to test it on
  11. Hello

    Is it possible to create the kit and give it manually to players by command?
    Im having a hard time understanding the ServerRewards plugin.
    So I was thinking of just making a kit and giving the kit i created to the winner
  12. No, and players will get lazy if you did
  13. Is it possible to start a console command or server rewards points in the kit?
  14. need a little help.

    we have 2 servers. one is battlefield server. we made kits for players to spawn with. we also made kits for players that play on both servers. its a tiny bit better. and we did the custom autokits. all was great. then we wiped to a new map. now all the members that are suppose to get the better kit get the normal one. even completely remade a new kit and still nothing
  15. You cant have a custom autokit kit and the normal default autokit in the same file if you take the time and read the overview it says this
  16. Is it possible to get a feature that lets X number of people redeem a kit?
    My use is to allow the first 50 people on my server each wipe to get 1k scrap.
    I only want the first 50 people to be able to redeem the kit once
  17. Set the max to 1 so each player will only get it once but you cant limit it to 50 people unless you count how many have got it then disable it when 50 have got it
  18. yea I know I could do that but I was hoping to automate the first 50.... maybe @Kappasaurus could add something that counts the first 50 connections?
  19. That's scope creep, make a plugin to give perms for the first 50 users connected.
  20. ummmm would have no idea on how to do that