Rust:IO Clans

Allows your players to form and manage clans with Rust:IO

Total Downloads: 43,630 - First Release: Mar 17, 2015 - Last Update: May 1, 2017

4.91489/5, 47 likes
  1. Hello! I installed the plugin;


    Do not know why it does not work, if a person enters a clan, they are still beating, even if put / ff off (says he does not have permissions)

    Can anybody help me? Thank you!
  2. Hi. As a server administrator, there is a way to read the clan chat log?
  3. Could I request that all players can run /clan <clanname> or similar to check how many players are in that clan?
  4. Is there a way to restrict clan tags/names or create dummy clans with no members so that the name is taken?
  5. Does this plugin have a config file?
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yes, the default is shown on the Overview.
  7. I have uploaded the .json file also and still can't get it to work?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1441611630,1441478155][/DOUBLEPOST]Nevermind we got it working. The players on the server love it so far! Thanks for the great mod!
  8. Need server command where admin can add a player to clan from console.
  9. Hi I was having issues with the plugin so removed it and the config. Uploaded and reloaded it from console.
    It now says there is a message error, no matter how many times the config is removed.
     [Warning] Clans: oxide/config/Clans.json seems to contain an invalid 'messages' structure. Please delete the config file once and reload the plugin.
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Please upload your Clans.json config here.
  11. Please tell me how to change the color of the clan tag? Thanking you in advance
  12. Code:
      "addClanMatesAsFriends": true,
      "limit": {
        "members": -1,
        "moderators": -1
      "messages": {
        "%MEMBER% invited %PLAYER% to the clan.": "%MEMBER% invited %PLAYER% to the clan.",
        "%NAME% has come online!": "%NAME% has come online!",
        "%NAME% has gone offline.": "%NAME% has gone offline.",
        "%NAME% has joined the clan!": "%NAME% has joined the clan!",
        "%NAME% has left the clan.": "%NAME% has left the clan.",
        "%NAME% kicked %MEMBER% from the clan.": "%NAME% kicked %MEMBER% from the clan.",
        "%OWNER% promoted %MEMBER% to moderator.": "%OWNER% promoted %MEMBER% to moderator.",
        "<color=\"#ffd479\">/clan help</color> - Learn how to create or join a clan": "<color=\"#ffd479\">/clan help</color> - Learn how to create or join a clan",
        "<color=\"#ffd479\">/clan</color> - Displays your current clan status": "<color=\"#ffd479\">/clan</color> - Displays your current clan status",
        "<color=#74c6ff>Moderator</color> commands:": "<color=#74c6ff>Moderator</color> commands:",
        "<color=#a1ff46>Owner</color> commands:": "<color=#a1ff46>Owner</color> commands:",
        "<color=#cd422b>Server owner</color> commands:": "<color=#cd422b>Server owner</color> commands:",
        "<color=#ffd479>/c Message...</color> - Sends a message to all online clan members": "<color=#ffd479>/c Message...</color> - Sends a message to all online clan members",
        "<color=#ffd479>/clan create \"TAG\" \"Description\"</color> - Creates a new clan you own": "<color=#ffd479>/clan create \"TAG\" \"Description\"</color> - Creates a new clan you own",
        "<color=#ffd479>/clan delete \"TAG\"</color> - Deletes a clan (no undo)": "<color=#ffd479>/clan delete \"TAG\"</color> - Deletes a clan (no undo)",
        "<color=#ffd479>/clan demote \"Name\"</color> - Demotes a moderator to member": "<color=#ffd479>/clan demote \"Name\"</color> - Demotes a moderator to member",
        "<color=#ffd479>/clan disband forever</color> - Disbands your clan (no undo)": "<color=#ffd479>/clan disband forever</color> - Disbands your clan (no undo)",
        "<color=#ffd479>/clan invite \"Player name\"</color> - Invites a player to your clan": "<color=#ffd479>/clan invite \"Player name\"</color> - Invites a player to your clan",
        "<color=#ffd479>/clan join \"TAG\"</color> - Joins a clan you have been invited to": "<color=#ffd479>/clan join \"TAG\"</color> - Joins a clan you have been invited to",
        "<color=#ffd479>/clan kick \"Player name\"</color> - Kicks a member from your clan": "<color=#ffd479>/clan kick \"Player name\"</color> - Kicks a member from your clan",
        "<color=#ffd479>/clan leave</color> - Leaves your current clan": "<color=#ffd479>/clan leave</color> - Leaves your current clan",
        "<color=#ffd479>/clan promote \"Name\"</color> - Promotes a member to moderator": "<color=#ffd479>/clan promote \"Name\"</color> - Promotes a member to moderator",
        "<color=#ffd479>/clan</color> - Displays relevant information about your current clan": "<color=#ffd479>/clan</color> - Displays relevant information about your current clan",
        "Available commands:": "Available commands:",
        "Clan tags must be 2 to 6 characters long and may contain standard letters and numbers only": "Clan tags must be 2 to 6 characters long and may contain standard letters and numbers only",
        "Members online:": "Members online:",
        "No such player or player name not unique:": "No such player or player name not unique:",
        "Pending invites:": "Pending invites:",
        "Please provide a short description of your clan.": "Please provide a short description of your clan.",
        "There is already a clan with this tag.": "There is already a clan with this tag.",
        "There is no clan with that tag:": "There is no clan with that tag:",
        "This player has already been invited to your clan:": "This player has already been invited to your clan:",
        "This player is already a member of your clan:": "This player is already a member of your clan:",
        "This player is already a moderator of your clan:": "This player is already a moderator of your clan:",
        "This player is an owner or moderator and cannot be kicked:": "This player is an owner or moderator and cannot be kicked:",
        "This player is not a member of your clan:": "This player is not a member of your clan:",
        "This player is not a moderator of your clan:": "This player is not a moderator of your clan:",
        "To invite new members, type: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan invite \"Player name\"</color>": "To invite new members, type: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan invite \"Player name\"</color>",
        "To join, type: <color=#ffd479>/clan join \"%TAG%\"</color>": "To join, type: <color=#ffd479>/clan join \"%TAG%\"</color>",
        "To learn more about clans, type: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan help</color>": "To learn more about clans, type: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan help</color>",
        "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan create \"TAG\" \"Description\"</color>": "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan create \"TAG\" \"Description\"</color>",
        "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan delete \"TAG\"</color>": "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan delete \"TAG\"</color>",
        "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan demote \"Player name\"</color>": "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan demote \"Player name\"</color>",
        "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan disband forever</color>": "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan disband forever</color>",
        "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan invite \"Player name\"</color>": "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan invite \"Player name\"</color>",
        "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan join \"TAG\"</color>": "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan join \"TAG\"</color>",
        "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan kick \"Player name\"</color>": "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan kick \"Player name\"</color>",
        "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan leave</color>": "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan leave</color>",
        "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan promote \"Player name\"</color>": "Usage: <color=\"#ffd479\">/clan promote \"Player name\"</color>",
        "You are a member of:": "You are a member of:",
        "You are a moderator of:": "You are a moderator of:",
        "You are already a member of a clan.": "You are already a member of a clan.",
        "You are currently not a member of a clan.": "You are currently not a member of a clan.",
        "You are now the owner of your new clan:": "You are now the owner of your new clan:",
        "You are the owner of:": "You are the owner of:",
        "You have been invited to join the clan:": "You have been invited to join the clan:",
        "You have deleted the clan:": "You have deleted the clan:",
        "You have left your current clan.": "You have left your current clan.",
        "You have not been invited to join this clan.": "You have not been invited to join this clan.",
        "You need to be a moderator of your clan to use this command.": "You need to be a moderator of your clan to use this command.",
        "You need to be a server owner to delete clans.": "You need to be a server owner to delete clans.",
        "You need to be the owner of your clan to use this command.": "You need to be the owner of your clan to use this command.",
        "Your clan has been deleted by the server owner.": "Your clan has been deleted by the server owner.",
        "Your current clan has been disbanded forever.": "Your current clan has been disbanded forever."
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It's hard-coded in the plugin I believe.

    Weird, I don't see anything wrong.
  14. Apart from the config, data and plugin files is there anything else I'm missing that could cause a conflict. IS the formatting correct on the message section?
  15. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    From what I can tell it is, at least based on the default on the Overview.
  16. Would it break the config If I removed the message section all together?
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It'd re-create it.
  18. copy and paste from the original config file on the front page?
  19. Not working after the latest update because displayName is readonly.