Rust:IO Clans

Allows your players to form and manage clans with Rust:IO

Total Downloads: 43,621 - First Release: Mar 17, 2015 - Last Update: May 1, 2017

4.91489/5, 47 likes
  1. The /c message doesn't seem to work. I know it worked before and also no error messages just doesnt let me do /c message. I'll let you know more tomorrow because it may be related to supplydrops which ive getting rid of tomorrow
  2. Agree, alliances between clans would be great.
  3. hi
    is there a way to run this plugin without the livemap?
  4. Clans are vanishing after server gets restarted. Is this the norm/something i can do in the config about it or a bug of some sort? cheers
  5. An awesome suggestion:

    Can you make it so that any member of a clan authorizing on a tool cupboard will cause every other member of the clan to be authorized as well?!?!! This would be awesome and make base building so much easier.
  6. Code:
      "limit": {
        "members": 5,
        "moderators": -1
    I have a doubt, does the limit members count the moderators in clan aswell? Because I wanted to have clans with max members 5, and since moderators are not limit don't know if they can have 5 members and 5 moderators having 10 as max players :/

    Regarding sugestions, it would be nice a integration with LaserHydra plugin ( so we can change just the color of the clan TAGs and make it different from player names
  7. (19:01:15) | [Oxide] 6:01 PM [Error] Clans plugin failed to compile!

    (19:01:15) | [Oxide] 6:01 PM [Error]

    /clans Unknown command !
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Make sure you are using the newer Newtonsoft.Json.dll from the Oxide zip.
  9. my plugin already supports a possibility for other devs to grab the data. So it should be possible for dcode
  10. RUST i.o works fine but rust clans plugin doesnt work when i type commands. any suggestions?
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Please check your oxide/logs for errors, else upload the latest one here.
  12. Hi. thanks for reply. i can see error for clan plugin.

    Attached Files:

  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    First, update Oxide, you seem to be using an old build. Second, get rid of the motd plugin, it's for Oxide 1.18 only. Third, update Crafting Controller to the latest version and don't edit the file manually, edit the config instead. After you've done that, show me the latest log from the oxide/logs folder.
  14. im going to update oxide but i do have autoupdate oxide which is checking for updates every 4 hours. MOTD works fine with no problem. Crafting controller i did editing in config but im going to update it anyway. ill do it later and let you know. thanks
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2015
  15. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Your logs show motd.lua as not even being loaded, unless you modified it to work later in the log.
  16. yes i been doing editing to my motd and it works fine with no problems. im gonna update oxide now and see if clans plugin gonna be working
    Maybe i do type commands wrong - just an example /clan create "PSU" "Pussy Hunters" in console
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Do you get any feedback with the command?
  18. Excellent mod, many thanks to the author.

    One addition I'd like to see is the ability to not show your clan tag if you choose too; secret societies and all that. Sorry if this has been suggested already; thanks again for an awesome mod!
  19. Please add limit parameter for players in the clan.