

Total Downloads: 2,855 - First Release: Jun 11, 2016 - Last Update: Nov 10, 2017

5/5, 16 likes
  1. i just wanted to ask why not all weapons are in the reward system like boneknife or torch
  2. Already in:

      "Multipliers": {
        "HuntingBow": 1.0,
        "Crossbow": 1.3,
        "AssaultRifle": 1.5,
        "PumpShotgun": 1.0,
        "SemiAutomaticRifle": 1.3,
        "Thompson": 1.3,
        "CustomSMG": 1.5,
        "BoltActionRifle": 1.5,
        "TimedExplosiveCharge": 2.0,
        "M249": 1.5,
        "EokaPistol": 1.1,
        "Revolver": 1.2,
        "WaterpipeShotgun": 1.4,
        "SemiAutomaticPistol": 1.0,
        "DoubleBarrelShotgun": 1.5,
        "SatchelCharge": 2.0,
        "distance_50": 1.0,
        "distance_100": 1.5,
        "distance_200": 2.0,
        "distance_300": 2.5,
        "distance_400": 3.0,
        "HappyHourMultiplier": 4.0,
        "VIPMultiplier": 2.5,
        "CustomPermissionMultiplier": 0.0,
        "LR300": 1.5,
        "M92Pistol": 1.0,
        "MP5A4": 1.5,
        "RocketLauncher": 2.0,
        "BeancanGrenade": 1.5,
        "F1Grenade": 1.5,
        "Machete": 2.0,
        "Longsword": 1.5,
        "Mace": 1.0,
        "SalvagedCleaver": 1.0,
        "SalvagedSword": 1.0,
        "StoneSpear": 1.0,
        "WoodenSpear": 1.0
      "Options": {
        "ActivityReward_Enabled": false,
        "WelcomeMoney_Enabled": true,
        "WeaponMultiplier_Enabled": true,
        "DistanceMultiplier_Enabled": true,
        "HappyHour_Enabled": false,
        "VIPMultiplier_Enabled": false,
        "UseEconomicsPlugin": false,
        "UseServerRewardsPlugin": true,
        "UseFriendsPlugin": false,
        "UseClansPlugin": true,
        "Economincs_TakeMoneyFromVictim": false,
        "ServerRewards_TakeMoneyFromVictim": false,
        "PrintToConsole": false,
        "CustomPermissionMultiplier_Enabled": false,
        "NPCReward_Enabled": false <----------------------------------------- Change to True
      "Rewards": {
        "human": 500.0,
        "bear": 125.0,
        "wolf": 50.0,
        "chicken": 25.0,
        "horse": 50.0,
        "boar": 25.0,
        "stag": 50.0,
        "helicopter": 500.0,
        "autoturret": 500.0,
        "ActivityRewardRate_minutes": 30.0,
        "ActivityReward": 50.0,
        "WelcomeMoney": 250.0,
        "HappyHour_BeginHour": 12.0,
        "HappyHour_DurationInHours": 1.0,
        "HappyHour_EndHour": 13.0,
        "NPCKill_Reward": 50.0 <------------------------------------------------ Reward Price
      "Rewards_Version": {
        "Version": "1.3.10"
  3. does on my server lol and all i have done is set true for NPCReward_Enabled
  4. on my server not work... is imposible working is diferent plugin function. you really win money when kill bot ? no have installed plugin human npc and pathfidning?
  5. I have also HumanNPC Core and Path Finding and Waypoints yes.
  6. I do not want to have so many plugins so I ask for an update if it could be clear.
  7. You have to have Pathfinding and Waypoints to even use HumanNPC anyway lol

    Dude I run nearly 100 plugins and have no issue's and high server fps and no lag.

    (18:39:07) | Listing 93 plugins:
      01 "Rust:IO for Oxide" (2.13.0) by / dcode (22.89s)
      02 "AutoDoors" (3.1.2) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.03s)
      03 "Automatic Build Grades" (0.0.18) by AlexALX (0.01s)
      04 "AutomatedSearchlights" (0.1.6) by k1lly0u (0.69s)
      05 "AutoPurge" (1.6.0) by Fujikura/Norn (2.13s)
      06 "Backpacks" (2.0.8) by LaserHydra (0.14s)
      07 "BarrelPoints" (2.0.6) by redBDGR (0.10s)
      08 "Better Chat" (5.0.12) by LaserHydra (0.14s)
      09 "Better Chat Mute" (1.0.8) by LaserHydra (0.05s)
      10 "BoobyTraps" (0.2.12) by k1lly0u (1.95s)
      11 "Bounty" (0.1.74) by k1lly0u (3.62s)
      12 "Building Grades" (0.3.11) by bawNg / Nogrod (0.82s)
      13 "BuildingWrapper" (0.1.5) by ignignokt84 (0.00s)
      14 "Clans" (2.8.3) by Fujikura (0.97s)
      15 "ClansUI" (0.1.4) by k1lly0u (0.02s)
      16 "ConnectionDB" (0.2.1) by Norn (0.04s)
      17 "Copy Paste" (3.3.5) by Reneb (0.01s)
      18 "Dangerous Treasures" (0.1.23) by nivex (3.20s)
      19 "Death Notes" (5.2.12) by LaserHydra (0.84s)
      20 "DiscordMessages" (1.3.2) by Slut (0.00s)
      21 "DynamicCupShare" (2.2.2) by Fujikura (3.10s)
      22 "EasyVote" (1.2.7) by Exel80 (0.01s)
      23 "Economics" (2.0.5) by Nogrod (0.09s)
      24 "Event Manager Menu Interface" (1.0.5) by k1lly0u (0.05s)
      25 "Event Manager" (3.0.73) by Reneb / k1lly0u (0.07s)
      26 "ArenaDeathmatch" (1.2.22) by Reneb (0.00s)
      27 "ChopperSurvival" (0.2.82) by k1lly0u (2.28s)
      28 "GunGame" (0.4.22) by k1lly0u (0.04s)
      29 "Enhanced Hammer" (1.3.3) by Fuji/Visa (0.03s)
      30 "FancyDrop" (2.6.20) by Fujikura (2.49s)
      31 "FlippableTurrets" (1.0.5) by DylanSMR (0.00s)
      32 "FurnaceSorter" (1.0.9) by Absolut (0.97s)
      33 "GatherControl" (1.4.0) by CaseMan (1.66s)
      34 "GPay" (1.0.1) by Soccerjunki (0.00s)
      35 "GUIAnnouncements" (1.23.81) by JoeSheep (2.86s)
      36 "GUIShop" (1.4.2) by Nogrod / Reneb (0.10s)
      37 "HandyMan" (1.0.6) by nivex (0.00s)
      38 "HeliControl" (1.2.2) by Shady (3.09s)
      39 "HitIcon" (1.5.3) by serezhadelaet (0.03s)
      40 "HomesGUI" (1.1.5) by PsychoTea (1.70s)
      41 "HomeSigns" (0.1.1) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.00s)
      42 "HooksExtended" (0.0.12) by Calytic @ RustServers.IO (4.84s)
      43 "ImageLibrary" (2.0.3) by Absolut & K1lly0u (1.71s)
      44 "InfoPanel" (0.9.5) by Ghosst / Nogrod (6.10s)
      45 "InstantCraft" (1.2.1) by Vlad-00003 (0.03s)
      46 "JPipes" (0.4.1) by TheGreatJ (3.66s)
      47 "Kits" (3.2.9) by Reneb (0.53s)
      48 "Logger" (2.0.3) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.41s)
      49 "Magic Description" (1.3.1) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.06s)
      50 "MagicLoot" (0.1.13) by Norn (7.74s)
      51 "NameFix" (1.0.0) by Visagalis (0.00s)
      52 "NightLantern" (2.0.8) by k1lly0u (5.32s)
      53 "NoDecay" (1.0.13) by Deicide666ra/Piarb (12.58s)
      54 "NoGiveNotices" (0.1.0) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.00s)
      55 "OilCrate" (0.6.5) by Kaleidos (1.05s)
      56 "PathFinding" (1.1.2) by Reneb / Nogrod (0.33s)
      57 "HumanNPC" (0.3.17) by Reneb/Nogrod/Calytic (7.66s)
      58 "PlayerChallenges" (2.0.2) by k1lly0u (0.58s)
      59 "PlayerDatabase" (1.5.7) by Reneb (0.00s)
      60 "Playtime Tracker" (0.1.6) by k1lly0u (0.15s)
      61 "Popup Notifications" (0.1.3) by emu / k1lly0u (0.10s)
      62 "Prod" (2.2.9) by Reneb (0.00s)
      63 "QuickSmelt" (3.0.2) by Wulf/Fujikura (0.60s)
      64 "QuickSort" (1.1.1) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.94s)
      65 "RandomSpawns" (0.1.9) by k1lly0u (0.08s)
      66 "RemoteTurrets" (0.1.5) by k1lly0u (17.49s)
      67 "RemoverTool" (4.1.9) by Reneb (0.08s)
      68 "Rewards" (1.3.10) by Tarek (0.04s)
      69 "SaveListFix" (0.0.1) by Shady (0.00s)
      70 "ServerInfo" (0.5.2) by Fujikura/baton (0.07s)
      71 "ServerRewards" (0.4.6) by k1lly0u (0.25s)
      72 "Sign Artist" (0.3.2) by Bombardir (0.01s)
      73 "SkinBox" (1.9.7) by Fujikura (0.96s)
      74 "SkipNightUI" (0.1.2) by k1lly0u (0.48s)
      75 "SmokeGrenades" (0.1.1) by k1lly0u (0.00s)
      76 "SmoothRestart" (1.1.1) by Fujikura/Visagalis (1.74s)
      77 "Spawns" (2.0.35) by Reneb / k1lly0u (0.01s)
      78 "Stack Size Controller" (1.9.6) by Canopy Sheep (0.01s)
      79 "SteamChecks" (3.0.0) by Spicy (0.00s)
      80 "StorageCleaner" (0.1.1) by k1lly0u (0.00s)
      81 "Survey Info" (0.1.5) by Diesel_42o (0.00s)
      82 "TeleportGUI" (1.4.3) by PsychoTea (0.66s)
      83 "Timed Permissions" (1.3.2) by LaserHydra (0.00s)
      84 "Tipster" (1.3.6) by Fujikura (0.18s)
      85 "Vanish" (0.3.7) by Wulf/lukespragg (9.85s)
      86 "VisualCupboard" (1.0.8) by Colon Blow (12.88s)
      87 "VoteRewards" (2.1.0) by k1lly0u (0.03s)
      88 "Waypoints" (1.1.2) by Reneb (0.00s)
      89 "WipeSchedule" (2.0.4) by k1lly0u (0.00s)
      90 "Wounded Screams" (2.1.4) by Skipcast (1.40s)
      91 "ZLevelsRemastered" (2.6.1) by Fujikura/Visagalis (1.66s)
      92 "ZoneDomes" (0.1.4) by k1lly0u (0.24s)
      93 "ZoneManager" (2.4.3) by Reneb / Nogrod (25.88s)
    FYI: I removed the recent released bot plugin as am waiting for tomorrow to see if FP release them natively
  8. Hi.
    When killing a player and using the ServerRewards' currency instead of Economics, if the killed player doesn't have enough currency to pay the killer, the killer gets paid anyway.
    While using Economics instead, the killer receives a message saying the killed player doesn't have enough currency to pay.

    Is there a way to make it work that same way with SeverRewards?
  9. Anyone know how to stop Happy Hour starting and stopping constantly?
  10. @Tarek Any chance this can get extra permissions for additional multipliers?
  11. like the above comment , i'm having the same issue . please fix ....
    (01:14:44) | [Rewards] Happy hour started. Ending at 13
    (01:15:44) | [Rewards] Happy hour ended
    (01:16:13) | Saved 22,585 ents, serialization(0.00), write(0.01), disk(0.00) totalstall(0.01).
    (01:16:13) | Saving complete
    (01:16:44) | [Rewards] Happy hour started. Ending at 13
    (01:17:44) | [Rewards] Happy hour ended
    (01:18:44) | [Rewards] Happy hour started. Ending at 13
    where is the option to use server time or real time for happy hour ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2017
  12. Is it possible to remove the reward for killing a corpse?
  13. Players rewards aren't being applied to their "account". Spawned in some animals. They weren't lying. BarrelPoints and standard ServerRewards seem to be working still.
  14. Multipliers for TimedExplosiveCharge and SatchelCharge not work?
  15. RP (kill and play time) are show in chat but not counted in /s since the update :(
  16. The reward has not been counted after server update...
  17. please fix this ...
  18. Confirmed. @Tarek any chance of fixing this?
