

Total Downloads: 2,855 - First Release: Jun 11, 2016 - Last Update: Nov 10, 2017

5/5, 16 likes
  1. @Tarek, I've made a fix for your plugin. At least I think so XD

    void SendChatMessage(BasePlayer player, string prefix, string msg = null) => SendReply(player, msg == null ? prefix : "<color=#C4FF00>" + prefix + "</color>: " + msg);
    void BroadcastMessage(string prefix, string msg = null, object uid = null) => Server.Broadcast(msg == null ? prefix : "<color=#C4FF00>" + prefix + "</color>: " + msg);
    For those who wanna fix it on your own - just find these functions in the code(SendChatMessage and BroadcastMessage) and replace them with the one I've posted above =3
  2. works, thank you!
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated Rewards with a new update entry:


  4. Any Ideas on how to fix this one please :) using ServerRewards for Rust | Oxide
    (23:06:02) | Failed to call hook 'OnEntityDeath' on plugin 'Rewards v1.3.10' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    (23:06:02) | at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.Formatter+Lexer.Lex (System.String text) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.Formatter.Parse (System.String text) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.Formatter.ToTreeFormat (System.String text, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 translations) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.Formatter.ToUnity (System.String text) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Game.Rust.Libraries.Player.Message (.BasePlayer player, System.String message, System.String prefix, UInt64 userId) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2017
  5. wulf
    "NPCReward_Enabled": true,
    "NPCKill_Reward": 150.0,
    "Version": "1.3.11"
    npc of botspawn and murderer arent rewarded.. :/
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You're actually using the Rewards plugin, not ServerRewards. Update the plugin to fix it.
  7. Indeed I am. :) Thank you all fixed, thanks for super fast responses @Wulf
  8. How can I move the Rewards: prefix to the front instead of the end?
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Update the pluginz
  10. I thought I had latest version lol

    Update: Yeah I do have the latest version: 1.3.11
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2017
  11. @Wulf, it seems that you just replace the msg and the prefix in the commands, but not in all commands calls...
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated Rewards with a new update entry:


  13. Code:
    (00:18:41) | Compiler may have been closed by interference from security software
    (00:18:41) | Error while compiling: compiler v1.0.0.94 disconnected
    (00:19:47) | Compiler compiled an unknown assembly
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Not an issue with the plugin, something with your setup wasn't recognized or couldn't be read.
  15. Is it possible to remove the reward for killing a corpse?
  16. I keep getting the message "(NPC) Doesn't have enough money" upon killing them. I have reinstalled the plugin and gone over the config but can't seem to figure out why it's still happening. Any help regarding this would be greatly appreciated!

      "Multipliers": {
        "HuntingBow": 1.0,
        "Crossbow": 1.3,
        "AssaultRifle": 1.5,
        "PumpShotgun": 1.0,
        "SemiAutomaticRifle": 1.3,
        "Thompson": 1.3,
        "CustomSMG": 1.5,
        "BoltActionRifle": 1.5,
        "TimedExplosiveCharge": 2.0,
        "M249": 1.5,
        "EokaPistol": 1.1,
        "Revolver": 1.2,
        "WaterpipeShotgun": 1.4,
        "SemiAutomaticPistol": 1.0,
        "DoubleBarrelShotgun": 1.5,
        "SatchelCharge": 2.0,
        "distance_50": 1.0,
        "distance_100": 1.3,
        "distance_200": 1.5,
        "distance_300": 2.0,
        "distance_400": 3.0,
        "HappyHourMultiplier": 2.0,
        "VIPMultiplier": 2.0,
        "CustomPermissionMultiplier": 0.0,
        "LR300": 1.5,
        "M92Pistol": 1.0,
        "MP5A4": 1.5,
        "RocketLauncher": 2.0,
        "BeancanGrenade": 1.5,
        "F1Grenade": 1.5,
        "Machete": 2.0,
        "Longsword": 1.5,
        "Mace": 1.0,
        "SalvagedCleaver": 1.0,
        "SalvagedSword": 1.0,
        "StoneSpear": 1.0,
        "WoodenSpear": 1.0
      "Options": {
        "ActivityReward_Enabled": true,
        "WelcomeMoney_Enabled": true,
        "WeaponMultiplier_Enabled": true,
        "DistanceMultiplier_Enabled": true,
        "HappyHour_Enabled": true,
        "VIPMultiplier_Enabled": false,
        "UseEconomicsPlugin": true,
        "UseServerRewardsPlugin": false,
        "UseFriendsPlugin": true,
        "UseClansPlugin": true,
        "Economincs_TakeMoneyFromVictim": true,
        "ServerRewards_TakeMoneyFromVictim": false,
        "PrintToConsole": true,
        "CustomPermissionMultiplier_Enabled": false,
        "NPCReward_Enabled": true
      "Rewards": {
        "human": 50.0,
        "bear": 35.0,
        "wolf": 30.0,
        "chicken": 15.0,
        "horse": 15.0,
        "boar": 15.0,
        "stag": 10.0,
        "helicopter": 250.0,
        "autoturret": 150.0,
        "ActivityRewardRate_minutes": 30.0,
        "ActivityReward": 25.0,
        "WelcomeMoney": 250.0,
        "HappyHour_BeginHour": 20.0,
        "HappyHour_DurationInHours": 2.0,
        "HappyHour_EndHour": 23.0,
        "NPCKill_Reward": 45.0
      "Rewards_Version": {
        "Version": "1.3.12"
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated Rewards with a new update entry:


  18. Any chance this can get support for additional permission based multipliers beyond the current one? Would like to add another multiplier for our tier 2 donators