Player Manager

GUI-based player manager

Total Downloads: 6,768 - First Release: Dec 19, 2015 - Last Update: Oct 27, 2017

5/5, 23 likes
  1. New version wont compile

    (00:26:04) | Error while compiling
    [SERVER v1.0.24] Started as service
    [SERVER v1.0.24] Running as service
    [SERVER v1.0.24] Got Message: Ready
    [SERVER v1.0.24] Got Message: Compile
    [SERVER v1.0.24] Console: PlayerManager.cs(20,16): warning CS0169: The private field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.chatmute' is never used
    PlayerManager.cs(140,27): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.ExternalCommands.permission' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    PlayerManager.cs(141,42): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.ExternalCommands.commands' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    PlayerManager.cs(142,27): warning CS0649: Field `' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    PlayerManager.cs(146,27): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.ExternalCommand.color' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    PlayerManager.cs(147,27): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.ExternalCommand.text' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    PlayerManager.cs(148,27): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.ExternalCommand.cmd' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    error CS1705: Assembly `Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' depends on `Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' which has a higher version number than referenced assembly `Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed'
    c:\games\108_61_121_111_28016\1172825\ruste\Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error)[SERVER v1.0.24] Got Message: Compile
    [SERVER v1.0.24] Console: PlayerManager.cs(20,16): warning CS0169: The private field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.chatmute' is never used
    PlayerManager.cs(140,27): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.ExternalCommands.permission' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    PlayerManager.cs(141,42): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.ExternalCommands.commands' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    PlayerManager.cs(142,27): warning CS0649: Field `' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    PlayerManager.cs(146,27): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.ExternalCommand.color' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    PlayerManager.cs(147,27): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.ExternalCommand.text' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    PlayerManager.cs(148,27): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.ExternalCommand.cmd' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    error CS1705: Assembly `Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' depends on `Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' which has a higher version number than referenced assembly `Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed'
    c:\games\108_61_121_111_28016\1172825\ruste\Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error)[SERVER v1.0.24] Connection closed.
    [SERVER v1.0.24] Shutdown
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Logs and screenshot of plugin top please.
  3. Its still
        [Info("PlayerManager", "Reneb", "1.0.9", ResourceId = 1535)]
    I downloaded it twice now to re-check if i did sth wrong... But still getting this version
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yup, appears I posted the wrong version and wrong plugin. Looking into it again.
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Reverted to 1.0.9, as the "fix" was not accurate.
  6. Code:
    [SERVER v1.0.24] Console: PlayerManager.cs(20,16): warning CS0169: The private field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.chatmute' is never used
    PlayerManager.cs(140,27): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.ExternalCommands.permission' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    PlayerManager.cs(141,42): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.ExternalCommands.commands' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    PlayerManager.cs(142,27): warning CS0649: Field `' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    PlayerManager.cs(146,27): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.ExternalCommand.color' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    PlayerManager.cs(147,27): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.ExternalCommand.text' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    PlayerManager.cs(148,27): warning CS0649: Field `Oxide.Plugins.PlayerManager.ExternalCommand.cmd' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value `null'
    error CS1705: Assembly `Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' depends on `Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' which has a higher version number than referenced assembly `Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed'
    c:\games\108_61_121_111_28016\1172825\ruste\Assembly-CSharp.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It wasn't a fix, I was just reverting the version. See Plugins not loading on startup after update | Page 3 | Oxide.
  8. (02:08:52) | [RCON][] reload PlayerManager

    (02:08:52) | Error while compiling
  9. Error while compiling
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Try updating to the latest Oxide build.
  11. I use this to make people moderators without the ability of noclip or god mode or tp. But I noticed that people can kick me as the owner. Is there a way to exclude myself or disallow them from kicking me. Just trying to avoid things in the future.
  12. rust update, bug report
    Error while compiling: PlayerManager.cs(600,62): error CS1955: The member `BasePlayer.IsConnected' cannot be used as method or delegate
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated Player Manager with a new update entry:


  14. Player Informations is added and the commands are working but its not showing the player informations in the ui
  15. New rust update, plugin loads, no errors, UI doesnt show.
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Any CUI/GUI plugins will not work until a fix is made via a Rust update.
  17. So are the rust devs aware of the fact that CUI/GUI is broken?
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yes, they are.
  19. Looks like an update has updated it to be able to work, but you cant move your mouse after doing /playermanager
  20. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That's something Rust still needs to fix in the client.