Player Manager

GUI-based player manager

Total Downloads: 6,768 - First Release: Dec 19, 2015 - Last Update: Oct 27, 2017

5/5, 23 likes
  1. is it possible to teleport the player to you instead user to player ?
  2. Rak


    Kick reasons dont seem to be in quotes (Kick reason only shows first word)
    "Disrespectful" Spelling mistake in one of the menus.

    Clicking on a name does not select it, i have to click on the empty area to the right of the name.
  3. rust update, bug report
    [07/15/2016 05:27:11] [Oxide] 05:26 [Error] Error while compiling PlayerManager.cs(1355,31): error CS0117: `ConsoleSystem' does not contain a definition for `Broadcast'
  4. Will this plugin get update soon ? :)
  5. temporary fix

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  6. Can you fix not only for this update but also so they work with your updated PlayerInformations, PlayerDatabase, and Enhanced Ban System.
  7. Now it works well with PlayerInformations, PlayerDatabase, and Enhanced Ban System.
  8. When I select all players or sleepers it disconnects me for "addui"
  9. Reneb updated Player Manager with a new update entry:


  10. I still get kicked for addui with the new version
  11. that's due to invalid player names.
    i wasnt able to find what characters do this.
    I personnaly just added a nick filter to auto kick players that have special characters (", ', -, _, é, à , ç, etc) and it fixed my problem.
  12. i need to update a lot of plugins
  13. I press Teleport but cant teleport to the player
  14. teleport changed couple patchs ago. Didn't fix it on this plugin yet.
  15. Reneb updated Player Manager with a new update entry:


  16. Code:
    disconnecting: RPC Error: addui
  17. Yes this happens because players have letters in there names that aren't supported by the GUI.
    I wasnt able to find what are those letters ...
    So i use a nickfilter to block none latin letters to be sure. Had 0 problems since.
  18. nickfilter? can't find something like that..