

Total Downloads: 876 - First Release: Jun 26, 2017 - Last Update: Feb 17, 2018

5/5, 9 likes
  1. Great plugin! Could you add a Raidcooldown after the wipe aswell? This is to protect players the first couple of days
  2. And could you add a console command too?
  3. Sorry for my question.... how to do owner ?

    noraid.admin ... where type this command ?
  4. You type this in your Rcon console to grant it to the user/group
  5. noraid.admin steamid64 ?
  6. "grant user "steamid" noraid.admin"

    I also suggest to read the following topic regarding the oxide permission system:

    Using the Oxide permission system | Oxide
  7. Thanks !
  8. Hey great plugin! We are implementing this on our roleplay server tomorrow. We also use the plugin Fire Arrows which spawns a fireball prefab at the impact location which bypasses the entity owner check. Would it be possible to get this to work on that as well? Mainly wondering as this is the only plugin I can find that will disallow raiding for a certain period of time after a wipe based on entity ownership and will continue to use it either way but it would help out tremendously. I know this is a free plugin so if you don't want to or just don't have the time I completely understand. Thanks again for the great plugin and I look forward to hearing from you!
  9. Same after this wipe, Unknow parent for "Timer_Parent":Timer_Body in console F1
  10. Hey just a small question. No raid is activated but the gui is suddenly not showing anymore, the effect is active as it gives you the message when hitting or trying to damage something. GUI is active in the config.
  11. Same for me, Ryan was comes to my server to see but isn't fixed for the moment.

    Did you see ""Timer_Parent":Timer_Body in console F1" ??
  12. Yeah it is spamming indeed
  13. Hi,

    NoRaid doesn't work with doors ?

    I just wiped Thursday so NoRaid work, but I can damage doors and there is no message with this entity ?
  14. how to move the Anchor ? i dont get it been at it atleast an houer
  15. OCO


    can you set noraid on a single base ? like i want to do a kind of in game store with my AI vendor, to prevent destruction of it i wanna use noraid, is it possible ?
  16. just whole server, but i think theres no raid zones plugin or something somewhere here
  17. u need zonemanager for that.
  18. Could you make no raid continue the countdown after a server restart if running? Because of our daily restart it quits and lets players raid too early
  19. Doors are not protected anymore!
  20. i would like to see a random timer setup for the noraid command instead of typing start ,stop , say i could set up max min times on and off .