

Total Downloads: 876 - First Release: Jun 26, 2017 - Last Update: Feb 17, 2018

5/5, 9 likes
  1. Sorry for my bad language ^^
  2. Ryan updated NoRaid with a new update entry:


    Give the most recent version a shot, let me know how it goes tomorrow on the force wipe.
  3. ... with new update u fixed the Problem ?
  4. Of course, no problem :thumbsup:

    [DOUBLEPOST=1504766629][/DOUBLEPOST]@Ryan there is no UI now :(
  5. Does this plugin affect to the deployables too? I dont think the depolyables are non raidable.. the doors can still be destroyed by c4 or something
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
  6. I think, i find my PlugIN - Problem ... until now all working !
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
  7. It's possible to fix bugs we have before wipe ? It's just a question I know can be difficult :/
  8. what bug ?
  9. No it won't be difficult, but it'll help if you give me more information about the bugs.

    How is there no UI now? I don't understand, is there a no raid period currently active on your server? The UI only shows if there is...
  10. LOL my bad Ryan, this isn't no raid period omg...

    Would you kill me please? haha sorry dude
  11. Thanks for trying to help him.

    Haha it is ok, I'm glad we managed to solve it.
  12. Wipe ok
    But after restart, need to reload plugin to see raid cooldown :(

    I've a daily reboot, need to see if I must reload again or not
  13. Can I see your config
  14. Sure, you can see it below:

      "FriendBypass": {
        "Enabled": false,
        "FriendsApi": {
          "Enabled": false
        "RustIoClans": {
          "Enabled": false
        "PlayerOwner": {
          "Enabled": true
      "StopAllRaiding": true,
      "WipeRaiding": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "Amount of time from wipe people can raid (minutes)": 3600.0,
        "Amount of seconds to check if players can raid": 3600.0
      "NoRaidCommand": {
        "Enabled": false,
        "DefaultMin": 30.0,
        "CheckInterval": 2.5
      "Ui": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "RefreshInterval": 1.0,
        "PrimaryColor": {
          "R": 196.0,
          "G": 65.0,
          "B": 50.0,
          "A": 1.0
        "DarkColor": {
          "R": 119.0,
          "G": 38.0,
          "B": 0.0,
          "A": 1.0
        "AnchorMin": {
          "X": 0.845,
          "Y": 0.2
        "AnchorMax": {
          "X": 0.999,
          "Y": 0.23
        "TextColor": {
          "R": 255.0,
          "G": 255.0,
          "B": 255.0,
          "A": 1.0
  15. Just threw that config on my server, reloaded and works. Then I tried disconnecting and reconnecting and the UI appears for me.

    Not sure what other problems you're having but it seems to work perfectly for me :p
  16. Oh...

    After update, I need to reload NoRaid to show UI for players but when I reaload, it appear only for online players.
    I wasn't online when I reloaded and when I go to my server, I don't see UI.

    Come to Instinct server if you have the time and if you want, when you're connected, there is no UI
  17. No idea, the plugin is working perfectly fine on my end. I really have no clue why you're experiencing that lol
  18. I don't know... But don't worry, it's just an UI, not a really bug haha

  19. Hi Ryan, how are you ?

    Thanks to come on Instinct to see !
    I did some test and I see something:

    What about:
    AddUI: Unknow parent for "Timer_Parent": Timer_Body
  20. Is there a way to add a max limit for Raiders?

    Like limit 5 raid per day and 10 per week for example, using friends & clan?
