
Allows you to adjust the server's loot list

Total Downloads: 14,960 - First Release: Mar 27, 2015 - Last Update: May 20, 2018

5/5, 21 likes
  1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated LootConfig with a new update entry:


  2. So i have an issue with LootConfig kicking people when they kill a MurdererNPC.

    I've unloaded all plugins and tested them individually. This is the only one that seems to be causing this error
    RPC Error in OnProjectileAttack.

    Any support for this issue? or is it an Oxide issue?

    I get this error in console.
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  3. Mhhey!
    I´ve got the same problem.

    But besides your setup, I´ve unloaded all plugins on my setup and the error still occurs. So this is my error log:

    xx.xx.xx.xx:xxxxx/xxx/xxx kicked: RPC Error in PlayerAttack
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      at NPCMurderer.CreateCorpse () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at BasePlayer.OnKilled (.HitInfo info) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at NPCPlayerApex.OnKilled (.HitInfo info) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at BaseCombatEntity.Die (.HitInfo info) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at BasePlayer.Die (.HitInfo info) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at BaseCombatEntity.Hurt (.HitInfo info) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at BasePlayer.Hurt (.HitInfo info) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at NPCPlayerApex.Hurt (.HitInfo info) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at BaseCombatEntity.OnAttacked (.HitInfo info) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at BasePlayer.OnAttacked (.HitInfo info) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at BaseMelee.DoAttackShared (.HitInfo info) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at BaseMelee.PlayerAttack (RPCMessage msg) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at BaseMelee.OnRpcMessage (.BasePlayer player, UInt32 rpc, Network.Message msg) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
    BaseMelee:OnRpcMessage(BasePlayer, UInt32, Message)
    BaseEntity:SV_RPCMessage(UInt32, Message)
    (Filename:  Line: -1)
    I don´t know if it´s an oxide or rust problem.

    If further information is needed, let me know.
  4. Same here. When I kill the AI (Blaster :D) wearing a halloween costume, I get kicked with that error message.
  5. LootConfig is causing this

    definitely this happens on NPCMurderer.CreateCorpse()
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2017
  6. I´ve tested it. Disable LootConfig (remove it from the plugins folder), restart the server. I thought a unloaded plugin is equal to a removed plugin.
    So lets wait for an update I guess.
  7. Yeah we had this RPC issue too. Tested all plugins separately and LootConfig was the only one kicking players.
    We just disabled the NPC's until there is a fix.

    halloween.murdererpopulation 0

    The first error is the NPC, killing a NPC will kick you from game with the RPC Error.
    The second errors are from LootConfigs Commands. (loot.dump & loot.stats)
    Gyazo - 01b9c3abc82e3ac04939fb2a8b849c8a.png

    Below is the code found in Assembly-CSharp.dll

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;public class NPCMurderer : NPCPlayerApex
        public LootContainer.LootSpawnSlot[] LootSpawnSlots;    public NPCMurderer()
        }    public override string Categorize()
            return "murderer";
        }    public override void CreateCorpse()
            using (TimeWarning timeWarning = TimeWarning.New("Create corpse", 0.1f))
                NPCPlayerCorpse nPCPlayerCorpse = base.DropCorpse("assets/prefabs/npc/murderer/murderer_corpse.prefab") as NPCPlayerCorpse;
                if (nPCPlayerCorpse)
                    nPCPlayerCorpse.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.Reserved5, base.HasPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.DisplaySash), false);
                    nPCPlayerCorpse.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.Reserved2, true, false);
                    int num = 0;
                    while (num < this.inventory.containerWear.itemList.Count)
                        Item item = this.inventory.containerWear.itemList[num];
                        if (item == null || !(item.info.shortname == "gloweyes"))
                    nPCPlayerCorpse.TakeFrom(new ItemContainer[] { this.inventory.containerMain, this.inventory.containerWear, this.inventory.containerBelt });
                    nPCPlayerCorpse.playerName = base.displayName;
                    nPCPlayerCorpse.playerSteamID = this.userID;
                    ItemContainer[] itemContainerArray = nPCPlayerCorpse.containers;
                    for (int i = 0; i < (int)itemContainerArray.Length; i++)
                    if ((int)this.LootSpawnSlots.Length > 0)
                        LootContainer.LootSpawnSlot[] lootSpawnSlots = this.LootSpawnSlots;
                        for (int j = 0; j < (int)lootSpawnSlots.Length; j++)
                            LootContainer.LootSpawnSlot lootSpawnSlot = lootSpawnSlots[j];
                            for (int k = 0; k < lootSpawnSlot.numberToSpawn; k++)
                                if (Random.Range(0f, 1f) <= lootSpawnSlot.probability)
        }    public override float MaxHealth()
            return 100f;
        }    public override bool ShouldDropActiveItem()
            return false;
        }    public override float StartHealth()
            return Random.Range(100f, 100f);
        }    public override float StartMaxHealth()
            return 100f;
  8. Is this a fix??
  9. No, You'll have to wait for the plugin to get updated.
  10. Tried this, shortname as scrap, and changed the "1500stone" to "scrap", scrap still spawns :( @Wulf @Nogrod maybe you can fix this?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2017
  11. This plugin kick from the game! Checked out all all the plugins, and it is because of this plugin kick from the game by killing new NPC... please Check and Fix the plugin... Below is the error which is issued by the console after killing the Npc...

    [DeathNotices] [TAG] Jon Snow убил (M249, Lower Spine, 15.16м.)
    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    NPCMurderer.CreateCorpse () BasePlayer.OnKilled (.HitInfo info) NPCPlayerApex.OnKilled (.HitInfo info) BaseCombatEntity.Die (.HitInfo info) BasePlayer.Die (.HitInfo info) BaseCombatEntity.Hurt (.HitInfo info) BasePlayer.Hurt (.HitInfo info) NPCPlayerApex.Hurt (.HitInfo info) BaseCombatEntity.OnAttacked (.HitInfo info) BasePlayer.OnAttacked (.HitInfo info) BasePlayer.OnProjectileAttack (RPCMessage msg) BasePlayer.OnRpcMessage (.BasePlayer player, UInt32 rpc, Network.Message msg) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) BasePlayer:OnRpcMessage(BasePlayer, UInt32, Message) BaseEntity:SV_RPCMessage(UInt32, Message) ServerMgr:OnRPCMessage(Message) ServerMgr:OnNetworkMessage(Message) Facepunch.Network.Raknet.Server:ConnectedPacket(Connection) Facepunch.Network.Raknet.Server:Cycle() ServerMgr:Update() Snow joined [windows/76561198208674299]

    [DeathNotices] [TAG] Jon Snow убил (M249, Neck, 1.94м.)
    SubCategoryIntoContainer: This should never happen!
    SubCategoryIntoContainer: This should never happen!
    SubCategoryIntoContainer: This should never happen!
    [9519469/76561190003607513] was killed by [TAG] Jon Snow[2019181/76561198208674299]
    Invalid Position: generic_world[10408349] scrap (world) (-829.2, -5006.0, -494.6) (destroying)
    [DeathNotices] [TAG] Jon Snow убил (M249, Right Shoulder, 55.31м.)
    SubCategoryIntoContainer: This should never happen!
    SubCategoryIntoContainer: This should never happen!
    SubCategoryIntoContainer: This should never happen!
    [9519793/76561190002865102] was killed by [TAG] Jon Snow[2019181/76561198208674299]
  12. Yeah i have that same issue posted <here>.
    We haven't been able to fix it and people are still getting kick. We're telling people its a Rust issue until its fixed. :)
  13. [DOUBLEPOST=1509549872][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Don't know how to disable those NPC((( But I found a way to stop them - ai.move false
    command disables the intellect from an NPC and they're just standing in place
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2017
  14. Yeah we tried the commands

    Halloween.enabled false
    Halloween.murdererpopulation 0
  15. Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2017
  16. was just wondering when lootConfig will be updated or fixed or what other plugin can be used to replace until fixed?
  17. Nogrod updated LootConfig with a new update entry:


  18. @Nogrod Because of Facepunch's latest 'update' Lootconfig conflicts with the new airdrop (always 2x armor, guns, ammo.) Supply drops give a failed prefab log, and both supply and regular airdrops are glitched in the air, stationary with the parachute not deploying. Since FP appears uncapable of fixing their error's, perhaps you could patch it in the meantime? Much appreciated <3 (also maybe you could look into adding blueprints&scrap in the config?)
  19. Getting the same error as Mr_Jeff with only LootConfig loaded @Nogrod