1. Good job Noviets!
    Is there a way to put "Friendly Fire" in it ?
    we need a option to /toggle /untoggle friendly fire in this plugin.
  2. Wulf will be releasing a universal friendly fire plugin soon, which you can use for that purpose.
  3. @Wulf or @Noviets
    Could one of you two please fix this plugin because while using the commands /clan promote or /clan admin promote and then the playername its says that I'm doing it worng but I'm not and even the showabovename while makeing an cland for the first time you're able to see the clan name above someone head but while relogging from the game the clan name isn't showing anymore above someone his had,
    if one of you two can fix this that will be nice because this plugin is bugging as hell
  4. Hello

    Everytime i write in chat it doubles it up with my clan name and local.
    Its really annoying
  5. You aren't using an alternate chat formatter such as magic chat or better chat are you?
  6. Ohhh thats why. Thank you. I removed the Magic chat now. Thank you very much :)

    Do you know if I can disable players to change the colors? So only me as server owner that can do that?
  7. yes you can go to your oxide/config folder open HWclans.json and you will see,

    "AllowClanOwnerChangeColor": false,
    so false means its off,
    and true is on
    so be sure its on false and use inside of the game
    /reload HWClans.use
  8. Yeah I think V2 will be a lot more compatible with magic chat. You may have also noticed this plugin causing chat lag in V1.

    Trux replied to you on how to disable players from changing chat colors.
  9. Thank you so much.
    The /reload HWClans.use dont work though so i just restrt server :)

    Yes thank you so much
  10. Weird because normaly its needs to work
    /reload HWClans.use or /HWclans.use

    You can use the/reload command with every plugin that you've on your server.
    Ofcourse you've to use this only.
    When you change the json file.
  11. I just did /reload HWClans without the "use" :)
  12. Update
    Failed to call hook 'OnPlayerTakeDamage' on plugin 'HWClans v1.3.4' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  13. Wolf,please add OnPlayerTakeDamage i use Clan FF for hurtworld please add OnPlayerTakeDamage for oxide
  14. You use it on V2 or V1 ?

    It doesnt need a hook update. You did something wrong.
  15. V1 Version
    But I had everything normal before the oxide was updated
  16. You need to ask Wulf about maybe he removed that hook from the current V1 Build.
  17. It is unlikely that he will answer me
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If the hook is being called (it is, as you can see the error from the plugin) then it's still there.
  19. Code:
            void OnPlayerTakeDamage(PlayerSession session, EntityEffectSourceData dataSource)
                EntityStats stats = session.WorldPlayerEntity.GetComponent<EntityStats>();
                string name = session.Name;
                string tmpName = GetNameOfObject(dataSource.EntitySource);
                if (tmpName!="" && !tmpName.Contains("Creatures")){
                string KillerName = tmpName.Remove(tmpName.Length - 3);
                Clan myClan = getClan(session);
                    if (myClan != null && myClan.clanff==0)
                       List<PlayerSession> clanSessions = getMembersOnline_byClan(myClan);
                    foreach (PlayerSession ses in clanSessions)
                   if(ses.Name==KillerName && ses.Name!=session.Name){
                                   dataSource.Value = 0;
                       Singleton<AlertManager>.Instance.GenericTextNotificationServer("Не обижай соклановца!",getSession(KillerName).Player);                  
  20. Wolf why can't I use oxide on itemv2
    It doesn't even start