
A simplified store with dynamic prices

Total Downloads: 2,031 - First Release: Jan 15, 2016 - Last Update: May 12, 2018

5/5, 17 likes
  1. Thank you very much!

    I completely missed that. Will fix it asap.
  2. Yeah, like I said not a big deal at all haha, but thanks!
  3. Naz


    @Pho3niX90 i changed the prices on the config typed reload the plugin but the prices dont change.
    what to do?
    thank you
  4. Make sure you're editing the config file inside the data folder
  5. Naz


    done thank you.
    do you have the issue with goat parts allways displaying bad chat color at chat?
  6. Yup and roach parts, hopefully hurtworld devs fix that in next update kinda ruins the whole store
  7. Naz


    yep, just type 123 on chat it solve it for now, it works for me
    the first item of vehicles dont show item id how did u fix it bro?
  8. Make it a placeholder or delete it
  9. Naz


    thanks i solved it ;)
  10. Yeah what I have noticed about the colors is that once an item drops of the chat and only a closing color tag (<\color>) remains at the top ot breaks.

    I did see the issue with the goat and roach parts as well. This is because the text is long when selling is enabled. So it sometimes writes 2 lines. I am going to try and see if the font size can be reduced.
  11. Naz


    or reduce one item per page? and somehow add more categories visible to the chat
  12. Thank you. This is very good. Can Customize itemName this function?
  13. No sorry.

    You will have to wait until hurtworld adds multilingual support to their items. Currently names aren't hardcoded and are pulled straight from game.
    Yes I am working on paging the pages. My only gripe with this is the complexity for the players.

    @cowtrix I think you are the best person to ask, will hurtworld support scroll-able chatboxes similar to those of rust, rok ect
  14. This is the administrator set the price, which is not what I want that, I want to be the player can set their own prices this article!
  15. Naz


    you are right, you are doing good all i should say is thank you ;)
  16. What you are looking for is an exchange system. The plugin is a long way from that.
    Always a pleasure :)
  17. Fixed the roach parts not showing fully with a simple [] tags around the text, (these tags seem to help a lot to keep the chat from breaking as well) and shortening of the top title.
  18. That is very interesting. Do you know why this is working?
    I will add them and test on my side as well.
  19. I was just messing around trying to fix some of those issues, I have no idea why. Could possibly be because the text isn't starting out with a color tag, rather its starting with vanilla colors, but I honestly have no clue. The chat still breaks, but since I added those tags it seems to break not nearly as much.

    It was breaking 8/10 times when i'd use /shop, now its breaking around 1/10

    I could just be getting lucky with it not breaking so frequently as well. I'm just hoping for a fix next update!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2016
  20. That makes sense.

    I am going to try a work around. When a cat is called clear the screen, then display contents. Hoping this will provide a temp fix, just need to test the code,