GUI Shop

GUI Shop based on Economics. Supports NPC

Total Downloads: 11,450 - First Release: Aug 29, 2015 - Last Update: May 3, 2018

5/5, 38 likes
  1. how can I increase the spaces between the items?

    Update: Found it self ^^
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2018
  2. Hello, i've added a small water bottle on my shop, when i buy him, she's empty. What is the solution for sell fully bottle ?
  3. hello, i install plugin and put this on config but when i type /shop it's fully empty
      "Message - Bought": "You've successfully bought {0}x {1}",
      "Message - Error - Item Doesnt Exist": "WARNING: The item you are trying to buy doesn't seem to exist",
      "Message - Error - Item Not Set Properly": "WARNING: The admin didn't set this item properly! (item)",
      "Message - Error - Item Not Valid": "WARNING: It seems like it's not a valid item",
      "Message - Error - No Action In Shop": "You are not allowed to {0} in this shop",
      "Message - Error - No Action Item": "You are not allowed to {0} this item here",
      "Message - Error - No Buy Price": "WARNING: No buy price was given by the admin, you can't buy this item",
      "Message - Error - No Chat Shop": "You may not use the chat shop. You might need to find the NPC Shops.",
      "Message - Error - No Econonomics": "Couldn't get informations out of Economics. Is it installed?",
      "Message - Error - No NPC": "The NPC owning this shop was not found around you",
      "Message - Error - No Sell Price": "WARNING: No sell price was given by the admin, you can't sell this item",
      "Message - Error - No Shop": "This shop doesn't seem to exist.",
      "Message - Error - Not Enough Items": "You don't have enough of this item.",
      "Message - Error - Not Enough Money": "You need {0} coins to buy {1} of {2}",
      "Message - Error - Redeem Kit": "WARNING: There was an error while giving you this kit",
      "Message - Sold": "You've successfully sold {0}x {1}",
      "Shop - Shop Categories": {"Apple": {
          "buy": "1",
          "img": "",
          "item": "apple",
          "sell": "1"
    "Airdrop": {
          "buy": "1000",
          "img": "",
          "cmd": ["airdrop.toplayer $", "say $ bought an airdrop. Kill him!!!"],
          "sell": "1000"
        "Assault Rifle": {
          "buy": "10",
          "img": "",
          "item": "assault rifle",
          "sell": "8"
        "BlueBerries": {
          "buy": "1",
          "img": "",
          "item": "blueberries",
          "sell": "1"
        "Bolt Action Rifle": {
          "buy": "10",
          "img": "",
          "item": "bolt action rifle",
          "sell": "8"
      "Shop - Shop List": {
        "1234567": {
          "buy": [
            "Assault Rifle",
            "Bolt Action Rifle"
          "description": "You currently have {0} coins to spend in this farmers market",
          "name": "Fruit Market",
          "sell": [
            "Assault Rifle",
            "Bolt Action Rifle"
        "5498734": {
          "buy": [
            "Assault Rifle",
            "Bolt Action Rifle"
          "description": "You currently have {0} coins to spend in this weapons shop",
          "name": "Weaponsmith Shop",
          "sell": [
            "Assault Rifle",
            "Bolt Action Rifle"
        "chat": {
          "0": [
            "Build Kit",
          "description": "You currently have {0} coins to spend in this builders shop",
          "name": "Build"
  4. yep is a weird one i had to get someone to send me their files with categories added for me to get it to work.
  5. I cant get the categories to work and for some reason I can't use the page forward or backward button. Anyone able to send me a working shop so I can compare?
    you have to have commander plugin to be able to do this.........the lite version works.
  6. I am curious about this as well. I don't see any related config and was unable to decipher any such protection from the code.
  7. Namtamrof,
    did you find a solution?
  8. Everything works fine with adding items to the shop. However, I strike a problem when adding commands. One example is:

    "<color=yellow>* </color>5x /home's -120x TP's - 5 Sec Countdown": {
    "buy": "1500",
    "img": "",
    "cmd": ["o.grant user $"],
    "sell": ""

    The Shop will display the above for sale correctly, but when players click on "1" quantity to buy, nothing happens. No money is deducted.
    I have entered the command o.grant user [$] manually and that works fine. I am the Admin.

    Can only Admins buy commands from the Shop that adds permissions?

    If this is the case, would the following work?

    "cmd": ["o.usergroup add $ Admin","o.grant user $","o.usergroup remove $ Admin"],
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2018
  9. cant seem to get anything to show could somebody please upload a working config?
  10. sent u the 2 files
    Install this mod TimedPermission and replace the command line in the GUIShop.json with something like:

    old line: "cmd": ["o.grant user $"],
    new line: "cmd": ["grantperm $ 45d"],

    In my example, it gives the $ 45 days of the permission

    Hope this inspires anyone out there?
  12. Can resources not be added? 19:29 [Info] [GUI Shop] ShopCategory: Stone Unknown item: stone
  13. Try Stones with the plural.
  14. Good day to all. Please do not judge strictly for stupid questions. I'm not a programmer so I don't understand why is not working GUI Shop. More precisely,
    appears a blank window that says build and all. The configuration file is created,all related plugins installed. Here is my config file.
    "Message - Bought": "You've successfully bought {0}x {1}",
    "Message - Error - Building Blocked": "You cannot shop while in building blocked area.",
    "Message - Error - Command Multiple": "Can't buy multiple",
    "Message - Error - Cooldown": "This item has a cooldown of {0} seconds.",
    "Message - Error - Cooldown Amount": "This item has a cooldown and amount is limited to 1.",
    "Message - Error - Invetory Full": "Your inventory is full.",
    "Message - Error - Invetory Slots": "Your inventory needs {0} free slots.",
    "Message - Error - the Item Doesnt Exist": "WARNING: The item you are trying to buy doesn't seem to exist",
    "Message - Error - Item Not Set Properly": "WARNING: The admin didn't set this item properly! (item)",
    "Message - Error - Item Not Valid": "WARNING: It seems like it's not a valid item"
    "Message - Error - No Action In Shop": "You are not allowed to {0} in this shop",
    "Message - Error - No Action Item": "You are not allowed to {0} this item here",
    "Message - Error - No Buy Price": "WARNING: No buy price was given by the admin, you can't buy this item",
    "Message - Error - No Chat Shop": "You may not use the chat shop. You might need to find the NPC Shops.",
    "Message - Error - No Econonomics": "couldn't get informations out of Economics. Is it installed?",
    "Message - Error - No NPC": "The NPC owning this shop was not found around you",
    "Message - Error - No Sell Price": "WARNING: No sell price was given by the admin, you can't sell this item",
    "Message - Error - No Shop": "This shop doesn't seem to exist.",
    "Message - Error - Not Enough Items": "You don't have enough of this item.",
    "Message - Error Not Enough Money": "You need {0} coins to buy {1} of {2}",
    "Message - Error - Not Nothing": "nothing You cannot buy of this item.",
    "Message - Error - Redeem Kit": "WARNING: There was an error while giving you this kit",
    "Message - Sold": "You've successfully sold {0}x {1}",
    "Shop - Balance": true,
    "Shop - Shop Categories": {
    "Airdrop": {
    "buy": "1000",
    "cmd": [
    "airdrop.toplayer $"
    "say $ bought an airdrop. Kill him!!!"
    "img": "",
    "sell": "1000"
    "Apple": {
    "buy": "1",
    "img": "",
    "item": "apple",
    "sell": "1"
    "Assault Rifle": {
    "buy": "10",
    "img": "",
    "item": "assault rifle",
    "sell": "8"
    "BlueBerries": {
    "buy": "1",
    "img": "",
    "item": "blueberries",
    "sell": "1"
    "Bolt Action Rifle": {
    "buy": "10",
    "img": "",
    "item": "bolt action rifle",
    "sell": "8"
    "Build Kit": {
    "buy": "10",
    "img": "",
    "item": "kitbuild",
    "sell": "8"
    "Shop - Shop Icon Url": "",
    "Shop - Shop List": {
    "1234567": {
    "buy": [
    "Assault Rifle",
    "Bolt Action Rifle"
    "description": "You currently have {0} coins to spend in this farmers market",
    "name": "Fruit Market",
    "sell": [
    "Assault Rifle",
    "Bolt Action Rifle"
    "5498734": {
    "buy": [
    "Assault Rifle",
    "Bolt Action Rifle"
    "description": "You currently have {0} coins to spend in this weapons shop",
    "name": "Weaponsmith Shop",
    "sell": [
    "Assault Rifle",
    "Bolt Action Rifle"
    "chat": {
    "0": [
    "Build Kit",
    "description": "You currently have {0} coins to spend in this builders shop",
    "name": "Build"

  15. Find these 2 lines in the file and add the comma at the end of the line.

    1. "Message - Error - Item Not Valid": "WARNING: It seems like it's not a valid item",
    2. "airdrop.toplayer $",
  16. I'm sorry,but in the original file these comma there for some reason are not copied. Therefore,it is not the case.
  17. i cant for the life of me get this working, i just want to make a /shop with everything for sale. Does anyone have a config i can use?
  18. Does anyone have a json file with all the items they would be willing to share with me for my server? I understand if not just would be nice its a pain in the ass to set up...