GUI Shop

GUI Shop based on Economics. Supports NPC

Total Downloads: 11,450 - First Release: Aug 29, 2015 - Last Update: May 3, 2018

5/5, 38 likes
  1. What doesn't show in-game? The whole GUIShop UI after typing /shop? Hard to say what is going on in that case.
    In the config JSON you set up each item first:

    "Supply Signal": {
                "buy": "9000",
                "img": "",
                "item": "supply.signal",
                "cooldown": "2",
                "sell": "9000"
    Or you can add a command
    "Bradley APC Crate - Spawn": {
                "buy": "9000",
                "img": "",
                "cmd": ["spawn bradley_crate \"$player.x $player.y $player.z\""],
                "cooldown": "10",
                "sell": "-10"
    You can see where buy and sell price is. In the case of commands obviously you woudl be giving free currency of you let players sell cmmands as it is non-inventory item. So you put -value or just don't put them under sell category. Talikng of which...
    After you have set up each item, you have to put them in buy and/or sell category. Then only the sell or buy option will be available in the shop.
    "chat": {
                "buy": ["Bradley APC Crate - Spawn", "Supply Signal"],
                "description": "You currently have {0} Points to spend in The Shop",
                "name": "The Shop",
                "sell": ["Supply Signal"]
    Now there should be Bradley crate spawn followed by supply signal. But only supply signal has the option to sell it back to the shop for the same 9000.
    I also put a cooldown on items to prevent missclicking multiple times. Or bigger cooldown for daily crates or VIP.
    "7 day VIP": {
                "buy": "70000",
                "img": "",
                "cmd": ["addgroup $ vip 7d"],
                "cooldown": "604800",
                "sell": "-10"
    That VIP is handled by timed permissions plugin btw.
  2. How does one limit the number available to buy of an item?

    As it stands purchases from a shop are limited by a cool down timer, how much cash a player has and up to 1000 on items with a cool down.

    A player can spend all of their cash on one item buying as many as their inventory can hold. The shop has no limit on the number in the shop's inventory.

    Meaning if you setup a High Quality Metal (HQM) shop with just HQM selling to players at 1$ with no cool down; a player with 5000$ can buy 5000 HQM. Having an unlimited supply on items means that the items have no value, laws of supply and demand.

    TL;DNR Please add a way to limit the amount of an item a shop has available for purchase.
  3. A limit on the amount would be a nice option. But limiting the currency amount is the best way to limit the supply imo.
  4. Can anyone help me to where scrap can be used as currency to be resources I'm having a hard time
  5. I don't think you can use any items as currency directly. Just let them sell that scrap back to the shop. That way you convert scrap into shop currency.
  6. that was what i was going for, but since i go full on retard for this stuff i was looking for a kind person to do it for me xD
  7. Are you using economics plugin?
  8. yuh, i know how to do plugins im just lazy

  9. No, it's just that economics may cause a "0 glitch" where people can spam endless amounts of shop items.
    Test it out. I had to modify the plugins manually to fix that.
  10. 7 day vip works well so does the bradlye crate.
    Kris Bendix do u have the command to buy the heli crate as well ??
  11. bradley_crate
    giftbox_loot - and this is the Christmas gift.
    I used the PrefabSniffer plugin to get a list of prefabs. The list is quite big tho, so had to do some searching in it. But I guess all crates can be found that way.
    Elite crate and Bradley crate looks the same. But the loot should be appropriate for the spawn command used.
    Just spam spawn command in f1 console to test the loots of them if needed. Seemed correct for me.
  12. Hello, I was hoping someone might be able to help me. I might not be understanding this fully. I've tried to change nearly everything in the config, I've changed just the way the dev says and I changed it to the specs detailed earlier in this thread but no matter what I do, nothing is in the shop. All I get is this screen with "Build" at the top. Screenshot - 124f451968c46e7c78bc0d86402f287c - Gyazo .

    And for some reason it just keeps reverting back to the originally config file.

    Got this error as well just now.

    Screenshot - 9c3b2a25e6a75badcaaa5f7dab4431ae - Gyazo
  13. Can you attach the config json file to the reply here? It is weird that it reverts back.
  14. The current config file is the default json file. I have to add all that stuff again. Wish I had copied everything, didn't think it would of reset its self. Do you want the default config?

      "Message - Bought": "You've successfully bought {0}x {1}",
      "Message - Error - Building Blocked": "You cannot shop while in building blocked area.",
      "Message - Error - Command Multiple": "Can't buy multiple",
      "Message - Error - Cooldown": "This item has a cooldown of {0} seconds.",
      "Message - Error - Cooldown Amount": "This item has a cooldown and amount is limited to 1.",
      "Message - Error - Invetory Full": "Your inventory is full.",
      "Message - Error - Invetory Slots": "Your inventory needs {0} free slots.",
      "Message - Error - Item Doesnt Exist": "WARNING: The item you are trying to buy doesn't seem to exist",
      "Message - Error - Item Not Set Properly": "WARNING: The admin didn't set this item properly! (item)",
      "Message - Error - Item Not Valid": "WARNING: It seems like it's not a valid item",
      "Message - Error - No Action In Shop": "You are not allowed to {0} in this shop",
      "Message - Error - No Action Item": "You are not allowed to {0} this item here",
      "Message - Error - No Buy Price": "WARNING: No buy price was given by the admin, you can't buy this item",
      "Message - Error - No Chat Shop": "You may not use the chat shop. You might need to find the NPC Shops.",
      "Message - Error - No Econonomics": "Couldn't get informations out of Economics. Is it installed?",
      "Message - Error - No NPC": "The NPC owning this shop was not found around you",
      "Message - Error - No Sell Price": "WARNING: No sell price was given by the admin, you can't sell this item",
      "Message - Error - No Shop": "This shop doesn't seem to exist.",
      "Message - Error - Not Enough Items": "You don't have enough of this item.",
      "Message - Error - Not Enough Money": "You need {0} coins to buy {1} of {2}",
      "Message - Error - Not Nothing": "You cannot buy nothing of this item.",
      "Message - Error - Redeem Kit": "WARNING: There was an error while giving you this kit",
      "Message - Sold": "You've successfully sold {0}x {1}",
      "Shop - Balance": false,
      "Shop - Shop Categories": {
        "Apple": {
          "buy": "1",
          "item": "apple",
          "sell": "1"
        "Assault Rifle": {
          "buy": "10",
          "item": "assault rifle",
          "sell": "8"
        "BlueBerries": {
          "buy": "1",
          "item": "blueberries",
          "sell": "1"
        "Bolt Action Rifle": {
          "buy": "10",
          "item": "bolt action rifle",
          "sell": "8"
        "Build Kit": {
          "buy": "10",
          "img": "",
          "item": "kitbuild",
          "sell": "8"
      "Shop - Shop Icon Url": "",
      "Shop - Shop List": {
        "1234567": {
          "buy": [
            "Assault Rifle",
            "Bolt Action Rifle"
          "description": "You currently have {0} coins to spend in this farmers market",
          "name": "Fruit Market",
          "sell": [
            "Assault Rifle",
            "Bolt Action Rifle"
        "5498734": {
          "buy": [
            "Assault Rifle",
            "Bolt Action Rifle"
          "description": "You currently have {0} coins to spend in this weapons shop",
          "name": "Weaponsmith Shop",
          "sell": [
            "Assault Rifle",
            "Bolt Action Rifle"
        "chat": {
          "buy": [
            "Build Kit"
          "description": "You currently have {0} coins to spend in this builders shop",
          "name": "Build"
  15. Shoplist looks wrong.

    "Shop - Shop Icon Url": "",
        "Shop - Shop List": {
            "chat": {
                "buy": ["Assault Rifle", "Apple"],
                "description": "You currently have {0} coins to spend in this farmers market",
                "name": "Shop",
                "sell": ["Assault Rifle", "Apple"]
    Try this. If you put item only under buy then the item will only have the option to buy. etc.
  16. That is the default json file. That's unedited, just as the dev loading it as. I'll add the brackets tho. Give that a try
  17. Ok, I've been at it for hours. I keep getting an error when the server starts up. Here is the error code ----> Screenshot - bd62c7e4da198a692a55824d2f191867 - Gyazo

    Here is my JSON file
      "Message - Bought": "You've successfully bought {0}x {1}",
      "Message - Error - Building Blocked": "You cannot shop while in building blocked area.",
      "Message - Error - Command Multiple": "Can't buy multiple",
      "Message - Error - Cooldown": "This item has a cooldown of {0} seconds.",
      "Message - Error - Cooldown Amount": "This item has a cooldown and amount is limited to 1.",
      "Message - Error - Invetory Full": "Your inventory is full.",
      "Message - Error - Invetory Slots": "Your inventory needs {0} free slots.",
      "Message - Error - Item Doesnt Exist": "WARNING: The item you are trying to buy doesn't seem to exist",
      "Message - Error - Item Not Set Properly": "WARNING: The admin didn't set this item properly! (item)",
      "Message - Error - Item Not Valid": "WARNING: It seems like it's not a valid item",
      "Message - Error - No Action In Shop": "You are not allowed to {0} in this shop",
      "Message - Error - No Action Item": "You are not allowed to {0} this item here",
      "Message - Error - No Buy Price": "WARNING: No buy price was given by the admin, you can't buy this item",
      "Message - Error - No Chat Shop": "You may not use the chat shop. You might need to find the NPC Shops.",
      "Message - Error - No Econonomics": "Couldn't get informations out of Economics. Is it installed?",
      "Message - Error - No NPC": "The NPC owning this shop was not found around you",
      "Message - Error - No Sell Price": "WARNING: No sell price was given by the admin, you can't sell this item",
      "Message - Error - No Shop": "This shop doesn't seem to exist.",
      "Message - Error - Not Enough Items": "You don't have enough of this item.",
      "Message - Error - Not Enough Money": "You need {0} coins to buy {1} of {2}",
      "Message - Error - Not Nothing": "You cannot buy nothing of this item.",
      "Message - Error - Redeem Kit": "WARNING: There was an error while giving you this kit",
      "Message - Sold": "You've successfully sold {0}x {1}",
      "Shop - Balance": false,
      "Shop - Shop Categories": {
        "Apple": {
          "buy": "1",
          "img": "",
          "item": "apple",
          "sell": "1"
        "Assault Rifle": {
          "buy": "1000",
          "img": "",
          "item": "assault rifle",
          "sell": "8"
        "BlueBerries": {
          "buy": "1",
          "img": "",
          "item": "blueberries",
          "sell": "1"
        "Bolt Action Rifle": {
          "buy": "1000",
          "img": "",
          "item": "bolt action rifle",
          "sell": "8"
        "Black Raspberries": {
          "buy": "3",
          "img": "",
          "item": "black raspberries",
          "sell": "2"
        "Pumpkin": {
          "buy": "3",
          "img": "",
          "item": "pumpkin",
          "sell": "2"
        "Mushroom": {
          "buy": "1",
          "img": "",
          "item": "mushroom",
          "sell": "1"
        "Can of Tuna": {
          "buy": "3",
          "img": "",
          "item": "can tuna",
          "sell": "1"
        "Water Jug": {
          "buy": "10",
          "img": "",
          "item": "waterjug",
          "sell": "1"
        "Build Kit": {
          "buy": "10",
          "img": "",
          "item": "kitbuild",
          "sell": "8"
      "Shop - Shop Icon Url": "",
      "Shop - Shop List": {
        "chat": {
          "buy": [
            "Build Kit",
            "Bolt Action Rifle",
            "Assault Rifle",
            "Black Raspberries"
            "Can of Tuna"
            "Water Jug"
          "description": "You currently have {0} coins to spend in this shop",
          "name": "Shop",
          "sell": [
            "Black Raspberries"
            "Can of Tuna"
  18. Line 98 has a problem. If you look closer, you are missing commas after "Pumpkin". Put commas after "Pumpkin" and rest of them that are missing one. Should work after that.
    Json is really strict. Every symbol must be in the right place.
    Also, make sure to use Notepad++ if you are not already. Helps a lot to organize codes.
  19. Idk why I didn't see that. Thanks, sorry for the confusion.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2018
  20. No problem. That is how we learn. :)