

Total Downloads: 59,073 - First Release: Oct 23, 2014 - Last Update: Aug 27, 2017

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  1. Does anyone know how to modify the gather rate from salvaging from heli or bradley?

  2. This no longer is working. any idea why?
  3. hello i dont test it but they change the ids from items maybe u need change the id to the right now

    entity.ToPlayer().inventory.GiveItem(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(2133577942, 3), entity.ToPlayer().inventory.containerMain);

    edit: here the new item IDs

    -1982036270 High Quality Metal - Ore hq.metal.ore
    317398316 High Quality Metal - metal.refined
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2018
  4. is this going to be fixed anytime soon as we always seem to only get 2 HQM per metal node.
  5. I was wondering if someone can hook me up with a gathering plugin but I only need it to be x2

    also new to this
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    There are multiple gathering plugins under the Rust Plugins section. If you need help with one of them, please use their support threads.
  7. search for gathermanager under the plugin section - and when u install it edit the config and set it all to 2x
  8. hello new to plugins and stuff now this gathering one you have posted am I right in saying once installed and a cfg file made where is the line I could change to x2 gather and once changed what would I do next could oyu or any pls help
  9. where in the cfg on which line I set it to 2x pls
  10. You need to run commands in rcon its the only way or see this post of mine it shows you what it looks like GatherManager
  11. GatherManager
    or use the file below

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2018
  12. ?????? not sure what you saying
  13. Had that feeling thats why I uploaded the file for you with all changes just upload it to the config folder then reload the plugin or restart the server if you dont know how to reload a plugin
  14. ty I have that file installed lready but is there something I should chage in the config file to change the rates of gather could you plas point it out to me
    [DOUBLEPOST=1530126833][/DOUBLEPOST]I have 2 gather manager files in the config now is it ok to leave them in and how would I reload the plugin for future reference
  15. Its already set to 2x you dont need to do anything and to reload this plugin type in rcon o.reload GatherManager
  16. is that a zero or an o in o.reload gathermanager and in rcon you are meaning in rusty admin or te f1 console in game ?? I know im a noob but hey everyone starts somewhere plus that config I put in as mentioned previously doesn't seem to be working am I missing something could you post a screenie of the file and what the config looks like big ask but would like to sort this out for tomorrow
  17. o as in the letter rusty, rustadmin console, f1 are all rcon
  18. what a pain I am fired up game typed the command into the f1 rcon in game and nada nothing happening tried restarting and to no avail going to go for a fresh wipe and restart from beginning but could it be the config you gave me there was one already there does it need deleteing and and do you have the path where it stored on pc
  19. All you need to do it upload the config I gave you to the config folder and restart the server and the file I gave you works any mistakes are from your side
  20. I don't get why you are looking so complicated.
    If you are admin on the server, in the F1 console you tip the following command to set everything x2
    gather.rate dispenser * 2
    gather.rate pickup * 2
    gather.rate quarry * 2
    gather.rate survey * 2
    That all you have to do.