

Total Downloads: 10,603 - First Release: Dec 16, 2014 - Last Update: Apr 19, 2018

4.92857/5, 56 likes
  1. seems like i have problems with this mod after last game update (before worked nice).Problem is that players cant spawn into arena i have created.They get kits and event start, but they are at location they were before event and they cant get into arena.Everything is working, kills, kits and stuff, but only spawns not...
    any tips ?

    Edit: I updated plugins, both arena deathmatch and event manager, also spawns.Loaded in order...Still cant spawn players into arena :(
  2. You most likely dont have valid a valid spawnfile, i recommend restarting config in the order to be sûre you did everything
  3. CHR


    OK Reneb i HOPE this does work! I will test it soon. <3
  4. yeah thx i didn't test it all i know is that it doesnt bug ^^ and i used rust way to unwound, so no reason for it not to work :)
  5. Thx it seems to work. I managed a deathmatch game without issues.
  6. Does it have rewards build in?
    Can you make the management commands chat commands like in the old one please.
    And make it so it runs the events on a timer like the old one did as well, let's say run the Arena every 30 mins or so. (if it does not do that already)

    I'm testing it out now...
  7. commands for management will stay in console as it will make it easier for remote use
    as for rewards and timer i will i just want the plugin to work because going forward
  8. Something strange:
    I've translated json file, but after reloading the plugin all stays in english.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1431289233][/DOUBLEPOST]And one more: how to do adv message about /event_join ?
  9. there are no adv message for /event_join i need to add
  10. What about translation ? Any ideas ? Because, i don't see any mistakes from my side. I translate plugins almost every day, but reloading of the plugin doesn't help at all.
  11. Strange , i dont see why it wouldnt work, i'll try something tomorrow maybe it will fix the problem
  12. hey reneb i got arena running perfect is there a way so u can enable admins to spawn a kit in around the arena zone once the arena zone is setup it wont even let admin spawn a kit in around it
  13. This Game Deathmatch isn't registered, did you reload the game after loading the Event - Core?

    What is the issue here?

    I have tryed reloading all the plugins ect.
  14. In that order
    1 oxide.reload Spawn
    2 oxide.reload EventManager
    3 oxide.reload ArenaDeathmatch
  15. hello Reneb,
    I managed to run arena deathmatch again, and its working now.The problem was that i had arena core and event manager, and they dont work well together.I removed arena core and left only event manager and its working.
    But there were 2 problems after we finnished game :
    1. a friend was spawned back in normal game , but lost all stuff he had, plus at 60 health and not in place where he was before game started (he was killed last one)
    2. i was spawned at same place i was before game started, but i was bleeding (took a bullet from a guy who i killed when game ended) and my stuff was with me

    I reloaded all plugins in order before game.Anyway, was good fun :)
  16. so i got this error when i ran the arena
    > event.start
    Event: Deathmatch is about to begin!
    [Oxide] 12:35 AM [Info] Event "Deathmatch" is now started.
    [Oxide] 12:35 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.7.4] :: HACKUSATIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED if you make claims that someone is due to them killing you and you not likeing it you will get kicked.
    [event] events/cargo_plane
    [Oxide] 12:35 AM [Info] Airdrop setting to drop at : (-828.0, 282.0, 1056.0)
    [Oxide] 12:36 AM [Info] Saving pets...
    Reporting Performance Data system/server kicked: Unresponsive
    Kyuubi has left the Event! (Total Players: 1)
    The Event entrance is now closed!
    Event: Deathmatch is now over!
    [Oxide] 12:36 AM [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnEventLeavePost' on plugin 'Arena Deathmatch' (InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.)
    [Oxide] 12:36 AM [Debug] at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[Oxide.Plugins.ArenaDeathmatch+DeathmatchPlayer].VerifyState () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[Oxide.Plugins.ArenaDeathmatch+DeathmatchPlayer].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.ArenaDeathmatch.CheckScores () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.ArenaDeathmatch.OnEventLeavePost (.BasePlayer player) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&)
    at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    [Oxide] 12:36 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.7.4] :: Contact us at [email protected] kicked: Unresponsive
    [Oxide] 12:36 AM [Info] [Notifier v2.7.4] :: The_Preacher left the server.
    Kyuubi has auth level 2

    any idea what caused it ?
  17. What caused it seems to be the player that got kicked while ingame.
    Doesnt seem like the plugin broke, as it still worked after.
    Still an error that needs a fix, thx for the report
  18. Reneb updated Event Manager with a new update entry:

    config messages fix? & autokit block

  19. thanks plugin works perfectly :)

    it would be good if we translate /event_join etc ..