

Total Downloads: 3,115 - First Release: Jun 6, 2016 - Last Update: Feb 24, 2018

5/5, 18 likes
  1. yes i will do that
  2. Banning with steamid's work but not with in-game names, why?
  3. when i banned player for tempban ex /ban nick reason 86400 , i have "expiration": 1476472096, in banlist ;c
  4. it's normal, it's the real time expiration
  5. Reneb updated Enhanced Ban System with a new update entry:


  6. All False, but

    (13:08:10) | [Oxide] 1:08 PM [Error] MySql handle raised an exception in 'EnhancedBanSystem v5.0.0' plugin (MySqlException: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.)
    (13:08:10) | [Oxide] 1:08 PM [Debug]   at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Open () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  7. you didnt set mysql to false then, but i tried and it doesnt do that if you have all on false
  8. Code:
      "Ban - Broadcast": true,
      "Ban - Default Reason": "Banned",
      "Ban - Evade": true,
      "Ban - Evade Reason": "Ban Evade",
      "Ban - Log": true,
      "DataType - Files - use": false,
      "DataType - MySQL - Database": "banlist",
      "DataType - MySQL - Host": "localhost",
      "DataType - MySQL - Pass": "toor",
      "DataType - MySQL - Port": 3306,
      "DataType - MySQL - use": false,
      "DataType - MySQL - User": "root",
      "DataType - Native - use": false,
      "DataType - PlayerDatabase - IP Filename": "EnhancedBanSystem_IPs.json",
      "DataType - PlayerDatabase - use": false,
      "DataType - SQLite - Database Filename": "banlist.db",
      "DataType - SQLite - use": false,
      "DataType - WebAPI - Banlist": "http://webpage.com/banlist.php?startid={startid}",
      "DataType - WebAPI - Host": "http://webpage.com/api.php?action=ban&pass=mypassword&id={id}&steamid={steamid}&name={name}&ip={ip}&reason={reason}&source={source}&game={game}&platform={platform}&server={server}&tempban={expiration}",
      "DataType - WebAPI - IsBanned": "http://webpage.com/api.php?action=isbanned&pass=mypassword&id={id}&update={update}&steamid={steamid}&ip={ip}&time={time}&name={name}&game=Rust&server=rust.kortal.org:28015",
      "DataType - WebAPI - Unban": "http://webpage.com/api.php?action=unban&pass=mypassword&steamid={steamid}&name={name}&ip={ip}&name={name}&source={source}",
      "DataType - WebAPI - use": false,
      "Denied Connection - Log": true,
      "Kick - Broadcast": true,
      "Kick - Log": true,
      "Kick - On Ban": true,
      "Permissions - Ban": "enhancedbansystem.ban",
      "Permissions - Banlist": "enhancedbansystem.banlist",
      "Permissions - Kick": "enhancedbansystem.kick",
      "Permissions - Unban": "enhancedbansystem.unban",
      "Server Info - Game": "Rust",
      "Server Info - IP:PORT": "",
      "Server Info - Platform": "Steam"
  9. Can i use a one mysql bd for more than one server?
  10. yes it's the point on this mysql ;)
    [DOUBLEPOST=1476530930][/DOUBLEPOST]you can set the game / platform / server on which the ban was executed
    [DOUBLEPOST=1476530964][/DOUBLEPOST]so when you look at the DB you can know where the guy was banned.
    And if he connects on the other server, he will be rejected also.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1476531505][/DOUBLEPOST]seems that it bugs with the latest version of oxide/rust ...
  11. Reneb updated Enhanced Ban System with a new update entry:


  12. Reneb updated Enhanced Ban System with a new update entry:


  13. Could any one help me with this please?

    Attached Files:

  14. Reneb updated Enhanced Ban System with a new update entry:


  15. are you still able to ban people while they are offline or not ?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1476556596][/DOUBLEPOST]Because I'm trying to ban someone at the moment and its saying ERROR Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Could you show the full error please?
  17. there isn't any erros its saying that it is unloaded
    [Oxide] 19:22 [Info] EnhancedBanSystem was compiled successfully in 2688ms
    Non platform assembly: data-00000000A7B3A740 (this message is harmless)
    Fallback handler could not load library C:/TCAFiles/Users/rowdyp/13440/hurtworld_Data/Mono/data-00000000A7B3A740.dll
    [Oxide] 19:22 [Info] Loaded plugin EnhancedBanSystem v5.0.3 by Reneb
    But i was wondering do I really need an msql data base before I can run this plugin ?
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    What you posted before IS an error. We'd need to see the full error from what you posted before.
  19. that is just de thing there arn't any error I'm typing inside of the game /ban ip reason and its saying inside of the game Error cannot cast from source type to destination type.
    So my guestion is do I've really need an msqldatabase before I can use this plugin
  20. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That error has to be logged somewhere though, either it Unity's log or Oxide's log.