
Broadcasts players and animals deaths to chat

Total Downloads: 65,994 - First Release: Feb 14, 2015 - Last Update: May 13, 2018

4.98519/5, 270 likes
  1. Спасибо!
    Eng: Tnx!
  2. any way to change the letter size?
  3. SkinN õ.Õ'.|. updated Death Notes with a new update entry:

    Death Notes | Multiple messages!

    Warning: This update will force auto-update onto the death notes so users notice the new changes!

    Your issue has been fixed, sorry for the inconvenient.
    No there is no way to change that for now, neither I find it useful for this plugin. But who knows and I might ending adding it at some point.
    Even though you can do this, I don't quite recommend doing it if you want to turn off most of the messages, that's why the 'display messages' settings exists. :)
    Though that was an issue that has been fixed now. :)
  4. SkinN õ.Õ'.|. updated Death Notes with a new update entry:

    Death Notes | Hotfix

  5. It is possible to change standart weapon names? To russian or other languages.
  6. v2.1.1 :

    (15:17:47) | [Oxide] 1:18 PM [Info] ('{victim} est mort de saignement.', u"{victim} s'est vid\xe9 de son sang.")
    (15:17:47) | [TeddyBears] Nathan was killed by Bleeding
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['BLEEDING'] = ('{victim} est mort de saignement.','{victim} s\'est vidé de son sang.')
    Is this normal?
  7. No it is not.
    First of all you are changing the plugin file instead of the config file, so no it's not normal. Never change the plugin code unless you know how to code in the plugin language.
    You have to change messages and the configuration from the plugin configuration file under the 'config' folder.
  8. I change the code a lot of plugins. The syntax is OK.
    I do not see why it appears that.
    (file encoding is ok for "é")

    I have the same problem with the unmodified plugin. (and unmodified config file)
    (15:45:00) | [Oxide] 1:45 PM [Info] ('{victim} drowned.', '{victim} thought he could swim, but guess not.')

    This is only for bleeding .
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2015
  9. I'm pretty sure you are wrong, here is the reasons why:

    # 1
    For either Death Notes's or Notifier use a function that attaches to the message the plugin's name and current version so I can know what version of the plugin people are using when they post errors in this discussion, and it's clear that the message printed to your console it has been modified from the original, so I cannot be sure of the version you're using.

    # 2
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['BLEEDING'] = ('{victim} est mort de saignement.','{victim} s\'est vidé de son sang.')
    For some reason your console print has the unicode prefix in one of the messages but hasn't in the actual code?
    You're not showing the you're using, because the line of code you posted here it's the original and I can guarantee to you the original works.
    Even if you have added 'é' to the original the chat would replace the 'é' with a '?' simbol.

    # 3
    You say that the file encoding it's ok for "é" but have you consider if Rust supports the file encoding?
  10. Okay, I am unable , forget the beginning. Plugin and not modify config = > same in the console

    ( For your information , Rust and plugins allow "é " "à" etc ... But the rcon not . )
  11. Delete both your plugin and config files, download the current version, install the plugin, dont modify anything, show me a screen print of several messages from your console.
    That way I can't be sure of everything.
  12. What u think about make it possible? Like in Old version of rust.

    Like that

    function PLUGIN:OnKilled(takedamage, damage)
        local tags = {}
        tags.killer = ""
        tags.killed = ""
        tags.weapon = ""
        tags.bodypart = ""
        tags.distance = ""
        if not (tostring(type(damage) ~= "userdata")) or not (tostring(type(takedamage) ~= "userdata")) then
        if not (damage:GetType().Name == "DamageEvent") then
        --TakeDamage , DamageEvent
        local weapon
        if(damage.extraData) then
            weapon =
            if (weapon == "M4") then
                weapon = "M4"
  13. When setting plugin day , I always delete the config file.

    I've completely remove " deathnotes " and " .json config" ; restart server to be sure that many unloaded and re-download your plugin without modification. The spam console each death of a player:
     (15:45:00) | [Oxide] 1:45 PM [Info] ('{victim} drowned.', '{victim} thought he could swim, but guess not.')

    it also has it for other dead now.
  14. Dude that is from the Legacy version of Rust, the new one its totally different.
    Actually, I apologize, I've seen the issue now, and I'm on my way to fix it.
  15. SkinN õ.Õ'.|. updated Death Notes with a new update entry:

    Death Notes | Minor Fix

    Again, my excuses, and it has now been fixed.
  16. Thank you , nice work
  17. is
        "MESSAGES RADIUS": 200,
    just showing up to people in that area of the radius? if so how an i make it just show up to everyone instead of just who is nearby?
  18. In that case you must make "DISPLAY MESSAGES IN RADIUS" to false.
  19. hi
    Is it normal that I am the only one to see the console the people I kill ??
    Sorry for my english