
Broadcasts players and animals deaths to chat

Total Downloads: 65,994 - First Release: Feb 14, 2015 - Last Update: May 13, 2018

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  1. Yes I did, even though it might work it's not the most reliable way, I have given this some thought about how the new rust changed the death types and I'm going to release the version 2.0 which will change completely how the plug-in works. The new version will work in way that if devs add more death types or weapons to the game it will be easier to patch them to the plug-in.
  2. It would be a great idea to add serveral random messages for each kind of dead, something like this:

    On death by bleeding:
    "player has been bitten by edward cullen from Twilight and dead by bleeding",
    "player didnt had blue blood like royalty and dead by bleeding like normal humans"

    Sorry for the bad english.
  3. Oh god! How could have been so blind! I've been trying to look over this stuff for so long!
    LookupPrefabName() is going to be so helpful, I mean I've read this code you gave me tons of times, and I was foolish enough to not see it. Thanks a lot dude!
  4. np ;) also as i showed you:
    dunno what kind of locations it gives you but it should give you the body part also ;)
  5. I also had that idea before, and at the moment, it's not that is impossible, but it would be a total mess doing that, and I'm not just speaking about the code itself, but also for the fact that we are forced to use JSON, and let me tell you I HATE JSON, it's messy, and for those who are not familiar with JSON it can be a pain in the ass when you're missing a comma or a bracket and it's very, VERY UGLY! x)
    I would rather have a .ini file which Pythonicly speaking it would be the best thing ever for this type of system. I will still try to convince the Oxide team to add a Python library called ConfigObj which pretty much parses .ini files to Python dictionaries. They are cleaner, easier to configure and would spare me lots of code!

    Just to give you a quick example on how easy it would be to add the system you're suggesting with .ini files:
    "$username burned to death."
    "$username is a human torch."
    "$username turned to ashes."[COLD]
    "$username froze to death."
    "$username turned to ice, ice baby."
    "$username is now a ice cold corpse."
    This is an example how the .ini file would look, for each death type you can add as much messages you want, and the plugin would pick a random message for the death type. And the best thing about this is that with ConfigObj you wouldn't have to reload the plugin every time you add or remove messages in the file.

    I have so many cool ideas for Death Notes and Notifier but for now I gotta live with Oxide's limits. :)
    And though let me be clear that I'm not complaining anything or criticizing their work, they are the best, and they have been helping me a lot, I'm just giving you guys the idea of how it would be if I had the tools I need. :)
  6. Thanks for your detailed info, i would like to start with plugin develpment if i have time, so i would check your plugin code and see if i can help you parsing JSON for this.
  7. This wouldn't be hard to do with json at all and wouldn't really require much code either, can't supply you with an actual code example for python but the json would simply look like this:
        "Messages" = {
            "Heat" = [ "$username burned to death.", "$username is a human torch.", "$username turned to ashes." ],
            "Cold" = [ "$username froze to death.", "$username turned to ice, ice baby.", "$username is now a ice cold corpse." ]
  8. For some reason this quit working for me today and it was working just fine since you released it. I did install the chat handler plugin also recently, do you think that plugin could mess this one up? I tried stopping chathandler and reloading this one but still nothing :(
  9. Hello, will be update?
  10. My problem is not how to code it and work it with JSON, I was just saying how much I hate JSON. x)
  11. SkinN õ.Õ'.|. updated Death Notes with a new update entry:

    Death Notes | Total re-work!

    I am sorry to everyone for the time it took for this release, but not only I was wait for the Rust update but as well my time was limited.
    I tested every single death type, with help of other people to make sure each and everyone is working right. This new version will force the config file to auto-update it self, deleting any older info and replacing the new messages and settings as pretty much everything was changed, I am sorry for the inconvenience but had to be done this way, or else I know people will just spam the discussion with errors.

    I hope you guys enjoy this new version. ;)

  12. One love :p
  13. Test it and review it! :)
  14. 5h later, cuz of my university :)
  15. Because you asked :p
  16. Yeep, u are the best! ;)
  17. Code:
    [2/20/2015 8:44:21 AM] [Oxide] 8:44 AM [Error] KeyNotFoundException while calling OnEntityDeath: (KeyNotFoundException: BITE)
    [2/20/2015 8:43:07 AM] [Oxide] 8:43 AM [Debug] at IronPython.Runtime.PythonDictionary.GetItem (object) <0x0006c>
    at IronPython.Runtime.PythonDictionary.get_Item (object) <0x00024>
    at (wrapper dynamic-method) object.CallSite.Target (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite,object,object) <0x000a2>
    at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.DynamicInstruction`3<object, object, object>.Run (Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.InterpretedFrame) <0x00113>
    at Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.Interpreter.Run (Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.InterpretedFrame) <0x000c8>
  18. Are you sure you are using v2.0.0?
  19. yes...
  20. SkinN õ.Õ'.|. updated Death Notes with a new update entry:

    Death Notes | Hotfix

    (KeyNotFoundException: BITE) : Means that the death type BITE wasn't found, I test it in game and it worked fine for me, so for no reason it shouldn't work for you.

    Either way I did a small change to the code to prevent that error, even though I'm pretty sure the code is alright.