
Broadcasts players and animals deaths to chat

Total Downloads: 66,125 - First Release: Feb 14, 2015 - Last Update: May 13, 2018

4.98519/5, 270 likes
  1. I use Reneb's DM mod but I made a complete website section that include several other mod data as well, does this do web requests? If so how different is the setup vs Reneb's and how much would I have to change to get it working with our page like the older version?

    My Rust section:
  2. In the console, you have the "killnote" off all players.
    I think you 're talking about the chat ?

    Do you have:
    ? (oxide/config/deathnotes.json)
  3. Perhaps because you are the admin, and have RCON access. But I'm not sure about this.
    No Machine Death Notes does not support web requests yet.
    Actually it would be cool if you could provide me the Death Notifications version of Reneb so that I can take it as an example for the webrequests, then Death Notes will have it in the next few days.
  4. Lots of thanks about the great last update. I have new idea for next. The name of the animals/weapons in the dead notifications is in english and it is not in config file, I translated all messages to spanish on my server but the animals/weapons appear in english because I have no way to translate in config.json May be yo can allow an option to edit the weapons/animal names in config file.

    Thank you again, people in my server is loving this plugin, it's very very fun make custom message.
  5. Hi Faster, before anything thank you, a review is always appreciated so that other people get to know the plugin. :)
    So you say you can't change the Animal and Player kills in the configuration file because the messages are not there, is that it? I just find it weird because in the plugin overview there is a copy of the configuration file created by the plugin, and if you check it there is all the available messages, 'ANIMAL KILL', 'ANIMAL KILL SLEEP', 'BULLET' and 'BULLET SLEEP'.

    I would suggest you to make a copy of your current config file to somewhere on your computer, delete the file from the config folder of your server, reload Death Notes (so then the plugin will create the original), and then just paste the messages you copied before into the new config file. I'm pretty sure if you do that all messages will be there as they should.
  6. SkinN õ.Õ'.|. updated Death Notes with a new update entry:

    Death Notes | Minor Tweaks

    [DOUBLEPOST=1424638832][/DOUBLEPOST]Hi everyone,

    For those who have been annoyed with the orange two point character in the prefix, I kinda manage to "remove" it, but the fact is I did not really removed, as it is not possible to do that now. This character has been added by the Rust developers to divide the prefix from the message.
    So now you might be asking, how I managed to make it as 2 two point characters once again?
    Well simple, I just added 1 character so it is aside the other when the message is shown and then I managed to find a way around to color both. For me it does not make much difference since I've used 2 two point characters to be the prefix separator anyway, so I guess this will be as it always was.
    Beside that I even wanted to add the possibility to completely remove the prefix since there's a lot of people that just rather not use it, but no matter what I do the two point character (in orange) will always be there, so I didn't bother to change the original code since all you can do is to make the prefix as an empty string (i.e "" ).

    Anyway, I tried to do what you guys wanted, but there's not really a way to do it, in my way to see it is just a small detail, you can just ignore it and let it be, I tried what I could. :)

  7. Any chance we could have something such as

    EnableSleepKills: true/false

    And if it's false it disables all the kill messages regarding sleeping players.

    I like my players not to know who the silent murderers are ;)
  8. Please could you fix the grammar so I dont have to do it every update :p ?

    I have corrected it for you here:
        "CONFIG_VERSION": 2.1,
        "SETTINGS": {
            "PREFIX COLOR": "#FF0000",
            "DISPLAY PLAYER KILLS": true,
            "DISPLAY SUICIDE DEATH": true,
            "PREFIX": "DEATH☠NOTES",
            "MESSAGES COLOR": "#FFFF00",
            "DISPLAY ANIMAL KILLS": true,
            "DISPLAY MESSAGES IN RADIUS": true,
            "DISPLAY ANIMAL DEATH": true,
            "MESSAGES RADIUS": 200,
            "BROADCAST TO CONSOLE": true,
            "DISPLAY METABOLISM DEATH": true,
            "DISPLAY TRAP DEATH": true,
            "DISPLAY EXPLOSION DEATH": true
        "MESSAGES": {
            "COLD": [
                "{victim} froze to death.",
                "{victim} is an ice cold dead man."
            "ANIMAL KILL SLEEP": [
                "{victim} was killed by a {animal}, while sleeping.",
                "A {animal} caught {victim}, while sleeping."
            "SLASH": [
                "{attacker} slashed {victim} into pieces. (With a {weapon})",
                "{attacker} sliced {victim} into a million little pieces."
            "SLASH SLEEP": [
                "{attacker} slashed {victim} into pieces, while sleeping. (With a {weapon})",
                "{attacker} killed {victim} with a {weapon}, while sleeping."
            "DROWNED": [
                "{victim} drowned.",
                "{victim} thought he could swim, but guess not."
            "ANIMAL KILL": [
                "{victim} was killed by a {animal}.",
                "{victim} wasn't fast enough and a {animal} caught him."
            "BLEEDING": [
                "{victim} bled to death.",
                "{victim} lost too much blood."
            "BULLET SLEEP": [
                "{attacker} killed {victim}, while sleeping. (With a {weapon}, from {distance}m)",
                "{attacker} killed {victim} with a {weapon}, while sleeping."
            "HUNGER": [
                "{victim} starved to death.",
                "{victim} was a bad hunter, and died of hunger."
            "THIRST": [
                "{victim} died of thirst.",
                "Dehydration has killed {victim}, what a bitch!"
            "HEAT": [
                "{victim} burned to death.",
                "{victim} turned into a human torch."
            "SUICIDE": [
                "{victim} committed suicide.",
                "{victim} has put an end to his life."
            "ANIMAL DEATH": "{attacker} killed a {animal}. (With a {weapon}, from {distance}m)",
            "STAB": [
                "{attacker} stabbed {victim} to death. (With a {weapon})",
                "{attacker} put a {weapon} in {victim}'s arse."
            "BLUNT": [
                "{attacker} killed {victim}. (With a {weapon})",
                "{attacker} made {victim} die of a {weapon} trauma."
            "STAB SLEEP": [
                "{attacker} stabbed {victim} to death, while sleeping. (With a {weapon})",
                "{attacker} stabbed {victim}, while sleeping. You sneaky little bastard."
            "BLUNT SLEEP": [
                "{attacker} killed {victim}, while sleeping. (With a {weapon})",
                "{attacker} killed {victim} with a {weapon}, while sleeping."
            "FALL": [
                "{victim} died from a big fall.",
                "{victim} believed he could fly, he believed he could touch the sky!"
            "BULLET": [
                "{attacker} killed {victim}. (With a {weapon}, from {distance}m)",
                "{attacker} made {victim} eat some bullets with a {weapon}."
            "POISON": [
                "{victim} was poisoned.",
                "{victim} ate bad meat and was poisoned."
            "TRAP": [
                "{victim} stepped on a snap trap.",
                "{victim} did not watch his steps and died on a trap."
            "RADIATION": [
                "{victim} died from radiation.",
                "{victim} did not know that radiation kills."
            "EXPLOSION": [
                "{victim} was blown up by C4.",
                "{victim} exploded."
  9. Well I'm not english, and my english is not perfect either sorry. :)
    And acutally if you don't mind I would rather you to do something else, correct this instead:
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['RADIATION'] = ('{victim} died from radiation.','{victim} did not know that radiation kills.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['HUNGER'] = ('{victim} starved to death.','{victim} was a bad hunter, and died of hunger.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['THIRST'] = ('{victim} died of thirst.','Dehydration has killed {victim}, what a bitch!')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['DROWNED'] = ('{victim} drowned.','{victim} thought he could swim, but guess not.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['COLD'] = ('{victim} froze to death.','{victim} is an ice cold dead man.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['HEAT'] = ('{victim} burned to death.','{victim} turned into a human torch.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['FALL'] = ('{victim} died from a big fall.','{victim} believed he could fly, he believed he could touch the sky!')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['BLEEDING'] = ('{victim} bled to death.','{victim} emptied in blood.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['EXPLOSION'] = ('{victim} blown up by C4.','{victim} exploded.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['POISON'] = ('{victim} died poisoned.','{victim} eat the wrong meat and died poisoned.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['SUICIDE'] = ('{victim} committed suicide.','{victim} has put an end to his life.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['TRAP'] = ('{victim} stepped on a snap trap.','{victim} did not watch his steps, died on a trap.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['STAB'] = ('{attacker} stabbed {victim} to death. (With {weapon})','{attacker} has put a {weapon} in {victim}\'s ass.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['STAB SLEEP'] = ('{attacker} stabbed {victim} to death, while sleeping. (With {weapon})','{attacker} stabbed {victim}, while sleeping. You sneaky little bastard.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['SLASH'] = ('{attacker} slashed {victim} into pieces. (With {weapon})','{attacker} has sliced {victim} into a million little pieces.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['SLASH SLEEP'] = ('{attacker} slashed {victim} into pieces, while sleeping. (With {weapon})','{attacker} killed {victim} with a {weapon}, while sleeping.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['BLUNT'] = ('{attacker} killed {victim}. (With {weapon})','{attacker} made {victim} die of a {weapon} trauma.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['BLUNT SLEEP'] = ('{attacker} killed {victim}, while sleeping. (With {weapon})','{attacker} killed {victim} with a {weapon}, while sleeping.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['BULLET'] = ('{attacker} killed {victim}. (With {weapon}, from {distance}m)','{attacker} made {victim} eat some bullets with a {weapon}.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['BULLET SLEEP'] = ('{attacker} killed {victim}, while sleeping. (With {weapon}, from {distance}m)','{attacker} killed {victim} with a {weapon}, while sleeping.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['ANIMAL KILL'] = ('{victim} killed by a {animal}.','{victim} wasn\'t fast enough and a {animal} caught him.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['ANIMAL KILL SLEEP'] = ('{victim} killed by a {animal}, while sleeping.','{animal} caught {victim}, while sleeping.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['ANIMAL DEATH'] = ('{attacker} killed a {animal}. (With {weapon}, from {distance}m)')
    As I am trying to work on Notifier now, I'm getting distracted by Death Notes details. :|
    It's up to you tho. But thanks anyway. ;)
    It will be done sir. ;)
  10. Awesome developer. much <3
  11. I realised you're not English xD

    Here you go :D

    self.Config['MESSAGES']['RADIATION'] = ('{victim} died from radiation.','{victim} did not know that radiation kills.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['HUNGER'] = ('{victim} starved to death.','{victim} was a bad hunter, and died of hunger.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['THIRST'] = ('{victim} died of thirst.','Dehydration has killed {victim}, what a bitch!')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['DROWNED'] = ('{victim} drowned.','{victim} thought he could swim, but guess not.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['COLD'] = ('{victim} froze to death.','{victim} is an ice cold dead man.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['HEAT'] = ('{victim} burned to death.','{victim} turned into a human torch.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['FALL'] = ('{victim} died from a big fall.','{victim} believed he could fly, he believed he could touch the sky!')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['BLEEDING'] = ('{victim} bled to death.','{victim} lost too much blood.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['EXPLOSION'] = ('{victim} was blown up by C4.','{victim} exploded.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['POISON'] = ('{victim} was poisoned.','{victim} ate bad meat and was poisoned.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['SUICIDE'] = ('{victim} committed suicide.','{victim} has put an end to his life.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['TRAP'] = ('{victim} stepped on a snap trap.','{victim} did not watch his step and died on a trap.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['STAB'] = ('{attacker} stabbed {victim} to death (with a {weapon})','{attacker} has put a {weapon} in {victim}\'s arse.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['STAB SLEEP'] = ('{attacker} stabbed {victim} to death, while sleeping. (With a {weapon})','{attacker} stabbed {victim}, while sleeping. You sneaky little bastard.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['SLASH'] = ('{attacker} slashed {victim} into pieces (with a {weapon})','{attacker} sliced {victim} into a million little pieces.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['SLASH SLEEP'] = ('{attacker} slashed {victim} into pieces, while sleeping. (With {weapon})','{attacker} killed {victim} with a {weapon}, while sleeping.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['BLUNT'] = ('{attacker} killed {victim} (with a {weapon})','{attacker} killed {victim} with trauma using a {weapon}.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['BLUNT SLEEP'] = ('{attacker} killed {victim}, while sleeping (with a {weapon})','{attacker} killed {victim} with a {weapon}, while sleeping.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['BULLET'] = ('{attacker} killed {victim} (with a {weapon}, from {distance}m)','{attacker} made {victim} eat some bullets with a {weapon}.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['BULLET SLEEP'] = ('{attacker} killed {victim}, while sleeping (with a {weapon}, from {distance}m)','{attacker} killed {victim} with a {weapon}, while sleeping.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['ANIMAL KILL'] = ('{victim} was killed by a {animal}.','{victim} wasn\'t fast enough and a {animal} caught him.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['ANIMAL KILL SLEEP'] = ('{victim} was killed by a {animal}, while sleeping.','a {animal} caught {victim}, while sleeping.')
    self.Config['MESSAGES']['ANIMAL DEATH'] = ('{attacker} killed a {animal} (with a {weapon}, from {distance}m)')
  12. Oh... How to re,ove PREFIX and this? :D

    Attached Files:

  13. I think that you do not understood me. I said about in the plugin you use:

    msg = msg.replace('{animal}', self.get_animal(attacker))

    msg = msg.replace('{weapon}', weapon)

    Here, in plugin file, you get the "animal name" value and "weapon name" value from the game, but it is in english. I want to tell you that may be interesting use a "tag" to different weapons and animals, to allow in config.json to translate the animal and weapons names showed.

    I'm not modder, but something like:

    if {animal} == "bear"
    then {animal} = "oso"
    #because "bear" in spanish is "oso"

    If you allow the option to change the animal names in json file all the death notification, names included, will are fully customizable.

    same in weapons:

    if {weapon} == "bow"
    then {weapon} = "arco"
    #because "bow" in spanish is "arco"

    I tell you this because when everyone use your plugin and translated it to his language, the notification is in other language but animals and weapons shows always in english, like the game shows.

    I hope you understand me. Lot of thanks!
  14. I see what you mean, it will be done.
    Please read this note:
    [DOUBLEPOST=1424698489][/DOUBLEPOST]Small correction though, this character was added by the oxide devs
  15. i have seen an old version that showed {bodypart} (somewhere in the line)

    is it possible to intergrate that? then you get like {attacker}killed {victim} with a {weapon} in his {bodypart}

    im not a coder so.. forgive my strange explanation of this

    Found the old one bij reneb!

    self.Config.playerDeathMessage = "@{killer} killed @{killed} (@{weapon}) with a hit to their @{bodypart} at @{distance}m"
    self.Config.playerDeathWhileSleepingMessage = "@{killer} murdered @{killed} while sleeping with a @{weapon} at @{distance}m"
    self.Config.deathByEntityMessage = "@{killed} has died by a @{killer}"
    self.Config.deathByEntityWhileSleepingMessage = "@{killed} was eaten alive while sleeping by a @{killer}"
    self.Config.wildlifeDeathMessage = "@{killer} killed a @{killed} (@{weapon}) with a hit to their @{bodypart} at @{distance}m"
    self.Config.ChatName = "Death"
  16. {bodypart} will be added in the next update. :)
  17. SkinN õ.Õ'.|. updated Death Notes with a new update entry:

    Death Notes | Body parts!

  18. [Oxide] 5:47 AM [Error] MissingMemberException while calling OnEntityDeath: (MissingMemberException: 'UInt32' object has no attribute 'title')
  19. got the same error

    here is the whole error code:

    [Oxide] 3:08 PM [Error] MissingMemberException while calling OnEntityDeath: (MissingMemberException: 'UInt32' object has no attribute 'title')
    [Oxide] 3:08 PM [Debug] at IronPython.Runtime.Binding.PythonGetMemberBinder/FastErrorGet`1<object>.GetError (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite,object,IronPython.Runtime.CodeContext) <0x00137>
    at (wrapper dynamic-method) object.OnEntityDeath$11 (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure,IronPython.Runtime.PythonFunction,object,object,object) <0x07719>
  20. No way to log ALL messages in something log file? (+all messages, including that I switched of?)