

Total Downloads: 11,682 - First Release: Jul 31, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 27, 2018

5/5, 81 likes
  1. Error while compiling: BotSpawn.cs(41,38): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `NPCPlayerApex' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    What is it?
  2. I think your rust version is out of date.
  3. np, anytime ;)
  4. oxide?
  5. Rust. The NPCPlayer was introduced last Thursday.
    If it doesn't exist then your Rust V must be older than that.

    Wipe is right around the corner. May as well wait. :)
  6. @Steenamaroo,

    There is an issue I just heard of fom a player, is Loot Handling, TruePVE is handling Looting players/npcs .. Blocks all of the npc's from being looted. If you talk to @ignignokt84 before I do, please ask him about a solution for that.\

  7. I think he'd probably need an extra condition for NPCPlayer but post over there man. :)
  8. how to make them just stay pretty close to each monument grounds?
  9. Right now there's no control for that, although it's something I'd like to have.

    The best you can do, for now, is set a low radius and hope they don't get too adventurous.
  10. is there a way to make the bots stay close to the monuments as currently i believe they are still wondering all over even though i have their radius to lower than the default.
    also is there a way to have more than 1 kit per monument? if so how do i do this
    also is the respawn time for the bots in seconds or?
    many thank!
  11. Still no. Hopefully it'll be an option in the near future.

    At present, no. The way they're spawned, bots are identical per monument.
    That means their kits, names, health etc are, at present, grouped by monument.
    There may be individual control in future, but I'll have to think about it.

    It is, indeed. I'll add that to the overview so it's clearer. :)

    Hope you're having fun with it! I've created a to-do list on the overview, too.
  12. cool man! i guess will have to do each monument 1 by 1 to find there own sweet spots :)
    only having 1 kit per monument is fine and the muli kit per would be a cool feature in my opinion

    also would just like to say, only found this today and found it super easy to set up great work and keep it coming :)
    [DOUBLEPOST=1501797444][/DOUBLEPOST]also just another quick thing, i have the ui kill feed plugin and when a bot kills a player it shows it in the kill feed but when you kill a bot that doesnt show, anyway to make it so when a player kills a bot it will show it in the ui kill feed?
  13. I'm working on return-to-spawn now so it might happen sooner rather than later. :)

    Thank you! Glad to hear that. :) It's a WIP (the AI and the plugin) but that's good to know.

    Is that DeathNotes.cs?
    A lot of plugins are going to need updated to recognise and handle NPCPlayers.
    I posted a quick edit for DeathNotes a few pages back which will just disable reports for NPCPlayers as attackers or victims.
    Not a solution, as such, but it might help some people with that chat spam!
  14. cant wait, will be cool when they are able to wander around the monuments :)

    no problem! youve made a great plugin no matter if its still a WIP or not :)

    and no its not DeathNotes its literaly just KillFeed.cs and its just a UI based kill feed so im not sure if that would be the same fix as DeathNotes or not. the funny thing is tho it displays when a player gets killed but not when a bot is killed
  15. no it is Kill Feed i post there some new post and wait for answer or help :)
  16. Ah, ok. I don't know the killfeed plugin but the same will apply. It'll need an update to recognise NPCPlayers.
  17. alright cool, i will put a comment on that plugin page then and wait and see if they update it or not
    its not a big deal atm anyway for me
    but once again great plugin! and cant wait for upcoming features! can only get better
  18. bot attack humanNPC...
  19. Fix bot plugin.
  20. Can you fix not attack humanNPC?