

Total Downloads: 11,682 - First Release: Jul 31, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 27, 2018

5/5, 81 likes
  1. This may be old news? But I just discovered, when you pick up a Bots gun. You have infinite ammo with that gun.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1501828384][/DOUBLEPOST]Nevermind! I think it is only while the bots body is still lying dead. Not after it's body despawns.
    LOL...Nevermind again. Must have just been a glitch. I will shut up now!
  2. use "Bots_Drop_Weapons": false, give them more Health "BotHealth": 250, and let them spawn 2-3 bots per monument "Bots": 2, and have fun as mini bosses all over the map :D
  3. We've added this plugin and added 30 scientist bots at one of the monuments with a radius of 50, however we've had reports of them wandering off and not staying within their radius.

    Any chance it can be fixed so they don't go further than the radius set to?

    Also, they spawn in rocks, structures and underground and shoot through rocks and structures, any chance this can be also fixed?

    The latest version of plugin also impacts the server fps by about 100 fps.

    Thank you
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2017
  4. These have been discussed. Staying within a radius is probably something I can add.
    Respecting different terrain and map features is most likely something FP will be working on.

    Thanks for the info on performance hit.
    Unfortunately there's no economical way to handle animal-targetting so, for now,
    it's either use 1.0.7 with animal targeting nulled and a performance hit, or use 1.0.6 where animals are attacked but no performance hit.

    The performance hit is probably proportional to the number of bots, so you may be able to find a happy medium.

    Hopefully a more efficient way to poll attack-targets will become available in the coming weeks.
  5. Thanks for getting back to me.

    Totally makes sense when it comes to respecting terrain, but thought I should throw it out there anyways.

    Regarding the wandering off, they arent wondering off around the monuments, they have been found far away from any monuments and their original spawn (see attached).

    As for the performance hit, we might revert to 1.0.6 for now.

    Attached Files:

  6. As it is right now, the spawn location is instantly forgotten, if you like.
    The AI responds to the environment and, theoretically, could end up anywhere after a while.
    I'd like to code some condition that checks if they're X% outside their radius and, if so, set them on a path to walk back to their spawn.
    I've actually done it already but it doesn't stick - I think I need to override their 'interest' in their surroundings so they aren't distracted on the way.
    IDK...I'm learning.

    Probably for the best.
    I'll see if I can make the less-than-economical animal check optional in future updates, until a better solution is available.
  7. I need the Monument Names for HapisIsland Map.

    Please help!
  8. Hi,
    Hapis isn't properly supported just yet, but it probably will be at some point soon. :)
  9. I seem to be having an issue with the cover points that seem to be constantly generating for the Bots.
    The cover points are tanking the servers fps something fierce.
    If I disable the bots, or completely remove the plugin, the servers fps skyrockets.
    Any thoughts?

    Or maybe there is a way of disabling the constant generation of cover points? Not sure.
  10. You may be right, but it's more likely to be the animal-ignore code.
    See if 1.0.6 is any different, please?
  11. Hi,
    sry for my bad English.
    Our bots do not move and they do not shoot.
    But they react to players by looking at them.
    They have a syringe in their hand and the gun on their backs

    In the kit the gun is on button "1" and the syringe on button "6"
    Was this a mistake?
  12. I want to say that 1.0.6 is a tad better. But then I will get dramatic fps spikes going from 130's and drop to like 80 instantly.
    Where if bots are disabled fps is like in the 180's - 200's.

    Also I only have a single bot at each monument as well. If I get into 3 or more.....gets into the realm of game crashing.

    This message popped up will I was stagnant on the server:

    destroying components immediately is not permitted during physics trigger contact animation event callbacks or onvalidate
    you must use destroy instead.

    Not sure what that was about but.....

    So, in short, for my money, 1.0.6 is about the same.
  13. Hi,
    I haven't looked at how it choses its weapon, but I'd just put the syringe in main inventory and test again.
    Thanks man. I'll look into that.
    Mine dips from 250 to 190 then immediately recovers on-load,
    but I haven't observed a long term FPS drop.
    I'm on v1.0.8 (with animal-ignore) which should, in theory, be much worse!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2017
  14. Bot Kits:
    When you are making kits for the ones that are getting npc's just standing around and holding maps or whatever... you cant put ammo inside the inventory and you have to unload the Ammo from the guns both in the inventory and in the hotbar... Or else the npc doesn't recognize the gun and holds something else. I guess. Not for sure. but I got it working for me. They are currently shooting at me, and in full heavy armor with items in the inventory to loot.
    I think im getting a server fps of 46 but I may be using the wrong command ? server.fps ?
  15. Hey THX!
    Now the bots attack us.
  16. Steenamaroo updated BotSpawn with a new update entry:


  17. Please add a warehouse
  18. The rest of the monuments are on the to-do list. :)
  19. hee guys who to let them shoot faster !
  20. Great plugin!

    I've only encounterd a small issue.

    When looting the AI's Bodies; They are armed with 1 sword and 1000 LR-300's.
    Possible 'bug'? or able to change this anywere?

    EDIT: This is since your last update 1.0.8