

Total Downloads: 26,140 - First Release: Apr 21, 2015 - Last Update: Jan 12, 2018

4.9898/5, 98 likes
  1. No problem :)
  2. Interesting, my VIPs are getting double up on chat messages since the latest Rust update.

    When I check they are assigned to both vip and player groups.
    I remove them from the player group, but every time they reconnect it adds them back to that group.
    Odd thing is that it isnt happening to people in the moderator or admin groups, even though they are also in the vip and player groups
  3. Imma see what i can do
  4. LaserHydra updated Name Colors with a new update entry:

    vip fixed, added prefixes

    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2015
  5. i get this error :

    1:51 AM [Warning] Calling hook OnPlayerChat resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: chathandler,
    1:51 AM [Info] Unloaded plugin Name Colors v1.2.5 by LaserHydra
    1:51 AM [Info] Loaded plugin Name Colors v1.2.5 by LaserHydra
    1:51 AM [Info] >> DikkatDeli: a
    1:51 AM [Warning] Calling hook OnPlayerChat resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: chathandler,
    1:52 AM [Info] >> DikkatDeli: as
    1:52 AM [Warning] Calling hook OnPlayerChat resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: chathandler,
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You can't use them all. Remove one, keep one.
  7. LaserHydra updated Better Chatname with a new update entry:

    more groups, plugin file renamed

  8. Although I love your plugin, can I please request that there is an option to disable individual prefixes. I.e. I want Admin, Mod, VIP to have a prefix, but don't need players to have one.

    Thanks! : )
  9. Okay, imma do that :)
  10. Thank you! Even if you just allow to disable players that would be great!
  11. what do you mean with disable? if you want them to be unable to write, I recommend you using the Simple mute plugin.
  12. Sorry I mean just an option to disable the Player prefix.
  13. Yea as I said, Im going to add that
  14. Hi, ive added me to group "admins" and now the Chat writes double if i say something.
    Player Phoenix: Hi
    Owner Phoenix: Hi

    Is this an Bug or have i done something wrong?
  15. I didn't fix that yet.
    You'll need to give yourself the authlevel 2 by using
    ownerid YOURSTEAM-ID
    in the console. That will automaticly remove you from the player group. Or you can just remove yourself from the playergroup using
    oxide.usergroup remove YOURNAME player
    but it will maybe add you back after a server restart or even after a reconnect.
  16. Ok, thank you.
    Ive added the automated commands to Rusty, so i change status at connect.
  17. does this server stack with ranksandtittles?
  18. Its not working together just yet, but may be planned
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2015
  19. Is it possible to do only clan colors and let the names with default colors ??

    like this : [OWNER] SeBL4RD
    [MODO] mrstonar

    Or to do prefix specialy for authlevel 1 or 2 and customize prefix for them.
  20. Ok so my colors don't work period. I am labeled as owner and it doesnt color my name when i type. What am I doing wrong?