

Total Downloads: 26,141 - First Release: Apr 21, 2015 - Last Update: Jan 12, 2018

4.9898/5, 98 likes
  1. everyone sees every ones chats its only a title
  2. TY trying it out now it is dependency for other plugin I want to have and I just needed to understand its function b4 I use.
  3. i have the problem that the plugin is giving e the group default at every restart
  4. Please read the FAQ.
  5. Hello all! Is there a way to allow a player to choose to hide chat, while allowing admins to override their choice for a single chat message by typing something like /chatall "message here"?
  6. This is the only mod I am running, and I am getting double chat.
  7. Anyone know how to get this working with RustAdmin, what regex to use?
  8. I am trying to understand how permissions work within Oxide and through the client. I am a new server owner and I am having a really hard time getting permissions assigned correctly.

    Example: Player A has admin permissions. Player A is demoted from admin to the "default" group. user Player A shows that he still has all of his admin permissions after being removed from the "Admin" group. Why?

    Another question I have: Why do I constantly have to remove myself from the "Admin" group each time I join the server? Each time I log in I have a [Admin] [Owner] [Player] tag. It has to be edited each time so that it only shows [Owner].

    All of the plugins and stuff have come really easy to me and I feel that I have a decent understanding of most of Rust and Oxide, but for some reason I just can't get my head wrapped around permissions. Is it possible that Client side permissions and Oxide permissions are interfering with one another?
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If you are admin, you have the admin group always and you'll also be in the default group, this is from Oxide and cannot be changed. The actual tags are from this plugin, not Oxide. You can remove the 'admin' tag from showing by changing HideIfNotPrimary to true.
  10. Thanks for the info on the tags. Any help with permissions would also be appreciated.
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Permissions tutorial can be found here: Using the Oxide permission system.
  12. Yep, it's bookmarked on my browser and I've read it more times than I'd like to admit. However, my question is about groups and permissions. My original post has the exact scenario I am seeking help with.
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Rust has no client-side permissions. If a plugin uses permissions, it is Oxide's permissions. The admin group is automatically given to you if you are set as "owner" with Rust, which appears to be the case with your setup. If a player is removed from the 'admin' group and they still have permissions for specific plugins, then that user still either has them individually assigned or they are in a group that has those permissions; there isn't any way way for them to have them. Now if you mean Rust's item giving and such, that's all handled by Rust, not Oxide.
  14. I have edited FauxAdmin so that it changes base player to IsDeveloper rather than IsAdmin (on a build server). This is to make it easier when installing new plugins so we dont have to edit them if they specifically give permission to admins because before any new plugin added would grant everyone the admin perms in the plugin because the fake admins were being detected as real admins.

    Is there a way to remove this chat tag???? Please help!?
  15. Use only 6-Digit HEX Codes, in your case that'd be #FFAA55
  16. Im not sure if you have updated it in a more current version, but the IsDeveloper rust group is formatted like in the above image. I removed the isDeveloper section of code from betterchat and it worked great. No more chat tag ;D and Thanks Laser.
  17. Thanks for the information, although normally only game developers should have that tag anyway.
  18. Does anyone know why when my players create clans they are not showing? but when i remove betterchat from the server they show?
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    BetterChat overrides the chat. If you are using a clans plugin, then you'd need to use the Clan Tags plugin to add the tags to the chat.
  20. No help as to why I would be getting Double chat messages?