

Total Downloads: 26,141 - First Release: Apr 21, 2015 - Last Update: Jan 12, 2018

4.9898/5, 98 likes
  1. is this a response to me?
  2. No, that was an unrelated update. The chat bot plugin cannot handle that message because it handles only the original/default chat not the BetterChat output.
  3. It seems to work with betterchat as well, but as far as I understand hooks work before the chat is formatted and sent. So, I was unable to find a way to make it work AFTER the chat is actually edited.

    I believe it's about how betterchat handles the hooks.
  4. Thats what I said. The chat bot only accesses the original unformatted message. It would have to implement the OnBetterChat hook.
  5. Can You Help Me??
  6. It has OnBeterChat hook (Line 168)

    var message = (string)data["Text"];

    This is how it accesses the message, and I believe that's the unformatted message. I've tried to reach the dev but looks like the dev isn't very active here. Maybe it's possible to quickfix this?

    Would be very appreciated!
  7. @LaserHydra is the dev of this plugin
  8. I believe he's talking about the Chat Bot dev.
  9. Nope. I still have this problem. What can i do ?

    Attached Files:

  10. Yes indeed.
    Make sure that your file is called BetterChat.json (without the number) and reload the plugin using the oxide.reload command.
  11. Did you reload the plugin? and make sure you are not uploading the file with the (1) in it
    ok so not sure why he posted here then
  12. See previous posts.
  13. I did, sorry if I'm bothering you, this seemed like a problem with a simple solution to me, so I've decided to try every possible channel to find a solution to this.

    I've also posted under that plugin as well, no responses so far.
  14. Before post always search the topic in question in case it has already been answered you can also search the full site for your answer or even try goggling it. But its best to post in the plugin topic that you have a problem with as when you start posting the question to another plugin topic many will think you are having a problem with that plugin
  15. My problem is that I don't know what/which plugin is problematic in my case, that's why I try all my options for sure.
    Of course I do the googling or searching the previous topics, but please direct me to any solution to my problem if you could find the solution to it. that would greatly enlighten me.
  16. Have not looked at all your posts to see what your problem is and bit to busy to look over them all
  17. No worries
  18. How can I hook to the end result? I'll try to develop something myself.
  19. It might be simpler to just block messages from people in a certain group when writing a dedicated plugin.