

Total Downloads: 26,145 - First Release: Apr 21, 2015 - Last Update: Jan 12, 2018

4.9898/5, 98 likes
  1. Could you please give me the .cs? I cant find it anywhere
  2. ¿Cómo resolver el contra inundaciones
  3. Hey guys,
    I dont know if this question is already asked, but is there a way to delete a VIP package from a player without the player being online att that moment?

    Thanks in advance!
  4. im not sure if you can manually remove individual players through the kits plugin but do you not use Timed Permissions | Oxide ?? and to remove them just redo their time to 1m (1 minute)

    *edit i just noticed i said kits plugin, i need to stop replying after i've been up for 24+ hours. :/
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2017
  5. I use now the betterchat permission system to give the VIP package to players, I set up Timed Permissions just today I think that is a better option to use.
    I remember I have seen a file with all the players and there perms but I can't find it anymore, thanks for your answer I think it is better to use that instead.

    Thanks and greetings
  6. Can we please get an API to get a username's color?
  7. From a group or of a player?
  8. I think group would be the most useful.

    For instance, let's say a plugin that relies on BetterChat wants to color a title it provides to match the user's group color.
  9. Would be better if works with clans:io plugin :)
  10. @LaserHydra In the OnUserChat method can you please change
     else if (hookResult != null)                
                        return null;
     else if (hookResult != null)
                        if (hookResult is bool)
                            return (bool)hookResult;
                        return null;
    so we can block chat completely
  11. What would you then return, besides a bool to cancel BC only?
    Also you can seperately cancel OnUserChat. I've done that so it gives other plugins more control of handling.
  12. I'm using chat as input when creating Quests, so I need no text to be displayed. The new setup is a good solution to allow multiple plugins to make changes but leaves no option to just cancel the broadcast entirely during quest creation for users using BC
  13. It does. You can handle OnUserChat AND OnBetterChat. Cancelling OnBetterChat just disables BetterChat behaviour and leaves you with the default behaviour, meaning you can just cancel OnUserChat and you'll be fine.

    For an example, take a look at BetterChat Mute
  14. Failed to call hook 'OnUserChat' on plugin 'BetterChat v5.0.10' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  15. @LaserHydra why you dont and Anti-Flood like before!!??
  16. hi all
    i think betterchat is a really good plugin! But I miss a function

    The Plugin need Option that mutet the player for any time if he spam chat to fast.. and crash server

    Please integrate that

    Or someone knows another plugin that this chat spammer blocked and automatically mute?
  17. is there compatibility for HWClans or, perhaps better, the Universal Clans plugin yet? i never update from really old betterchat because no clantags then :(
  18. That is a todo for my plugin chatguard.
    Chat spam should really not cause your server to crash, looks like you really should look into your server performance.
    You apparently have another chat plugin which is incompatible with the BetterChat version you are using.
    As far as I know, the Universal Clans plugin is compatible with BetterChat 5.
  19. Hi! Love the plugin and appreciate all the help and work you've put into getting this working and working with clans! Just wondering how I remove a permission from a group, is there a file with permissions I can edit also? Cant wait to get this setup on my AirDrop server!