

Total Downloads: 26,145 - First Release: Apr 21, 2015 - Last Update: Jan 12, 2018

4.9898/5, 98 likes
  1. Update BetterChat Mute...
  2. @LaserHydra why you dont and Anti-Flood like before?
  3. Add ChatGuard.
  4. hello, how can I change the color ":"
    "Format": {
    "Chat": "{Title} {Username} : {Message}",

    Attached Files:

  5. read overview =>
    • /chat group set <group> <setting> <value> change a group setting
  6. getting this error in chat anything to panic about ??
    BetterChat has polluted the global namespace by defining Extend
  7. Yellow = warning/info
    Red = error

    Why the fuck poeple don't understand color code in console...
  8. Many just don't read would make life easier if they took 10 secs and looked
  9. Is it at all possible to combine this plugin with Playtime Tracker so that when a player has played for a certain amount of time, they would be placed in a new group of say "Senior?" There might already be a plugin like this so if anyone could point me to it if it exists, that would be great!
  10. Hello, The plugin has a problem removes the option of spam in the chat, the null has a solution because users can sapmer without any type of restriction, before the plugin brought the option but is no longer available.
  11. hi, when i use betterchat, i can seem to see the players clans. how do i fix it so i can see the players clans from chat when they r chatting
  12. Try changing the maximal prefixes in the BetterChat.json in the config file.
  13. i've just spent an hour fixing mine and i had to download the file on page 29 of the Rust:IO Clans plugin and edit it. To save you the donkey work here they are. (save yours as they are now, just incase). place the clans.cs file in the plugin folder and the clans.json file in your config.

    Attached Files:

  14. thank you my lord
    How do I write to use in better chat?

    For example, {clan} {player} etc.
  15. sorry i don't understand what you're asking?
  16. how to use clan tag in the better chat?

    sorry T_T
  17. im using version 5.0.5 of betterchat, if you're using the latest version then im not sure if it would work or not, hope this helps.

  18. hi i am really sorry, i have did wat u told me too...clan.cs to plugins and clan.json to config. but still no clan name ingame chat :(
  19. the only thing i forgot to mention when i quoted you was im using betterchat version 5.0.5 and im not sure if that matters or not.
  20. THX GUYS I GOT IT ! hehehe thx community.