

Total Downloads: 3,808 - First Release: May 25, 2016 - Last Update: Oct 25, 2016

5/5, 12 likes
  1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated Whitelist with a new update entry:


  2. Some thoughts I had/have:

    But there is no possibility to whitelist people from a mysql database, right? (Because this plugin does not seem to target that.)

    I would make the people save their steamID in a DB, so I would simply need to output all the steamIDs from the DB to a file (PHP, easily done) and then I would need a plugin that crosschecks the joining users steamID with the steamIDs in the file.

    A more technologically evolved method would be to have the plugin check the DB for steamIDs. :D
  3. What? What advantage would that yield?
  4. Huh?

    I want to have people to be registered on a website to be able to join the server?

    Just a thought for Communities. RolePlay-Communities for example. That way people are bannable for NonRP more easy.
  5. You could also just use FTP + RCON for something like this (which is something a lot more servers support than MySQL). MySQL becomes useful when there are multiple concurrent writers or the data set is large and often written to (for a single concurrent reader and writer that both access the file rarely in small time frames most file system synchronization features are good enough).
    Also, if something like this ends up using MySQL, you can still just use MySQL, there is no need to copy the database to a seperate file.
  6. Hey,

    I've tried everything; but appears I keep having issues. I see people have had luck, and tried everything. I hope it's not a simple typo; thanks for the help; more below.

    I have the most recent version of SteamGroups.cs (0.2.0) and the most up-to-date version of Whitelist.cs (3.1.0) but for the life of me can't get it to allow people in my group to join my "the forest" oxide server.

    I've tried everything i can think but; but always tells me i'm not on the whitelist.

    Steamgroups.json is as follows
      "PermissionsGroup": "steam",
      "SteamGroups": [
      "UpdateInterval": 60
    and whitelist.json is as follows
      "AdminExcluded": false,
      "ResetOnRestart": false,
      "SteamGroups": "plusforest"
    I see the messaging pulling in the 4 users from the steam group in the cmd window, but for whatever reason I can't seem to resolve this to save my life.

    Also not sure if in anyway related; but when I start the server (no whitelist or anything) I'm noticing no luggage, less wildlife, and no cannibals is this normal for an oxide server?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2016
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The Whitelist plugin doesn't have any Steam Group integration, and there's no way to add users to it yet with no commands being available. The Steam group would be the best way right now, just make sure you are using the ID from the URL, not the name from the page. If you need anymore help with the SteamGroup plugin, please use it's support thread.
  8. This not working anymore? I have problem using this right now!
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'd need details, nothing has changed.
  10. Yesterday when i joined my server my level whas lower compared to the day before so i diceded to reset my world.
    After the reset my server started to not answer anymore. When i delete whitelist from addons the server starts to work again.
    Support from Multiplay says its your addon making my server not working.
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'd need more details than that. The Whitelist plugin will not prevent the server from starting, so they're likely not actually seeing all of the details.

    I'd suggest you/they check their RustDedicated_Data/output_log.txt for the actual issue, but my guess is that their servers are not allowing migration of language files, which isn't an issue with this plugin. If they'd like more info, feel free to point them my way.
  12. I using multiplay where i found this?

    Log.Log.txt (Oct 15 14:39:31, 51.98 KB)
    Log.EAC.txt (Oct 15 14:27:02, 1.98 KB)
    Log.Warning.txt (Oct 15 14:21:21, 3.85 KB)
    Log.Error.txt (Oct 15 14:20:53, 1008 Bytes)
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'm talking to Tad at Multiplay right now about it, I'll get back to you shortly.
  14. Wow you are a good guy! :D Thanks so mutch!
  15. I need help for this compiler error :(

    (13:16:21) | [Oxide] 13:16 [Error] Whitelist plugin failed to compile!
    (13:16:21) | [Oxide] 13:16 [Error] Whitelist.cs(50,34): error CS1061: Type `Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayerManager' does not contain a definition for `GetPlayer' and no extension method `GetPlayer' of type `Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayerManager' could be found. Are you missing `UnityEngine' using directive?

    In the oxide log all seems to be okay
    11:57 [Info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.2517...
    11:57 [Info] Loading extensions...
    11:57 [Info] Loaded extension CSharp v1.0.2517 by Oxide Team
    11:57 [Info] Loaded extension JavaScript v1.0.2517 by Oxide Team
    11:57 [Info] Loaded extension Lua v1.0.2517 by Oxide Team
    11:57 [Info] Loaded extension MySql v1.0.2517 by Oxide Team
    11:57 [Info] Loaded extension Python v1.0.2517 by Oxide Team
    11:57 [Info] Loaded extension Rust:IO for Oxide v2.9.0 by playrust.io / dcode
    11:57 [Info] Loaded extension SQLite v1.0.2517 by Oxide Team
    11:57 [Info] Loaded extension Unity v1.0.2517 by Oxide Team
    11:57 [Info] Loaded extension Rust v1.0.2517 by Oxide Team
    11:57 [Info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Rust'
    11:57 [Info] Loading plugins...
    11:57 [Info] Loaded plugin Unity Core v1.0.0 by Oxide Team
    11:57 [Info] Loaded plugin Rust v1.0.0 by Oxide Team
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'll be posting a fix for that shortly, just had to fix a build issue first. :)
  17. Hi, when you think posting the fix?
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated Whitelist with a new update entry:


  19. ups ups
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2016
  20. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It is named Whitelist, not whitelist; make sure you are using the right casing if trying to reload it. Also check your oxide/logs for errors.