Vote For Money

Players who vote are rewarded with Economics, Server Rewards, Kits...

Total Downloads: 944 - First Release: Aug 23, 2016 - Last Update: Nov 7, 2017

5/5, 6 likes
  1. Code:
    "Money": "250", //Money Reward
      "Rust-Servers - Api Key":"zxfnziv5lo43yx6k34x9h1dcpicuco7prdg", //Rust-Servers Api Key
      "Rust-Servers - Server ID": "87856", //Rust-Servers Server ID
      "TopRustServers - Api Key": "", //TopRustServers Api Key
      "TopRustServers - Server ID": "", //TopRustServers Server ID
      "Use RP": false, //Use or not RP (Server Rewards)
      "Vote Interval": 1, //Vote Interval (Example: 1 day)
      "Vote Type": "day" //Vote Type only "day" or "hour"
    Would this work ? seems has tho /vote does nothing
    [DOUBLEPOST=1472260648][/DOUBLEPOST]By the way i have not edited this
    #region Config
    string rustServersKey = "";
    string rustServersID = "";
    string topRustKey = "";
    string topRustID = "";
    string voteType = "day";
    int voteInterval = 1;
    string money = "250";
    bool useRP = false;
    inside the plugin file just edited the config
  2. If you have already voted before upgrading, the plugin does not know the date of the next vote, so does not show any messages.
  3. so all the users who have voted before the upgraded it wont work for?
  4. Until the end of the site cooldown.
  5. Can You Give the reward as a item or just money?
  6. not working /vote
  7. Only money. You can use Server Rewards for this
    Vote For Money | Page 2 | Oxide
  8. Frenk92 updated Vote For Money with a new update entry:


  9. i am using version 0.2.2 right now (started from 0.1.0, then deleted config and lang files and switched to 0.2.0, later to 0.2.2), and looks like it started cast this error:
    [Oxide] 22:33 [Error] Web request callback raised an exception (KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.)
    [Oxide] 22:33 [Debug]   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,Oxide.Plugins.VoteForMoney+SitesVote].get_Item (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.VoteForMoney.CheckVote (.BasePlayer player, Int32 response, System.String site) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.VoteForMoney.GetCallback (Int32 code, System.String response, .BasePlayer player, System.String site) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.VoteForMoney+<GetRequest>c__AnonStorey1.<>m__0 (Int32 code, System.String response) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Libraries.WebRequests+WebRequest.<OnComplete>m__1 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
    additionaly using ServerRewards and no Economics at all.
  10. Probably you do not have deleted the old data.
  11. how can set vote interval to 12 hours?

    i find how, sorry
  12. Hi all, i have a problem, for me with economics, plugin don't work.

    No message on login and whene i tape /vote no message again, but the plugin is load and running. Someone have an idea?
  13. You have downloaded the latest version? Also check if you have correctly entered your API Key.
  14. Frenk92 updated Vote For Money with a new update entry:


  15. no show nothing with /vote
    no show message to join server "you not voting" or something
  16. Try deleting config, data and lang files, because on my server works without problems.
  17. Okay. I deleted the config file, the language file, the data file and the plug-in. Uploaded the new 0.3.0 file and get nothing. No files are created. Tried unloading, loading and reloading it. One time I got the following error in my \oxide\logs\oxide_30-08-16.txt file
    00:15 [Error] Timed out waiting for plugin to be compiled: VoteForMoney
    If I try to load it a second time, I get
    [Debug] Load requested for plugin which is already loading: VoteForMoney
    Which says it's trying to load, but can't seem to finish the compile. It's getting stuck somewhere. At least that's what I get from it.
    BTW, I didn't see the 'Creating a configuration file.' message in any of my recent logs.
    Also, I noticed in your LoadDefaultConfig hook, you dropped the SetConfig Commands and the SaveConfig functions. I'm comparing version 0.3.0 with 0.2.1, which was the last version to run on my server. Is it possible that there's an issue with start-up that doesn't affect your server since your support files are already intact?
    My C# sucks and I don't know the Oxide API, so please don't take this as criticism, just trying to help.
  18. I checked, I modified the plugin with another name and saw that it loads without errors, creating all the files.
    I try to help you solve the problem. I've noticed lately that if you load an updated plugin, if come out errors, Oxide load the previous version of the plugin, and when you re-enter the same plugin updated, don't load it.
    Then delete the plugin, try to unload it even if you are deleted it. If you see the message that has been unloaded, you can try to insert and load the plugin.
    Otherwise I'll send you a version where I changed only the name and a few things to differentiate it from the original.
  19. Issue resolved! Thanks for the help.

    Thanks for the quick reply. The issue may have stemmed from the way I update. Normally, I don't unload and delete the plug-in, I just overwrite it and Oxide takes care of the rest. I left the plug-in on the server without the support files. When the server restarted, the plug-in loaded and installed correctly. The restart probably cleared the old plug-in from the server, allowing the new one to load correctly.
  20. Frenk92 updated Vote For Money with a new update entry:


    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2016