

Total Downloads: 836 - First Release: Dec 31, 2015 - Last Update: Jul 28, 2017

5/5, 3 likes
  1. Why post a plugin that doesn't work like the description says?
  2. the plugin works great, there is just a problem with DrillMachine from updating the games and I'm trying to adjust.
  3. This plugin is updated for new drill ?
  4. Did the developer abandon this plugin? I don't think the drills have ever worked the entire time :(
  5. Seems dead :(
  6. Can someone create a plugin that turns on fridges and drills when the server starts...there was one but it never worked properly.
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'll take a look when I get a chance.
  8. cheers wulf!
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    So currently it doesn't appear to be possible to control campfires or base machines (not sure what these are?) due to some restrictions, but we'll see.
  10. Just looking to have the drills and fridges working without throwing tons of errors
  11. im using the old version and when i try to type the command in to use it. It says no such command, however oddly enough if i restart my server the fridge is running .. but only.
  12. Any update status Wulf?
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Only what I mentioned last. Not sure all of it will be possible with the way it is setup in Hurtworld right now.
  14. Drills and fridges that would be ideal...those are the only 2 that people really care about.
  15. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Give this a try:

    Attached Files:

  16. the on/off controls seem backwards, have yet to see if the fridge/drills turn on after a server restart....but the command does not turn on the drills....I only had the red drill placed and it did not turn that on when I typed the command in.
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The command would toggle it based on the previous status, at least that's what I remember doing last I looked at it. I may have left it in a broken state, can't recall what I did last I worked on when I was trying to get the other things to work.
  18. Fridges are auto starting on restart but drills are not.
  19. I'm talking to cow_trix one of the devs and he's asking if there is a way to get in contact with you Wulf...if you want to pm me your email or steam id he said he might be able to help
  20. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    He already talks to me on Slack. :p