Stack Size Controller

Allows you to set the max stack size of every item.

Total Downloads: 39,390 - First Release: Feb 10, 2017 - Last Update: Oct 27, 2017

5/5, 50 likes
  1. Its only your plugin causing the no boot for the server that's why i'm confused it worked before recent update nothing pops up in error logs or console but when i remove the plugin it boots up again
  2. Try deleting your config and restart your server, also double check your logs for any errors.
  3. The stacks on my server, while set to 20k, will revert back to 1k on restart?
  4. Sounds like the plugin isn't loading, check to make sure it's loaded.
  5. Stacks reset for me as well. I deleted both the .cs and .json files and reinstalled the plugin. When the .json regenerated I noticed that certain items are missing off the list that were there before. I'm guessing is why they arent modifiable and still showing up in game as unstackable. Corn, Pumpkins, Turrets, Snap Traps to name a few that are missing.
  6. Those items have health and cannot stack higher than 1 ingame.
  7. CTG


    Hello. I am having an issue - I am not sure if it's this plugin or one of the others I have installed. I changed all gathering materials, i.e. stone, wood, animal fat etc to 5,000. I did a restart yesterday afternoon midday and all stacks of stone, wood, animal fat stack to 1,000, even though the config shows 5,000.

    Other plugins I have installed with StackSizeController are: AbsolutMail, AdminToggle, AdvertMessages, AutoPurge, BetterChat, BetterLoot, Build, Clans, ConnectMessages, EasyVote, Economics, Friends, GuessTheNumber, GUIAnnouncements, HeliControl, InfoPanel, InventoryViewer, KillFeed, Kits, LustyMap, MoneyTime, NightLantern, NoDecay, NTeleportation, PlayerList, PlaytimeTracker, RadtownAnimals, RainOfFire, RemoveTool, Rewards, RGive, RustIO, ServerRewards, -StackSizeController-, Tickets, TruePVE and ZLevelRemastered.

    Are any of these conflicting with StackSizeController as far as anyone is concerned or is this an issue with this plugin? If anyone has a fix would greatly appreciate any assistance.
  8. You should be fine with compatibility, check to make sure the plugin is loaded.
  9. the config file isnt loading in why?
  10. Any errors in your logs?
  11. i fixed it :)
  12. Is there a file with all the materials and commands already put together? I really don't feel like manually inputting each one?
  13. There's a config file, or you can do /stackall [number]
  14. and how would one fully check this? the plugin works for me considering i can do /stack and then set it and it works, but after i restart it turns back to default even though the config still says ...
    [DOUBLEPOST=1494523424][/DOUBLEPOST]Hey, so my issue personally is that i can set my items to be stacked (lets for example say 50 instead of a default 5) and they are, but then upon restarting and going ingame any stack i make goes by the default 5, even though the config still says 50, now i see you mentioning check if the plugin is loaded, but i'd like to ask how i would do that?
  15. Check for all plugins, will display if it's unloaded or loaded, or any compiling errors
    Load/reload plugin (case sensitive with filename)
    oxide.reload [pluginname]
    oxide.load [pluginname]
  16. i got the plugin to work for wood, sulfur and stones, i then tried changing all the other data, relaunched and now everything is back to default ingame again, but not in config, as you say i did oxide.load but as this says nothing i dont even know if it works because it certainly does not make the stacks work. any other ideas?
  17. Are you adding them to the config manually?
  18. yes, is that a problem? when i do /stack or such it still resorts to defailt after restart
  19. And the plugin is loaded when you check, after restart?
  20. well that's the thing, i know the command to check it, but not what it's supposed to say or do when it's loaded