1. Heads up Wulf...looks like manual server update is dropping right now. Looks like client got updated first and blocks access to older servers. Probably need new oxide binaries :)


    The beta client updates definitely restrict access. Would expect major update soon.

    You can still connect with non-beta client 334.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2014
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I got some updated files, but for some reason the version still shows as v164. Appears that the files we patched didn't change, so likely hasn't actually been updated yet.
  3. Thanks for being so ready to respond Wulf. Means a lot! I will keep testing. I still don't see the server drop on steamdb yet.
  4. Is there some form of god mode for admins available yet? It's real difficult to help people fix their locks (and help people in general) after a server restart when everyone can kill me ><
  5. Soon :)
  6. Any idea if it's possible to set up Oxide on gameservers host server?
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    They already provide it, so they should. I'd suggest contacting them.
  8. Will do, and thanks for the fast reply! Really appreciate it!
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The server automatically reloads them if a change is detected. If you need to, you can load manually with oxide.load, unload with oxide.unload, and reload with oxide.reload commands.[DOUBLEPOST=1414085371,1414008224][/DOUBLEPOST]New build is up with many new hooks and webrequests. Make sure to thank @thomasfn!
    • Added LuaUtil library with util.TableToArray
    • Added OnEntitySpawn, OnPlayerInit and OnEntityDeath hooks
    • Added Plugins library (plugins.Exists, plugins.CallHook)
    • Added Time library (time.GetUnixTimestamp, time.GetCurrentTime)
    • Added WebRequests library which supports both GET and POST requests
    • Added global new function to instantiate by .net type
    • Added static field auto-binding to lua (eg print( global.server.hostname ))
    • Fixed OnPlayerSpawn hook to only be called when a player specifically spawns
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Made a little correction to the startup scripts. I had maxplayers instead of server.maxplayers. ;)
  11. Hey one more question, do they need to install the plugins themselves as well?
    If not, how can I install them myself?
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That depends on your hosts setup, but generally they'd either provide an option to install or you upload the .lua files manually.
  13. You will probably have access to the managed folder which is where you should copy the files. The issue you will probably have is not have access to the command line in the start (cron or bat) job. You will need to ask for their assistance. If they don't know how to do the oxide patch then I would suggest you follow the instructions for the local install and then you will have clear instructions to pass along to your provider on how to do it.[DOUBLEPOST=1414160106,1414113654][/DOUBLEPOST]
    If you happen to forget to do this step :rolleyes: does anyone know where (drive/folder) the default "app update" will go? Thanks
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It would download under steamapps/common where steamcmd is.
  15. Thanks...

    As you probably figured I did that! Just wanted to point out. Once you have done that and even though you force install dir and try to re-update it will keep saying the app is up to date. If it is in the default it will use that as its check point.

    Ah there is some other residual. Even though I removed that app folder, etc...on steamcmd it still won't update my server. I will need to investigate further.

    Still working on this issue. I have removed steamcmd, reinstalled, renamed my rust server folder, etc...and it still won't let me update. Looks like I will have to completely uninstall steam, etc to get this back on track. Don't screw up with the force folder - WOW what a PITA.

    Of course if anyone knows where steam must keep track of the updates and we could short-cut the issue that would be greatly appreciated. I will update again after I reinstall everything.

    Well that did it. I had to uninstall and then re-install Steam again to get the flag cleared so I could download the update. That was greasy!
  16. How are you logging in with steamcmd? I had this issue until I reverted to using anonymous instead of my login.

    My command here: steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 258550 -beta development
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Keep in mind that the development branch is now what the clients are usually on. ;)
  18. yeah I login anonymous. I second Wulf's point about ditching the -beta parameter. You don't need it and when I first started using that it would corrupt my local installation frequently.
  19. Something I read earlier this week that it now changed to that (from -beta experimental to -beta development)... lots of contradicting info and lack of updated instructions everywhere.. :)
  20. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    There's a "development" branch and a "public" branch. The development one is updated most often, but may not always be compatible with the client. You can see the different branches here: https://steamdb.info/app/258550/depots/. As far as I know, you should take the default for normal use.