

Total Downloads: 14,031 - First Release: Mar 2, 2016 - Last Update: Jun 9, 2018

5/5, 61 likes
  1. Thanks a lot, shop is back ;)
  2. Greetings All.
    I have just started to configure SR and have a couple of questions.
    1. As I am only selling resources, it is possible to have the "Resources" tab elevated to the same level as "Items, Sell" etc.... ie.e I don't want the "Items" tab to be displayed, just the "Resources" tab. I have already disabled the "Exchange, Kits, Commands" tabs.
    2. In the sell menu, is it possible to only have those items which are actually sellable displayed? At the moment, a full inventory of stuff is coming up as "unsellable" with only 1 or 2 as "sell". If it's not sellable then I don't want it displayed. Can this be tied to the true or false in the config?
    The basic idea is that RP will allow the selling and buying of a select grooup of resouces only, and only those resources will be visible anywhere in SR.
    Thank you for your help & time :)
  3. plugin still not working .....

    (14:34:04) | Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'ServerRewards v0.4.6' (ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null.

    Parameter name: source)

    (14:34:04) | at System.Linq.Check.SourceAndPredicate (System.Object source, System.Object predicate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[Skinnable] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Rust.Workshop.ApprovedSkinInfo..ctor (UInt64 WorkshopdId, System.String Name, System.String Desc, System.String ItemName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at Rust.Workshop.Approved..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  4. Just throwing it out there that this script is still up to pull JSON from the live rust schema adding all items into a json format you can copy paste into your server settings. I've taken a long break from rust so I'm not even 100% sure this is still the right json format.
  5. The differences are quite large:

    "57": {
    "DisplayName": "Facepunch TShirt",
    "URL": "",
    "ID": -864578046,
    "Amount": 1,
    "Skin": 489329801,
    "Cost": 25,
    "TargetID": 0
    } ,
    In reward_data.json:
        "rifle.ak_920472848": {
          "shortname": "rifle.ak",
          "displayName": "Assault Rifle",
          "customIcon": null,
          "amount": 1,
          "cost": 1500,
          "skinId": 920472848,
          "category": 1
    What needs changing in yours:

    Add: shortname & category

    Change: URL to customIcon & Skin to skinId

    Remove ID & TargetID

    Then it would be a straight C&P :)
  6. I haven't played in like 6 months. They may have changed the schema. Have you tried pasting it in and seeing if it works? Keep in mind you'll need to follow the reset and reload.
  7. I haven't tried it no, I was going to pick bits out but not had the time to do so yet. I don't think it would though as it requires a shortname & category and it would involve doing each one individually which would be a major ballache tbh considering how many there are lol it's like literally everything ahahaha

    If it was in the schema of how server rewards is now then I'm pretty sure every man and his dog will be jumping on it!!
  8. Here you go enjoy just change the prices to what you want

    Attached Files:

  9. Ty mate!
  10. sorry my bad english. im tryng to put in the store "icepick.salvaged" with skin.
    my config:
        "icepick.salvaged_20801": {
          "shortname": "icepick.salvaged",
          "displayName": "Lavapick SKIN",
          "customIcon": "icepick.salvaged",
          "amount": 1,
          "cost": 30,
          "skinId": 844666224,
          "category": 6
    if i bought this item, then i see this skin, but in the store it show default skin, whats wrong ?
  11. "customIcon": "icepick.salvaged",

    change to the skins url
  12. Hi is there anyway in the command tab to grant a player say if they purchase it ?
    would it be /rewards add command telvip grant user $ 10 as iv tried that with "" in various places but not getting anywhere fast .
    Cheers for any help
  13. Code:
      "commands": {
        "VIP Teleport": {
          "displayName": "VIP Teleport",
          "description": "VIP 10 Day Teleport",
          "iconName": "Add Image URL Here or Leave Blank For None",
          "commands": [
            "say $ You have purchased the 10 day VIP Teleport.",
            "grantperm $ 10d"
      "cost": XxxxX
    Add to: oxide/data/ServerRewards/reward_data.json at the bottom

    For it to allow 10 days you will need: Timed Permissions | Oxide
  14. Excellent thanks for the timely reply
  15. So when can this mod be fixed just asking
  16. why is it broke?
    Make a config option to change the opacity of the main window background text(behind sale items)
  18. just for anyone else who wants to know how to do this i had to change "grantperm $ 10d" to "grant user $ nteleportation .vip 10d" to get it to work and i just used this as a template and changed the text and permissions to other for custom sets and barrel points vip .
    but thanks again for the initial response and code
  19. Are you sure it will give it for 10 days though as you're not using timed permissions, that is oxide commands that you're using there. Hence the difference:

    Timed permissions: grantperm $
    Oxide: grant user $

    Oxide does not have a timing function as far as I am aware hence why using timed permissions plugin that I linked in original post.