

Total Downloads: 14,031 - First Release: Mar 2, 2016 - Last Update: Jun 9, 2018

5/5, 61 likes
  1. ye sorry went without the timing function in the end ment to have added that cheers again
  2. Is there any way to show on sell tab only the items allowed to sell? and not everething ?
    Right now its like this: Gyazo - 15a266aca951c6592041c5eeb56d1190.png
    And i would like to let players sell only wood , how to show only wood on sell tab and not everething?
  3. Hi if no one comes up with a better idea try deleting everything but wood in "oxide\data\ServerRewards\sale_data.json" that should work as a work around till a better solution ,as in that folder all the items for sale are there but with but are not for sale "
    "10137": {
    "price": 0.0,
    "displayName": "Military Camo AK47",
    "enabled": false" so if you delete them it shouldn't deisplay any more ?
  4. any idea to add the new car in the shop , that players can spawn that car with RP Points ?
  5. That was the first thing i did !:) After delete , sale_data.json regenerate by itself ...
  6. yes just tried it myself so i have no idea ?
  7. At the moment only people with Admin permissions can spawn the car. Anyone can drive it , but only Admin spawn. So an auto command triggered by any player wouldn't work.
  8. the plugin GUI Shop have this option now . and can spawn cars !
  9. Shame you cant pick the car up could add it to custom sets or in a vending machine ?
  10. Hi.
    How to do it correctly?
    "car": {
    "displayName": null,
    "description": "Spawn Car",
    "iconName": null,
    "commands": [
    "spawn sedan",
    "announce.announce $ have new car."
    "cost": 100
    it does not work
  11. Only admin can spawn in the car atm
  12. Hi there,
    I have already got my server rewards data sorted, it worked previously on my last server, i have since reinstalled and copied the config data into my new server. this is what is presented when i do /s

    I have installed image librabry, it hasnt created its own config and has had no effect on anything, just wondering how can i fix this?

    Many thanks,


  13. Hu When you buy an command, you can only use it once. Also is it cumulative? If for example I buy the same command twice, could I use it only twice in a row ?
  14. helo

    "Use NPC dealers only": true and if you type /s that s work.. can you fix it plz?
  15. Hi, I have a battlefield server you get weapons and tools on spawn but how, do I add a command like, spawn sedan? I don't get it working :(
  16. How to sell blue prints when i try the sell blank ones
  17. Pls add sell blue prints
  18. It is possible to sell BP?
  19. Hi!
    I'm using Economics, Vote for Money and ServerRewards,

    When i vote, Vote for money is supposed to give me 2 RP and 2 "Money".
    I have the message in chat of Vote for Money who says it gives me the rewards.

    But in the ServerReward Shop (/s) ,Rp and money dont' appear.

    Use RP and Economics on true.
    Economics plugin ratio set to 1:1.

      "Money": {
        "default": "2"
      "Prefix": "<color=#808000ff><b>VoteForMoney:</b></color>",
      "RP": {
        "default": "2"
      "Rust-Servers - Api Key": "000",
      "Rust-Servers - Server ID": "000",
      "TopRustServers - Api Key": "000",
      "TopRustServers - Server ID": "000",
      "Use Economics": true,
      "Use Kits": false,
      "Use RP": true,
      "Version": "0.2.0",
      "Vote Interval": 1,
      "Vote Type": "day"
    Can someone help with that please?
  20. I need your help, please. I've been able to summon a vehicle in my position, but I need him to summon a little more to the side, can you? The code working on top of me is: "spawn sedan $player.x, $player.y, $player.z"