1. Real online is 17 players. What thing can couse this problem?

    Attached Files:

  2. same problem...
  3. If you are not using a plugin that modifies this, then it is most likely client-side. Best you can do to fix it is just restart the server until rust provides a fix for it.
  4. Most likely i dont use any plugin that modifies players online. Maybe info panel can couse this bug ?
  5. Any ideas what can couse this problem?
  6. same problem
    [DOUBLEPOST=1469959077][/DOUBLEPOST]version : 1479 secure (secure mode enabled, connected to Steam3)

    map : Procedural Map

    players : 0 (100 max) (902 queued) (100 joining)
  7. We had the same problem. Hosting solved the problem
  8. players : 11 (100 max) (900 queued) (798895 joining)
  9. But we both know that the people on your server might come;)
    This is some new form of attack. Hopefully fix the server upgrade
  10. Any of you that had/have this issue have plugins running that could prevent certain people from joining (kicking them as they are authenticating to the server?) for all sorts of purposes (invalid characters in names, vac bans, shared accounts, etc...)?
  11. Who has the same problem using a plug-in attachment. he small corrections. The queue also grows, but let the players.
    This occurs even absolutely clean server. Without Oxide
  12. Thanks, man! Look's like it works!
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Please link to the plugin's download page, no need to attach it.
  14. Wulf, plugin of this version with corrections. It's not orig code. Added check for authlevel
  15. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    What's wrong with using the permission? ;)
  16. Because the new players have not yet managed to get into the default group
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Ah, I see now, but I'd just handle it for all though in that case, no need to check for auth level.
  18. They are in the queue, they are not connected, but tested for authlevel.
    Man, this is the only solution to the real problem. at least for me. There is nothing, I am pleased to tell you
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'm not denying it, just saying to apply it for all, you don't have to check for the auth level. All players have an auth level, you can just make all bypass without the additional check.
  20. I told him about my decision known problems. I do not argue that this can be done in some other way. But that attachment really works;)
    How I can do that? I guess I just do not know it)