

Total Downloads: 2,857 - First Release: Jun 11, 2016 - Last Update: Nov 10, 2017

5/5, 16 likes
  1. Yup exactly
  2. I notice there's no flag to change the VIP multiplier.
  3. VIPMultiplier under "Multipliers" section in the configuration.
    Or you mean a command? Ill add more commands soon for real time config update just like /setreward
  4. Sorry I found it, I think something was up with my config, it reset to default after I set heli reward to 5000 and players werent receiving any points for 5 hours until we noticed, can you make the use RP flag default in the config in case it happens in the future? Safer to have it just moan about you not having the plugin if you aint running it than players not getting points if the config resets.

    thanks :) and your plugin is one of our cornerstones.
  5. I noticed this in RCON, I clearly have these set to receive different amounts then what it says? Know why it would do this ?

    (19:32:40) | [Rewards] Kristian got 0 for killing a wolf
    (19:33:12) | [Rewards] Kristian got 0 for killing a bear
    (20:53:41) | [Rewards] Kristian got 0 for killing a boar
    (20:56:56) | [Rewards] Kristian got 0 for killing a horse
  6. Multipliers? Can I see your configuration?
  7. @Tarek

    Im having a lot of this spawn:
    (23:22:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour started. Ending at 10
    (23:23:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour ended
    (23:24:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour started. Ending at 10
    (23:25:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour ended
    (23:26:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour started. Ending at 10
    (23:27:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour ended
    (23:28:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour started. Ending at 10
    (23:29:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour ended
    (23:30:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour started. Ending at 10
    (23:45:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour ended
    (00:22:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour started. Ending at 10
    (00:23:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour ended
    (00:24:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour started. Ending at 10
    (00:25:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour ended
    (00:26:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour started. Ending at 10
    (00:27:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour ended
    (00:28:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour started. Ending at 10
    (00:29:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour ended
    (00:30:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour started. Ending at 10
    (00:45:39) | [Rewards] Happy hour ended
    With this config:
    "HappyHour_BeginHour": 18.0,
    "HappyHour_DurationInHours": 1.0,
    "HappyHour_EndHour": 10.0,

    What's wrong ?

    PS: I have enabled the HappyHour feature.

    [DOUBLEPOST=1488082045][/DOUBLEPOST]The last config was
    "HappyHour_BeginHour": 18.0,
    "HappyHour_DurationInHours": 10.0,
    "HappyHour_EndHour": 10.0,

    But... I changed to
    "HappyHour_BeginHour": 18.0,
    "HappyHour_DurationInHours": 1.0,
    "HappyHour_EndHour": 10.0,

    but I reloaded a lot of times and I have the same problem spam.
  8. Is there a way you can add in the ability to change Icon? Trying to theme my icons,
  9. Hi! Disable happy hour. It's bugged and I'm working on rewriting it when I get back from vacation.

    I don't know about that, (if it is possible in oxide, I think it is, never really checked), I'll check it though.
  10. I believe other plugins allow you to change the icon through the use of a steam Profile ID in the config. If that helps.

    I have been able to create a steam profile, and then use that profile Id to link the icon to the profiles picture.

    Plugins I've done it with are Notifier, death notes
  11. rep does not work with hellies and adding barrels would be awesome
  12. Hello,
    How do I disable messages in chat ?

  13. Coming soon
    Will check the helis asap, probably just a name change as before

    Will add an option in the next version, but I don't see why you'd want to disable that, players won't know they're getting rewarded that way.
    However, if you meant console, there's the PrintToConsole option for that.

  14. Hi Tarek,
    Yes thank you it would be perfect.
    I already display the total in the Infopanel and the detail in the Serverinfo. Moreover I would like to avoid overloading the chat.

    Thank you,
  15. Great plugin!...Just one question, does anyone have a problem with it only paying a few people and not everyone with the "activity_reward"? It is enabled, and like I said, everyone seems to be getting paid for the most part...even the guys who go afk for a bit...they will still get paid. Myself, it is hit or miss whether I get paid or not (whether I'm actively running or chopping wood or afk)...and for another dedicated player, they only get paid when I reload the plugin...after that first time, they don't get paid at all for the activity reward, no matter how long they play. seems to work otherwise...the animal/distance/weapon payouts all work just fine, just this one "issue". Thanks in advance.
  16. From last update animal killed don't rewards money
  17. animals are not rewarding money
    watching thread
  18. The Heli does not reward either
  19. hope you pleased before the last update we win our money game with kill animals !! like this:
      "Rewards": {
        "ActivityReward": 10.0,
        "ActivityRewardRate_minutes": 30.0,
        "autoturret": 10.0,
        "bear": 20.0,
        "boar": 10.0,
        "chicken": 30.0,
        "HappyHour_BeginHour": 20.0,
        "HappyHour_DurationInHours": 2.0,
        "HappyHour_EndHour": 23.0,
        "helicopter": 250.0,
        "horse": 10.0,
        "human": 1.0,
        "NPCKill_Reward": 50.0,
        "stag": 5.0,
        "WelcomeMoney": 250.0,
        "wolf": 15.0
  20. the .cs still references "autospawn/animals/"
    i tried replacing with but still not working. probably something simple im missing.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1492266112][/DOUBLEPOST]got it working for boars only. what i had above wont work. i thought it would be a simple fix but its beyond me because the prefab path is "agents/<animalname>/<animalname>.prefab"
    needs more fancy coding. maybe somebody else can figure out how to get this section to let all animal types pass through the filter.

    else if ("agents/boar"))
    var AnimalName =[] { "agents/boar/" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Split('.')[0];