

Total Downloads: 2,858 - First Release: Jun 11, 2016 - Last Update: Nov 10, 2017

5/5, 16 likes
  1. Hmmm not a bad idea. It actually creates a scenario where farming a specific person would eventual taper out and completely neutralizes clan farming.

    Thanks for that suggestion!
  2. It needs an update
  3. Is there anyways to add the command /showrewards to the default user group?
  4. Coming soon
    Didn't think of that, I'll make it possible in the next update.
  5. Is the HappyHour working?
    I want the HappyHour works from 20 hours night to 8 hours on the morning. its 12 hours.
    I can not achieve this. Dont work for me
  6. Had a regular player today saying he was getting 10 SR every 30 seconds from "ActivityReward_Enabled": true, i set it to false reloaded the plugin and he said he was still getting continuous SR - i have it set to 5 SR per hour and this was 10rp every 30 seconds.I got him to relog but he said it was still happening on return.i have disabled this plugin for now...anyone else seen this or any ideas?
  7. Happy hour isn't working for now, disable it until I come back and fix it.

    That's weird, never happened on my server, neither did any other user complain about such a bug. Was it only that player?
    The plugin checks every 60 seconds for people who have passed the interval set in cfg and haven't been rewarded yet, and rewards them and they don't get rewarded until the next interval is passed.
    If that helps you help me with more info, tell me.
    Maybe there's another plugin messing with players' "secondsConnected" field? I doubt that tho since it's a get only.
    Or there has been an update in oxide that changed something my plugin uses, if so that'll be fixed soon.
  8. Yes it only happened to one player he reached 3000 SR lucky he is a reg and warned me
  9. Tonight i turned plugin back on and all good now plugin is working as intended player is getting normal SR - maybe a glitch while reloading the plugin? thanks Tarek your plugin is ace!
  10. Tarek updated Rewards with a new update entry:


  11. Tarek updated Rewards with a new update entry:


  12. Did you forget to change isAdmin to IsAdmin??:

    Or is this not for the next update??
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Check the dates, that was posted before Rust updated. ;)
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Wulf updated Rewards with a new update entry:


  15. delete
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2017
  16. @Tarek Is there any way you could implement a similar /refer system that playtimetracker uses? I dont really want to have to have a whole tracking plugin running just for 1 of its features.

  17. So I see these 2 lines:
    "Economincs_TakeMoneyFromVictim": false,
    "ServerRewards_TakeMoneyFromVictim": false,
    and am wondering if this means when someone kills another player do they get ALL of there currency OR do they only get X% of it?

    If its not X% is there a way that it could be added? I would love if a player kills another that maybe they get 10% of that the player they killed had.
  18. when killing animals players get message about receiving 0 for killing here is my config.
      "Multipliers": {
        "AssaultRifle": 1.5,
        "BeancanGrenade": 0.0,
        "BoltActionRifle": 1.5,
        "Crossbow": 1.3,
        "CustomSMG": 1.5,
        "distance_100": 1.3,
        "distance_200": 1.5,
        "distance_300": 2.0,
        "distance_400": 3.0,
        "distance_50": 1.0,
        "DoubleBarrelShotgun": 1.5,
        "EokaPistol": 1.1,
        "F1Grenade": 0.0,
        "HappyHourMultiplier": 2.0,
        "HuntingBow": 1.0,
        "Longsword": 1.5,
        "LR300": 1.5,
        "M249": 1.5,
        "M92Pistol": 0.0,
        "Mace": 1.0,
        "Machete": 2.0,
        "MP5A4": 1.5,
        "PumpShotgun": 1.0,
        "Revolver": 1.2,
        "RocketLauncher": 0.0,
        "SalvagedCleaver": 0.0,
        "SalvagedSword": 0.0,
        "SatchelCharge": 2.0,
        "SemiAutomaticPistol": 1.0,
        "SemiAutomaticRifle": 1.3,
        "StoneSpear": 0.0,
        "Thompson": 1.3,
        "TimedExplosiveCharge": 2.0,
        "VIPMultiplier": 2.0,
        "WaterpipeShotgun": 1.4,
        "WoodenSpear": 0.0
      "Options": {
        "ActivityReward_Enabled": true,
        "DistanceMultiplier_Enabled": true,
        "Economincs_TakeMoneyFromVictim": false,
        "HappyHour_Enabled": false,
        "NPCReward_Enabled": false,
        "PrintToConsole": true,
        "ServerRewards_TakeMoneyFromVictim": true,
        "UseClansPlugin": true,
        "UseEconomicsPlugin": false,
        "UseFriendsPlugin": true,
        "UseServerRewardsPlugin": true,
        "VIPMultiplier_Enabled": false,
        "WeaponMultiplier_Enabled": true,
        "WelcomeMoney_Enabled": true
      "Rewards": {
        "ActivityReward": 50.0,
        "ActivityRewardRate_minutes": 60.0,
        "autoturret": 50.0,
        "bear": 20.0,
        "boar": 10.0,
        "chicken": 10.0,
        "HappyHour_BeginHour": 20.0,
        "HappyHour_DurationInHours": 2.0,
        "HappyHour_EndHour": 23.0,
        "helicopter": 50.0,
        "horse": 10.0,
        "human": 50.0,
        "NPCKill_Reward": 0.0,
        "stag": 10.0,
        "WelcomeMoney": 500.0,
        "wolf": 10.0
      "Rewards_Version": {
        "Version": "1.3.7"
    (23:53:50) | [Death Notes]xxxxxxx killed a Stag with a Bolt Action Rifle (4x Zoom Scope) from 13.73m.
    (23:53:50) | [Rewards] xxxxxxxxxx got 15 for killing a stag
    (23:54:00) | [Death Notes] xxxxxxxxxxkilled a Stag with a M92 Pistol from 39.89m.
    (23:54:00) | [Rewards] xxxxxxxxxx got 0 for killing a stag
    [DOUBLEPOST=1487225781][/DOUBLEPOST]i set the multiplayer for the "M92Pistol": 0.0, to "M92Pistol": 0.1, now they only receive 1 point instead of the 0 but not geting 10?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1487226027][/DOUBLEPOST]my bad lol 10 x 0.1 = 1 10 x 1.0 = 10
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2017
  19. Whatever you're getting from the kill is taken from the player.
    So that means the "human" reward including the multiplier.
    If the victim doesn't have enough money then it won't take anything from the victim, it'll just give the killer.
  20. ok I think I get it now....
    So if I set "human": XXX, to 5 when a player dies they will lose 5 RP and the killer would gain the 5RP?