
Building and entity removal tool

Total Downloads: 63,230 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Feb 7, 2018

5/5, 105 likes
  1. why am i getting the remover tool is blocked in game i do /remove and the first thing i hit gets blocked

    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2017
  2. 1: You were just in PvP and have to wait. Or 2: The item you're trying to remove is damaged (most likely one of these 2 are why it's happening)
  3. nope item was 100% and i wernt in pvp just blocked it i went back to a older version of this and it fixed it
  4. Having an issue on the server I play on. My friend built a base and had TC up around the base to block off a small island. I asked to move in with him but i couldn't do anything because i was building blocked. So i went up to a TC that we had on a triangle foundation with walls up. I was able to remove the walls with the /remove tool even though i was building blocked. We verified this in multiple locations on the server and with multiple people. Is this a bug with the remove tool? For now, the server owner has removed the remove tool because anyone could get into anyone's base via /remove tool.
  5. I have a problem with the plugin. I can destroy a wall at 20 meters but for a foundation I have to be at 1 meter. How can you change the remove distance of the foundation

  6. same problem on my server, players can /remove whole bases, they dont need rights..
  7. Guessing still no Fix?
  8. Fix for what?
  9. @Fujikura The part where people are using remove tool to remove walls and they are not on ToolCupboard. How do we stop this. This started after last update. I removed every plugin and you can just walk around and remove everyone's thing. Even not being an admin. Not sure what it could be.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2017
  10. @Acer you still having trouble with it? If you make it not on that u have to be on TC (toolcupboard) but you have to be the on that placed it. Or use this. Hope it helps did for me

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  11. Problem is, if someone get access to TC, he can completly remove entire base. I disabled remover tool until i figure it out.. :(
  12. İs there a way we edit target entity name? We are from turkish but the gui show English Entity Names?
  13. Hello, to clean the map of the base raid, I was fingering with the hammer a right click to destroy. However I can no longer do so I am forced to pass by an order. Someone knows why
  14. guys, please I need your help. I am not able to figure out, how to configure this plugin, so players can remove for no costs, but get refunded 100% of the items cost. where do I put:
    "BuildingGrade": 100
  15. Exploit for furnace place furnace remove wood use /remove to remove place furnace back and you have your wood in furnace
  16. Code:
      "Remove - Normal - PriceEnabled": false,
  17. @Fujikura update for guntrap or guide that you need to add it in config
  18. Please add the removal of stone and wood walls
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2017
  19. @Fujikura Can you add the New Shotgun Trap to the removable items, thanks.
  20. Here you go

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