

Total Downloads: 12,035 - First Release: Oct 23, 2015 - Last Update: Apr 12, 2018

5/5, 33 likes
  1. There's A CRITICAL BUG -> ITEM SPAWNING GLITCH with this plugin! OR at least I think so. When you are in combat/raid block, you can just spam items in crafting, just spam rly fast and you will get them. Stop using this plugin until fixed! Please fix ASAP! I was using latest version (2.0.0) when I noticed that there were tier3 benches laying around all around the map just after wipe. Inspected some players with prod who placed them, saw them getting items from nowhere, first I thought it was some kind of hack, but player showed me how it's done.

    EDIT: Solution until fix: Remove and noescape.combat.craftblock perms from everyone.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2018
  2. I don't think this plugin can do that... Maybe if u are using "block craft - true"
  3. Hi
    Just updated Bgrade and now get this
    NoEscape v1.1.5' is using deprecated hook 'CanAutoGrade', which will stop working on Thursday, 01 March 2018. Please ask the author to update to 'CanBGrade'
  4. I want to use only combat tp block and after i set cfg like this
    "Raid": {
    "Block": {
    "damageTypes": [
    "distance": 100.0,
    "duration": 300.0,
    "enabled": false,
    "excludePrefabs": [
    Players still get raid block after shooting own base
  5. Thanks for your work, Calytic.

    Would it be possible to prevent players from using command "/rwarp" (RandomWarp) just like "/home " and "/tpr", please?
    That's how our players are getting out of combat/raid situations currently.

  6. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    No. Tell LaserHydra that he needs to add a custom hook like "CanRWarp" to allow other plugins to block rwarp. All of the plugins that NoEscape supports have a hook like this.
  7. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Calytic updated NoEscape with a new update entry:


  8. hello
    is it possible to add the Combat BLock Option
    if Players are Friends or Clan Member and shoot themselve that they dont get combat block ?
  9. permission granted(default), but doesn't block for /up - Building Grades
  10. In the config:
      "Settings": {
        "Block": {
          "Types": [
    Add: "up",

    Into there somewhere with the rest :)
  11. what i'm doing wrong... (on old version it works), i block always my self on my base...

      "Combat": {
        "Block": {
          "damageTypes": [
          "duration": 180.0,
          "enabled": false,
          "notify": true
        "BlockWhen": {
          "giveDamage": true,
          "takeDamage": true
        "UnblockWhen": {
          "death": true,
          "respawn": true,
          "wakeup": false
      "Notifications": {
        "Chat": true,
        "GUIAnnouncements": {
          "backgroundColor": "Red",
          "enabled": true,
          "textColor": "White"
        "UI": true
      "Raid": {
        "Block": {
          "damageTypes": [
          "distance": 100.0,
          "duration": 300.0,
          "enabled": true,
          "excludePrefabs": [
          "excludeWeapons": [
          "includePrefabs": [
          "notify": true
        "BlockExcept": {
          "clan": true,
          "friends": false,
          "owner": true
        "BlockWhen": {
          "damage": true,
          "destroy": true,
          "unowned": false
        "BlockWho": {
          "clan": false,
          "cupboardAuthorized": false,
          "everyone": true,
          "friends": false,
          "owner": false,
          "raider": false
        "Map": {
          "duration": 150.0,
          "enabled": false,
          "icon": "special"
        "UnblockWhen": {
          "death": true,
          "respawn": true,
          "wakeup": false
        "Zone": {
          "enabled": false,
          "enter": true,
          "leave": false
      "Settings": {
        "Block": {
          "Types": [
        "cacheMinutes": 1.0
      "VERSION": "2.0.1"
  12. How can I use combat block w/o blocking them to place high walls or building?
  13. I noticed Explosive Bullets do not trigger the raid block, do I need to add a certain type of bullet to damageTypes?
  14. Players on my server have also reported this bug, currently i've been unable to trigger raidblock including entities or whatnot.
    Please assist?
  15. (21:17:20) | No previous version to rollback plugin: NoEscape

    (21:19:19) | Unable to find main plugin class: NoEscape

    Not load plugin
  16. My and my friend (both in clan) get raid blocked when we hit our own base... How can we prevent this?
  17. this option dont work with newest version:

    "UnblockWhen": {
    "death": true,

    can you please fix it
  18. I shoot my own building and yes i have tc access and im raidblocked for 5 mins.
    How do i turn this off.
  19. Code:
      "Combat": {
        "Block": {
          "damageTypes": [
          "duration": 60.0,
          "enabled": true,
          "notify": true
        "BlockWhen": {
          "giveDamage": true,
          "takeDamage": true
        "UnblockWhen": {
          "death": true,
          "respawn": true,
          "wakeup": false
      "Notifications": {
        "Chat": false,
        "GUIAnnouncements": {
          "backgroundColor": "Red",
          "enabled": false,
          "textColor": "White"
        "UI": true
      "Raid": {
        "Block": {
          "damageTypes": [
          "distance": 180.0,
          "duration": 120.0,
          "enabled": true,
          "excludePrefabs": [
          "excludeWeapons": [
          "includePrefabs": [
          "notify": true
        "BlockExcept": {
          "clan": true,
          "friends": true,
          "owner": true
        "BlockWhen": {
          "damage": true,
          "destroy": true,
          "unowned": false
        "BlockWho": {
          "clan": true,
          "cupboardAuthorized": true,
          "everyone": false,
          "friends": true,
          "owner": true,
          "raider": true
        "Map": {
          "duration": 150.0,
          "enabled": false,
          "icon": "special"
        "UnblockWhen": {
          "death": true,
          "respawn": true,
          "wakeup": false
        "Zone": {
          "enabled": false,
          "enter": true,
          "leave": false
      "Settings": {
        "Block": {
          "Types": [
        "cacheMinutes": 1.0
      "VERSION": "2.0.1"
  20. Code:
      "blockAll": true,
      "blockingPrefabs": [
      "blockOnDamage": false,
      "blockOnDestroy": true,
      "blockUnowned": false,
      "cacheMinutes": 1.0,
      "clanCheck": true,
      "clanShare": true,
      "combatBlock": true,
      "combatBlockNotify": true,
      "combatDamageTypes": [
      "combatDuration": 60.0,
      "combatOnHitPlayer": false,
      "combatOnTakeDamage": true,
      "combatUnblockOnDeath": true,
      "combatUnblockOnRespawn": true,
      "combatUnblockOnWakeup": false,
      "cupboardShare": false,
      "exceptionPrefabs": [
      "friendCheck": true,
      "friendShare": true,
      "ownerBlock": true,
      "ownerCheck": true,
      "raidBlock": true,
      "raidBlockNotify": true,
      "raidDamageTypes": [
      "raidDistance": 100.0,
      "raidDuration": 180.0,
      "raiderBlock": false,
      "raiderClanShare": false,
      "raiderFriendShare": true,
      "raidUnblockOnDeath": true,
      "raidUnblockOnRespawn": true,
      "raidUnblockOnWakeup": false,
      "sendChatNotification": true,
      "sendUINotification": true,
      "useZoneManager": false,
      "VERSION": "2.0.1",
      "zoneEnter": true,
      "zoneLeave": false
    why is your code so different to mine.