

Total Downloads: 3,431 - First Release: Oct 22, 2014 - Last Update: Dec 12, 2017

5/5, 24 likes
  1. Oxide is in charge of the logs, so I really doubt a plugin can do that.

    If you have access to the machine the server is running on you can make a script that splits it.
  2. i dont. i host at fragnet. what a shame :S
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'll be changing it to output to its own log once I re-write it. For now though, you can use the version below.

    Attached Files:

  4. thanks alot :)
    [DOUBLEPOST=1444682761][/DOUBLEPOST]do it only log admin chat? because i only want admin command logged while all players chat is also logged
  5. Can I configure this to log:
    - All Chat
    - all Join/disconnect/kick/banned messages
    - all users (not just Authlevel 1/2)

  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Currently it logs commands only. I'll be re-writing it to have more options and standalone logs in the future.
  7. Would it be possible to see what they're giving themselves when spawning in items? I love the plugin, it's just missing the ability to see what they're giving themselves. (Obviously I have no idea if thats even possible :p)
  8. It does show items being spawned using the Item Manager:
    [Logger] PLAYERNAME ran console command: inventory.givearm
    It also shows non-admins trying to spawn items using the Item Manager.

    It also shows chat commands being run that don't exist, which is helpful if you need to monitor common command mistakes made by players.
  9. Yeah it shows that, but it would be cool to see what items.
  10. Oh, I misunderstood your comment - sorry!
  11. No problemo =)
  12. How Exclusions chat text /run, /who ?
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Add them to the Exclusions in the config like the others.
  14. I add "/remove", but log there is:
    (18:40:39) | [Oxide] 6:41 PM [Info] [Logger] Adrenal1n ran chat command: /remove
    (18:42:09) | [Oxide] 6:43 PM [Info] [Logger] [SKILLS] Mikser ran chat command: /remove

    everything works except:
    "/map", "/who", "/remove", "/kit", "/hgui",

    My config:
      "Settings": {
        "AuthLevel": 0,
        "Broadcast": "false",
        "ChatLogging": "false",
        "ChatName": "LOGGER",
        "CommandLogging": "true",
        "Exclusions": [
  15. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Try without the slash.
  16. no working
    [DOUBLEPOST=1447340139,1447174280][/DOUBLEPOST]There are still some ideas how to fix it?
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It may not work with chat commands yet, I don't think I ever tried them. I am re-writing it though.
  18. This plugin works in rust legacy? i really want it *-*
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Not currently.
  20. Maybe someday?