Inventory Viewer

Look into a player's inventory

Total Downloads: 10,025 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Apr 19, 2018

4.93103/5, 29 likes
  1. It's because the player is moving. I've found when they are stationary for a split second, if you catch them, you can view. The issue I have with this is, once you view someone - EVERYTHING in that player's inventory becomes yours. The Admin's name is tagged to everything, not the players' name. We had to temporarily remove this plugin due to this fact, because it undermines the XP system, and the ability to trade/share/barter for more XP.
  2. The bug is deeper than that. I've had it in other plugins using a stationary box such as Bounty and CustomLootSpawns. I was unaware that looking into a container adds ownership. If so I can add that to my NoAdminOwnership plugin which removes fractional ownership of items from admins
  3. By far, this would be one of the more powerful check-it investigative tools in the Admin arsenal. My team and I would LOVE for this to function properly, and anything we need to use in conjunction with this plugin is irrelevant. We'll install anything in tandem if need be, thank you again for making this plugin a reality! We've often wished we could check someone without putting them sleep by teleporting them, and the first day we tried the plugin we used it non stop.
  4. Mughisi updated Inventory Viewer with a new update entry:


  5. thx i will use it :)
  6. This version does nothing on the current Oxide Mughisi, I can't get it to respond. The older version still works but spams the network error.
  7. I have ran multiple tests and it was almost always instantly opening up the inventory except a few times when the auto-close inventory bug occurred but if that happens it should actually retry until it does open.
    Does the plugin actually load correctly and when just using `/viewinv` without a name does it print a message to chat? And have you assigned the `inventoryviewer.allowed` permission to the users having to use the command?
  8. It compiles successfully, but doesn't print a name to console when I call on the command. I have permission. The indicator I'm looking at an object though, (the white dot) appears for a brief second on my screen, then disappears. I don't have the corpse spawn, nor do I have the inventory screen auto open so I can manipulate that player's inventory. Just the white dot winking, and nothing. I used Cntrl+V to paste the command and player name several times quickly in a row, with no luck.
  9. Mind using the attached file with some debugging output? [edit: file removed]
  10. Sorry Mughisi for the wait, I'm managing the server since my team is busy lately and taking some courses lol

    [Oxide] 19:26 [Info] [Inventory Viewer] Inspect for Venomous with target NozomiGirl
    [Oxide] 19:26 [Info] [Inventory Viewer] Inspect for Venomous with target NozomiGirl
    [Oxide] 19:26 [Info] [Inventory Viewer] Inspect for Venomous with target NozomiGirl
    [Oxide] 19:26 [Info] [Inventory Viewer] Inspect for Venomous with target NozomiGirl
    [Oxide] 19:26 [Info] [Inventory Viewer] Inspect for Venomous with target NozomiGirl
    [Oxide] 19:26 [Info] [Inventory Viewer] Inspect for Venomous with target NozomiGirl
    [Oxide] 19:26 [Info] [Inventory Viewer] StopInspecting for Venomous with target NozomiGirl
    [Oxide] 19:26 [Info] [Inventory Viewer] StopLooting for Venomous with target NozomiGirl
    [Oxide] 19:26 [Info] Unloaded plugin Inventory Viewer v2.0.0 by Mughisi

    I get that above error, repeatedly, until I'm forced to remove the plugin. Still no view either, in the game. It spams the console until you remove the plugin very very quickly with that error.
  11. That is the debug output I added in that version to see if it was actually getting to the inspect part, so if that is actually showing up in console with that version it should have been showing you the inventory unless something is interfering with it :s
  12. I see, like a conflicting plugin?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2016
  13. It might be, can't tell for sure but I honestly can't think of anything else of what could cause the view to not be visible to you. On my test server I was only running this plugin and the whitelist plugin and nothing else.

    Maybe you can try to create a copy of your server (plugin-wise) and try to view your own inventory whilst unloading the plugins one at a time.
  14. Will do

    I'll have to try it another day, too tired tonight. Thank you though, for doing this - this plugin is fantastic!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2016
  15. Mughisi updated Inventory Viewer with a new update entry:


    Thought of something else actually, I was currently just spawning the corpse underneath the center of the map which works fine on smaller maps or when you are near the center of the map. I am guessing you were actually in a different zone and the corpse was in the center but not fully visible to you due to the networking. So in the latest update the corpse used to create the inventory view will now always spawn underneath you (normally under the map) which should normally solve the issue you were having with plugin :)
  16. After entering the command, the player loses the entire inventory.
    <color=#aff>[planner[670838]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    <color=#aff>[planner[2197386]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    <color=#aff>[planner[2228101]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    <color=#aff>[hammer.entity[670836]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    <color=#aff>[hatchet.entity[1533601]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    <color=#aff>[planner[2230242]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    <color=#aff>[planner[2230196]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    <color=#aff>[syringe_medical.entity[1533604]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    <color=#aff>[planner[2231430]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    <color=#aff>[planner[2232061]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    <color=#aff>[generic_deploy[2232647]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    <color=#aff>[planner[2233937]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    <color=#aff>[hammer.entity[2233882]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    <color=#aff>[planner[2234100]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    <color=#aff>[planner[2236313]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    <color=#aff>[ak47u.entity[1533607]] ParentBecoming Missed player_corpse[2242613]</color>
    then kick from the game.
    disconnecting: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      at HeldEntity.OnHolster () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at HeldEntity.DoNetworkDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at BaseNetworkable.NetworkDestroy (Boolean immediate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Client.OnEntityDestroy (Network.Message msg) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Client.OnNetworkMessage (Network.Message packet) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Facepunch.Network.Raknet.Client.HandleMessage () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  17. Can you supply me with a full log? And for how long have you been viewing the inventory?
  18. every time you enter a command, opens the player's inventory is already empty. After the player freezes and can not move. After trying kill herself a warning that I wrote above. After several tests on himself I noticed that not always kicked from the server.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1469293728][/DOUBLEPOST]but the player's inventory is always deleted when you start viewing.
    and strange bug with the display of clothes when you look at your inventory

    Attached Files:

    • 111.jpg
      File size:
      215.3 KB
  19. Sounds that something might actually be interfering with the corpse that the plugin spawns, could you send me a recent (and complete) oxide log file where the error happens?
  20. Only those errors that I have already written. Perhaps the problem is a conflict with the plugin Restore Upon Death for Rust | Oxide